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  • in reply to: Better days and chemo change! #95538

    Dear Hopeseeker,

    Very happy to hear such a great report- spending time with grandkids seems to be a universally great treatment. I also hope the xeloda works well. Although chemo, it is so much easier to take a pill rather than being at a hospital with an IV. It would be great if all chemo could be administered by pill.

    Best wishes to you family,

    in reply to: Need advice #95508


    Please also look at my mom’s history of one tumor ( no mets) in case surgery isn’t possible. Although it may be back now, we had almost 3 years of treatment free time due to Y-90. Her IR doctor is now in Sarasota.

    Best wishes,

    in reply to: Floating abdominal nodule? #95490

    Gavin- Hugs right back at you!!!

    I spent day on train back and forth to DC for a 2-hour meeting. However, we are finally moving forward for Mom. Meeting with surgeon on Friday to see about taking it out and then a PET scheduled for next Tuesday.

    Again, Dr Moeslein came through for us and read her scans. Although his impression is that it is a recurrence ( I was hoping he’d say scar tissue) , his read and recommendations give us a path to move forward. He mentioned that he gave a consult from a board member from Gaithersburg too.

    He really is amazing- he mentioned the wish that patient would get to him for treatment sooner. We were very fortunate that although Mom was still having positive response to chemo, that we moved forward with the Y-90. He said that often patients are worn out by the time they get to him . I said it would be great if he could go to SLC next Feb to present.

    hugs to all,

    in reply to: INCB 54828 #94137

    Great news Kathy!!!

    Are you happy with ONC at JHU? And, can I ask who it is? Now that our great IR is not at UMD, I’m wondering if we should be moving Mom to a hospital which treats more CC patients.

    Thank you,

    in reply to: Floating abdominal nodule? #95487


    That you for the support. Mom waited all weekend, ( we were told ONC would be on this weekend and return call), but no call and no response to my two emails. I’m debating if we should go through moving Mom’s treatment down the street to JHU. The assistant did return the Thurs morning call late Friday afternoon and said her chart included an order to retry the needle biopsy- not the way we want to go. We have an appointment scheduled tomorrow which was to go over biopsy so I guess I will still take the day off work just so we can get the ONC to speak with us. Ideally, the time off would be to take her for a surgical consult or a PET scan ( sorry I am fed up). If the biopsy has a great chance of failure again, why are we waiting and wasting more time? Because of their error (ONC explained the radiologists are only human- they also commented her appendix was unremarkable ( she doesn’t have one)) the mass has doubled in size since Jan. And, I wonder if they do attempt to get the biopsy, would multiple “pokes” be something that causes seeding?

    Monday morning and I’m ranting- sorry. Do I have unrealistic expectations that when they couldn’t do the biopsy that the ONC would return our calls the next day rather than make us wait till following week? She already warned us that a PET takes a few weeks to get an appointment for- I think last Thursday we should have been able to call and make that appointment.

    Happy Eclipse Day!


    in reply to: Diagnosed with IHCC at 29-years-old #93679


    I guess Lainy has rubbed off on me, because what came to mind reading your post this morning is that I’m over the moon for you!!!!

    Best wishes for continued success-


    in reply to: INCB 54828 #94134

    Jill –

    What great news!!!!!! I

    Better results and less side effects. YEAH!!!!!

    Please give him our congratulations and best wishes,


    in reply to: Floating abdominal nodule? #95485


    It’s just one mass- they missed seeing it in Jan, and now it is 2.5 x 1.5 cm. I’d be interested if the PET should/ or would not pick up something this large. If the ONC returns call/email, it’s something we would like to schedule.

    Thank you for the info on the HIPEC- I don’t think we’re looking at additional mets, but it’s always helpful to know as much as we can going in.

    Thank you!

    in reply to: Floating abdominal nodule? #95483

    Good morning,

    Thank you both for the replies and trying to help me find information.

    Mary- that is great information about the 2 years recurrence. In hindsight (once again) I should have insisted on a CT/PET back in Jan- or at least this time around. The last one was over 18 months ago. The ONC said that if it came back, we would see on the CT and then subsequently would do a PET. I think Dr. M’s recommendation of annual PET is better for CC.

    Yup- Mom’s case is unique but we have been very fortunate. To have CC and go treatment free for years is pretty great. However, I am being greedy and hoping this turns out to be nothing. but the CA-19 rose 15 points which although not much, is something she hasn’t had before. Her biggest complaint (although she tries not to mention it) is very bad adhesion/scar tissue. She’s been living with them for decades from a hysterectomy and the aborted resection in 2013 resulted in many more.

    We also mailed her scans down to Dr. Moeslein- maybe he will have some insight to offer.

    Thank you!

    in reply to: MDS Remission #94557


    I finally emailed Dr M today and mentioned that there may be a board member contacting him for a consult , but he said you hadn’t contacted him yet ( but I said it would be Patti). I hope he can help give you comfort about best way forward.

    Best wishes-


    Dear Brigette,

    Thank you for sharing your sister’s story. The love between sister’s is special, and I am very sorry that you lost her much too early.

    Take care,

    in reply to: Intro (finally) On My first anniversary…. #95453

    Dear Molly,

    Welcome to our group. And, I am also sorry that you have met some jerk faces since diagnosis. Hopefully, you’ll also meet lots of the great nurses and docs too. However, you need to make sure that you have an ONC who will be your advocate and fight for you. Yes, I have heard that the cancer mutates, but I would still question why they are putting off the molecular testing ( I hope others chime in). Chemo takes its toll on the body, so I think it would be prudent to have a plan B. Although clinical trials may be different as far as requirements for prior treatments, I would be curious if you have a mutation that has a promising treatment now.

    My mother is having a biopsy next week on a growth in her abdomen wall. We’re holding on to slight hope that it’s scar tissue, but preparing ourselves for road ahead if it is a reoccurrence. I had to push a bit to tell the ONC that no we would not want to wait, but if it is cancerous, we want it sent to Foundation One now. I hope others can chime in on benefits or pros of holding off.

    best wishes,

    in reply to: 6 years cancer free #95446

    Thank you for sharing your fabulous milestone with us!!!!

    Best wishes for many more happy and health years to come,


    in reply to: Hi! #95433

    Dear Silentk,

    I am so very sorry to read this; my heart breaks for you and your family. My father died in Feb from lung cancer, and at the very end, my mother physically was not able to care for him so we did put him in a nearby hospice house. Very different situations, but the one take away was that it allowed her at the very end to focus on being his wife rather than his caregiver.

    And, I’m not sure if he would be open to it, but hospice also did offer emotional/spiritual counseling for the patient and the family. Would he talk to someone outside of the family?

    Take care of yourself,


    in reply to: First time #95399

    Dear Celia-

    Thank you so much for joining us!!!!! Understandably, many who have the success stories to share and spread hope, are busy enjoying life so I think we become unaware how many good news stories are truly out there.

    We welcome your input and look forward to having you in our group.

    Take care,

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