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  • in reply to: MY MOM #52739

    just got back from ont Onc. Moms number liver enzymes and bili rubi are climbing as we speak. We are going to see and Radilogist tomorrow to see if he could radiate the tumor and try to shrink it. She is starting to itch, and her eye are yellow.

    i am scare for her and she is scared for herself and i am scared for me

    in reply to: MY MOM #52737

    We are taking it one day at a time. She is trying to enjoy her family, She has 15 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren.
    We are going this weekend to Delaware to visit my brother and his crew. Keeping busy gives her less time to think.

    Around friend she seems alittle standoffish and she is very selective on who she sees and or talks too.

    We will see a gastro md next week to see is they can put the stint in.

    I do appreciate this message board it has helped me so much. I am the care giver for mom and when I have to convey info to my sibling in their grief they want to “kill the messanger” so you have all helped me with my need to speak and understand

    off to Delware we go


    in reply to: MY MOM #52734

    Mom is out of the hospital and the break thru pain is being controlled by oxi, thank god

    They say she needs a stint in her bile duct but from all the surgeons we saw when she was first diagonaised they said with the tumor she had in and around her bile duct that was an impossibilty. another issue we will have to addresss. The gastro guy wants her to have a cardiac clearance before we even meet with him.

    thank you for all the encouraging advise


    in reply to: MY MOM #52730

    can anyone answer this. Withn this type of cancer, when the disease is progressing do you have a new and different pain each and every day?


    in reply to: My dad #52827

    my heart goes out to you. My mom was diagonasied about 6 months ago and the ups and downs of the disease can be overwhelming. i have no great insight into the disease, but offer you my prayers and support


    in reply to: MY MOM #52728

    thank you for all the well wishes, prayers asnd encouraging words.

    i will keep you posted


    in reply to: MY MOM #52723

    thanks for the prayers
    Just meet with Moms primary Care md and she said from the CT scan done about 2 weeks ago, Mom is at the beginning of the end. It hurts so much to even write this but before I can tell my sibling I had to “say it out loud”

    some days are so hard

    in reply to: MY MOM #52721

    well the oNC never called back but Mom primary care md told me to take her to the hospital. they are keeping her there because they thinbk she may have had a heart attack.. it just never ends

    in reply to: MY MOM #52720

    can any one answere this?

    as Mom disease progresses waht kind of pain and will she experience?

    i am jsut trying to be prepared

    in reply to: MY MOM #52717

    the oxi does help Mom with these new current pain.

    as for Hospice it is her inability to deal with it not mine. Mom lives with me and I have siblings so for as long as I can I will take care of her. She currently still socoilizes with some cousin on a limited basis, she gets tired much more easily but she is not confine to bed because of her cancer and or any pain she has.
    My concern was the spots on her lungs and if this new pain can be that.
    As of now the ONC has still not called me back and that is very stressful. I will call her and her primary care physician in the AM.
    Gemuzar is what she is considering stopping. She has had nerve pain when on that Chemo and has spent 10 days twice in the hospital because of the pain issue.
    thanks for all your posts
    and i am sorry i needed to find you but thrilled that i did


    in reply to: MY MOM #52713

    I have called her oncologist this AM. Waiting for her retuen call
    As for the pain relievre I have what works for her. This was my concern this is a new pain something that she did not have before. What does this mean for her?
    As for Hospice just that word will cause her to lose all will to live so for now that is a no go.

    I appreciate your insight

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