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  • in reply to: referral to aintree hospital #73264

    lainy, I am getting really impatient, my mum is getting quite down feeling that they are not taking her seriously, mum went to the dr a few days ago with pain in her stomach and when the dr felt her stomach it was painful but the dr didn’t say anything but just said she really wants to get the appointment sorted asap. I will be on the phone again Friday morning and will want some answers then. im praying it gets sorted as i am worried about mums wellbeing and her mood is just getting lower and lower, she reall needs to be strong for this and feel that she has the full support of the medical team, it feels as though we have been cast adrift and feel that because mum has asked for this second opinion/further detailed tests, that they maybe see us as a troublemaker.

    in reply to: referral to aintree hospital #73262

    hi gavin ,

    thanks for the link, it certainly sounds like a great team with great knowledge and a willing attitude to do whatever can be done in improving peoples quality of life.

    I spoke with the nurse specialist who works under the oncologist we saw on 17th june and she has rang the Aintree team and she has assured me that dr sturgess is very quick at accepting referrals and has asked me to ring her on Friday if we don’t hear anything, I guess all that hard work yesterday leaving messages for the oncology secretary, speaking with the GP and also with Aintree directly has helped get things moving, so I am praying hard that mum will get her appointment to go to Aintree very very soon and we can get some proper plans drawn up.

    in reply to: referral to aintree hospital #73259

    I also spoke to my mums gp who is very supportive and she said she will fire off some phonecalls tomorrow too, she is jumping up and down about this,

    basic communication is missing, hello from one hospital to another hospital checking receipt of referral is really all it should take and then they could have rectified the issue instead of letting it drag on like this.

    clarem, don’t worry about your spelling, mine is dreadful, I sometimes reply on my smart phone and I have the same issue hitting the wrong keys!

    in reply to: very light coloured stools #73083

    thanks guys for the advice re the medication, sounds like it is a pretty standard medication option and one that seems to be beneficial,

    will it stop the light stools or is it really just for symptom control?

    in reply to: very light coloured stools #73078

    Hi the name of the medication is cholestyramine, has anyone else been given this and know of this medication, will have to ask mum if she thinks it is helping, I just want the drs to make sure they are keeping an eye on her and not fobbing her off with different tablets when it could be something like a blocked stent. hopefully her appointment for Aintree will arrive soon

    in reply to: very light coloured stools #73075

    Its not that I don have trust in the gp, they are very kind and willing to see mum at short notice-rural practice as opposed to a busy town practice, however I just want to make sure they aren’t doing mum a dis-service in any way by not keeping on top of her symptoms and just blindly prescribing things that may be masking things, im sure they have prescribed whatever it is for good reason,

    in reply to: very light coloured stools #73073

    I will ask him tomorrow as now that I am away from home, I want to be kept in the loop about things and check things out as much as possible.

    in reply to: very light coloured stools #73071

    sorry, dad just said It was some powder, the one she had with water was her laxido that she has stopped taking for quite a bit after having diaorhea and all the light coloured stools

    in reply to: very light coloured stools #73070

    hello all,

    just a quick question if anyone knows, regarding my mums light coloured stools etc, she went to the drs early in the week and they did a blood test, dad said that the dr has prescribed her some sort of medication in a powder form to take with water to help with the light coloured stools, he said something about it being to help mum digest/process the fats? im not sure what this is, he was very vague about it and kept saying everything came back ok, they’ve just given her a bit of medication. I need to gently ask mum how the stools are and make sure that the gp is still keeping an eye on her. he said that the drs going to be repeating blood tests soon.

    in reply to: Newly Diagnosed #73156

    Hi Nancy

    I can honestly say this site has been a godsend to me, I too am on this cc journey with my mum being recently diagnosed. People on here have such wisdom knowledge and comforting words of advice and support. Again I would echoe what is being said- please seek a 2nd opinion if you feel that the drs aren’t knowledgeable, I have done that for my mum and now my mum is being referred to a specialist team for further testing. Please come on this site as often a you need to, I have been on this site when ive felt confused and down and within a few hours, you get a handful of posts which are so helpful.
    please take care of yourself,

    in reply to: first day back at work #73129

    hello thanks lainy and gavin for your kind reassuring messages-as always

    yes, i had a look at the website for Aintree hospital and it does indeed look like they know what they are doing so very very pleased she is going there, praying the appointment comes through soon.

    I just spoke to mum and dad, it made me feel so much better to have a little chat with them, hear that mum is doing ok, just chatting about usual bits and bobs, i don’t want to get too upset in front of them as they need to have support at the moment, it s hard as normally when I am upset, I turn to them for guidance and support and now I am trying my hardest to be strong and supportive for them, I guess I just have to realise that its ok to admit that I too need to have an emotional release and acknowledge that it is a crappy situation. But i am surrounded by good people and need to accept some help and support from them.

    lainy-my real name is Alexandra, don’t know why i went for moonpie- guess its memorable and if not a bit daft!!

    in reply to: very light coloured stools #73067

    Sorry i mean il be ringing him on monday-i will allow the oncologist some peace on gods dayof rest!!

    in reply to: very light coloured stools #73066

    Hahaha its good that it has made people smile-it certainly has helped me see the funny side. My mum has promised to keep me in the know about her as we have now named it-her undercarraige activity!!!!
    O a more serious note-i am travelling down south for work and so wont be staying with mum and dad for a bit. I will be ringing the oncologist tomorrow to let him know about the recent bowel issues and pain and also to make sure the referral to the royal liverpool for tjose further tests is underway.
    Keep up the positive good work everyone, much love to you all xx

    in reply to: very light coloured stools #73059

    Lainy, glad you are bringing a bit of toilet humour, I keep telling mum her homework is to learn the Bristol stool chart by heart and then she can just shout a number to me, maybe I should get a dulux paint colour chart and pass it to her and get her to mark it to save all the talk.

    in reply to: very light coloured stools #73058

    hello thanks for the advice, mum spoke to the gp on the phone, don’t think she told her the truth about how long shes had this, she said her urine is clear, she told her about the pain,

    the dr said that it is just residual effects? Im a bit worried as why did her stools return a normal colour shortly after her stent and why are they back this colour if it was residual effects? my dad is just relieved and keeps reassuring her, but I know that it really needs to be checked out further-things just don’t seem to add up.

    I will keep a close eye on her and her urine and tell her to ring again if no improvement

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