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  • nancy41

    my husband was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer2 years ago this coming june. he had the whipple procedure and all went well with that. he was put on gemicide intervenously once a week for 3 weeks off 1 week. he was finally in remisson for a short time and the cancer came back. he is now on xeloda 500 mg per pill 6 pills per day for 2 weeks and 1 week off. the xeloda had shrunk his tumors according to the first cat scan after being put on it. his second cat scan showed no change —which is good but hoped for more shrinkage, but with this cancer and all cancers you take what little good news and run with it. he will now be going in for his 3rd cat scan in jan. (as he has them every two months) so we are hoping for more good news…… husband is 75 and medicare was paying for the xeloda 100% but have found out we will be responsible for 20% starting jan. 1st. for 82 pills it costs close to $2,000. well just wanted to talk and let you know what our experience with this dreaded dease is . may god bless and watch over all of you

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