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  • in reply to: duration of chemo embo side effects? #80754

    Ideally, Mom will be over the fatigue and able to fully enjoy the trip and seeing everyone. I thought the extra week would be a good idea, but will have to trust the doctor. Thank you for the information- it does put my mind at ease.

    in reply to: I AM REBORN!!!!!!!!!!!! #80730

    Wonderful news! Wishing you the best.

    in reply to: WOW! That’s All I Can Say! #80543

    Good morning Lainy,

    Thoughts and prayers are with you today; I hope all goes well.



    Hi Heather- Mom just had a radiation treatment (different- SIRT), but one thing they did state was no Tylenol. Instead they told her to take Aleve twice a day since the Tylenol is rough on the liver. Has anyone else been told they should avoid over-the-counter pain meds?

    in reply to: Intro- Hoping for a long road ahead #79497


    I finally read the link while eating lunch. We’re hoping only left lope is involved, but even if mapping shows the right lobe is as well, they will wait a month in between and then decide if they do the SIRT on the right or an internal chemo. They mentioned wanting to limit radiation in case she may be a CK candidate down the road.

    However, since we went through 3 cycles of the Gem/Cis, I will question the risks. I wonder if the treamtment plan involving SIRT was a reason they only wanted the 3 cycles of chemo rather than the highter number others here have done.

    Thank you!

    in reply to: Intro- Hoping for a long road ahead #79495


    I agree. Thank you for the good thoughts and I wish you the best.

    And I hope that you, my mother, and all others associated with this site help not only increase the right end, but drastically shift the whole Bell Curve on survivability far to the right.

    in reply to: GEM/CIS- hair loss? #79476

    Hi Theresa,

    Thanks for sharing. We’ll have to stay in touch and compare notes on how our mothers are doing. We did 3 cycles and now on to the SIRT spheres in the near future. We are also doing a day at a time, but we are enjoying now while the chemo is out of her and she is feeling well. Just got home- she cooked dinner for the whole family and we spent the evening playing cards. The hair is a minor issue in the scheme of things, but I know it did bother her as she was losing it and it is nice to know it will come back. But, if not, shopping for scarves is something we can do (she does have 3 daughters). I will be thinking and praying for your family.

    Take care,

    in reply to: Intro- Hoping for a long road ahead #79492

    Dear Lainy,

    Thank you for the encouraging news. The chemo did shrink the tumor down to under 5 cm and hopefully the spheres will further attack it. It’s not the size, but the location that is her challenge. I don’t envision Mom wanting to put the radiation treatment on hold for a second opinion; it was already delayed 2 weeks on getting FDA to approve its use for her CC (I guess it’s an automatic approval for colon cancer but not for CC). Mapping is Thursday and 7-10 days later the seeds will be implanted.

    From what I’ve read, I don’t think any harm could come out of proceeding with the SIRT. But, I will suggest that we may want to get a second opinion from Hopkins once it is completed. If there is a surgeon out there who can remove it rather than CK, she would be willing to try again. This board mentions the ups and downs, having Mom wake from surgery and having to tell her they left it in, was one of the lows. I

    Thank you all.

    in reply to: Intro- Hoping for a long road ahead #79489


    I’m sorry if I wasn’t clear- please do not apologize. I was just so touched by your journey and willingness to help others- tears are not always a bad thing.

    You have already positively touched me; I’m sure there are many, many more who you have helped.

    in reply to: Intro- Hoping for a long road ahead #79484


    The hope of someday becoming operable someday is not something I’m ready to give up hope on; we’ll see how she does after the radiation.

    One thing from this board, and also from our time spent during chemo, was seeing those who are so much younger and have to go through this. Also, Mom’s heart went out to those who were getting the chemo by themselves. We’re fortunate to have the family support, so even chemo treatments were an opportunity to visit, bring hot chocolate, and have some tears, but also laughs as we take turns sitting with Mom since there was only room for two others to be with her at a time.

    I am very sorry for your loss. I have a daughter, and can not imagine how I would be able to stay positive and have the grace to support others. After reading your response, I had to take a computer break due to tears and again think about how blessed we still are.

    Note to Sally- although cold in NY, glad to hear you’re closer to family now. We’ll be taking a vacation with Mom to Ft Myers at the end of April and will think of you as we enjoy the warmth.


    in reply to: GEM/CIS- hair loss? #79472

    Thanks Kris! All 3 daughters have resorted to hair color, but at 74, Mom still hasn’t gone gray. When I go to see her today, I’ll just have to tell her that she can’t be stressed since it’s bad for her hair. And, from your experience, I guess I should be asking dad how his hair is doing too. Take care.

    in reply to: Intro- Hoping for a long road ahead #79481

    Thank you all for the information and the warm welcome!

    In response to Kris- She is being treated at Univ of MD. It was the head of oncological surgery who operated on her in Nov. We knew at that time that the surgery did have a risk that she could die on the table, but Mom and the surgeon felt this was her chance for a cure. He also warned that if they went in and it had spread further, they might not resect it. The tumor (only one tumor) is not round, but instead has portions extending out- and is located in the center of her liver. He mentioned that it has extended to the Vena Cava.

    Fortunately, I do not feel that a “better” surgeon would have been able to remove it when she was in surgery; Univ of MD seems to be one of the top hospitals and she had an experienced surgeon. So far they seem to be aggressively attacking it through the chemo and radiation. Her tumor has been through a few “tumor boards” and the docs seem to agree with approach.

    However, we do have Hopkins just a few miles down the road as well. Once we are through with the sphere treatment, I guess we could ask for a second opinion. Do people go for second opinions when they are already at a top facility?

    Thank you,

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