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  • in reply to: looking for solution #52577

    my mom is again in hospital, as she was so weak and low blood, they are deciding may they can remove stent or not? however they informed me that it is in high risk as stent is stuck and may cause injury the duct or liver.
    could you please inform me what is the best way to remove the stent, and how much injury would be risky for my mom’s health.
    I want to know what shall we do now to remove her digestive problems because I think her bad condition is due to she can not digest foods,however we mix food and feed her with liquids, but nothing absorbs by her system (really I’m not specialist, this is just my guess). although she has no yellowish now.
    please provide me with the best solution for this new condition.
    waiting to receive your advice
    thanks in advance

    in reply to: looking for solution #52574

    Thank you so much for your comments PCL1029
    we live in Tehran.
    as she has mettalic stent they can not do MRCP anymore. I do not know about cat scan/ pet scan. but sonography showed metastatic in bile ducts and probability of stomach carcinoma.
    as you told you have CC. shall I ask if any drug you take. really is there any drug to stop progress of CC?
    I’ll try to follow your instructions for Scan and finding intervention radiologist and oncologist.
    hope you health and prosperity

    in reply to: looking for solution #52572

    thank you lainy for your guide

    PCL1029 , thank you so much for your detailed comments
    diseases of my mom started by itching 14 months ago, first time it was wrong to visit skin specialist and other doctors, it took a few weeks to visit a Gastroenterology and Liver Disease specialist, so that by MRCP they detected Klatskin Tumor. doctors told us surgery is not possible (to remove the tumor). as her jaundice was progressed during those days and ptting stent did not apply first time, we urgently drained biles by a PCT specialist.
    after that putting metallic stent done through an international conference (Uni) 11 months ago.
    she went good healthy until 5 months ago that mom’s abdominal problems started. doctors told us the metallic stent is infectious and they could not remove it so they put another (plastic type) inside the pervious one, 2 months ago. but she did not become helthier.
    really i did not refer to oncologist or chemotrapist or radiotherapist. I just consult Gastroenterology and Liver Disease specialist. I did not know the tumor would be spreaded as pathology test we did last year, did not show any malignant cells.
    anyhow now the sono shows metastatic, causing low blood(anemia) , digestive problems and so on.
    it would be appreciated to have your further help and advises
    it is to mention we are not in USA

    in reply to: looking for solution #52569

    Thank you Lainy
    Thank you Nancy
    as her tumor was in central part of liver, surgery was not possible. doctors told me after putting metallic stent radiotherapy is possible. however due to her age (77) they did not accept to do that. doctors do not offer any chemotherapy.
    Her doctor just said to take a high protein diet.
    please tell me if I can send the medical tests (sono and reports) to consultants of this website, may they can guide me if there is the right solution .
    I do not like to see her condition become worse.
    thank you for your advise

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