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  • in reply to: Suggestive Questions for Medical Oncologist #78328

    Thank you ladies….I appreciate your input. I will certainly bring up the use of a Urologist and questions regarding use of chemo and how will effect her kidney. Thanks a bunches…..Michelle

    in reply to: Hopeful!!! #78303

    Hi Melissa
    Welcome to our unique family and I’m sorry you’ve had to join us. You have come to the right place for tons of support and a wealth of information. I will keep your husband in my prayers that is transplant will lead to a healthy healing. Although, I have no input to share trust me help is on the way. This is an awesome group that will share as much knowledge with you as they possibly can. You have come to the right place for not just knowledge, but venting purposes also. God Bless


    in reply to: Biopsy Results Confirmed Colangiocarcinoma Yesterday #78296

    Welcome to our unique family and I’m sorry you’ve had to join us. You have come to the right place for support and a wealth of information. My mother was diagnosed in Oct at 63 years old and had not been hospitalized since 1989 for a hysterectomy. Its so puzzling how many health conscious, active people have been stricken with this dreadful disease. Keep living life to its fullest. All the best to you.


    in reply to: Desperately seeking support #78216

    Good morning Kris, I am so happy to hear that you are going strong and manage an active role on this board. Women like you and many others on this board make me so proud to be a woman. (-: (no offense guys). Thank you Kris welcoming me into this special club and I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. God Bless and Happy New Years !!!!

    in reply to: Desperately seeking support #78215

    Hi Pam, thank you for your warm welcome and it breaks my heart to hear you lost your baby. I have a 21 year old daughter and I can only imagine how difficult this must be for you. I commend you for your strength and allegiance to this board. The fact that you continuously give yourself and knowledge to those in need is amazing. I gather that you are a woman whose heart is filled with so much love and has found a since of peace. I will think of you in my time of weakness and despair. God Bless you and Happy New Years….:-)

    in reply to: Desperately seeking support #78214

    pak001 – First of all, thank you Anna for taking time to response and I am so sorry to hear that you lost your mother to this awful disease. My heart goes out to you. I am currently in the process of transferring my employment to Chicago so that I can be closer to my mom. This has been such a surreal experience, especially when she is doing well. I certainly agree that this site is full of extraordinary people that I’m honored to be amongst. One piece of advice I’ve come across the most is preparing for the “waiting game” with this disease and the rollercoaster of emotions that I will succumb too. Anna if you do not mind me asking what sequence did your mom receive her treatment. Did she receive the radiation first and then chemo. I ask because I’ve read that in most cases its best that you receive chemo after radiation. Thanks again and Happy New Years to you. :-)

    in reply to: Desperately seeking support #78210

    PCL1029- I get it now. I guess I need to do some more research.(smiling)

    in reply to: Desperately seeking support #78208


    Thank you you for your supportive words. Yes, I have to forcefully break myself away on a daily basis. Happy New Years to you as well :-)

    in reply to: Desperately seeking support #78207

    Darla- Thank you. I’m already feeling better just because I now have an awesome support system.

    PCL1029- First of all thank you so much for taking time out to respond back, I really do appreciate it. However I am a bit confused because I was lead to believe that extrahepatic was if the tumor was on the outside of the liver and her tumor is centrally located within the liver. Also, radioembolization is the treatment they have recommended, but also mentioned that somewhere down the line chemo will come into play. As far as second opinions, I am working on that also. Thank you again :-)

    in reply to: Desperately seeking support #78203

    Thank you Lainy and I too have heard great things about Dr.Catanacci and I am desperately hoping to meet with him. In the meantime we will schedule her with an Oncologist in her network and maybe get a little more light shed on her situation.

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