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  • in reply to: VERY CONFUSED???? NEED ANSWERS:( #51421

    Hi Lainy,

    Aww thank you for your message, as time has passed by the guilt of what happened to dad is gradually easing alittle. I know I was his favorite & I’m so close to my parents , a little too close I think as hurts like hell to lose them. My dad was so very proud of my little business I have & encouraged me so much, he was always proud that I sent Cake toppers all over the world & had so much pride in telling everyone. Go on ebay & search edible cake toppers or search for this item number 160600010967 & you will see what I do. I only started doing toppers when my mum was diagnosed, she wanted me to try & focus on something, so off to college I went & gained my certificates in cake decorating & Caketoppers4you grew from there. I took a break for a while & now have thrown myself into my work, some kind of solice I suppose. I love what I do & my parents were so proud I achieved what I have in my business, if it weren’t for sitting here over the last month making 100’s & 100’s of decorations I think I would be alot more depressed that I am now.

    Nikki x

    in reply to: VERY CONFUSED???? NEED ANSWERS:( #51418

    Hi Lainy,

    Thats terrible!! poor Terry thats so unfair that he had to endure his last few days like that, I agree that these dorctors & nurses are often specialized in their field of work & you don’t expect them to push patients wishes to one side. My dad when he died he only went in for camera down his throat, he wasn’t eating & his mobility was struggling a bit with his stairs at home, so they kept him in for test after test & found nothing, he was getting a bit of dementia in the last 6months & often was very unsettled at the hospital, my sister phoned me 1 day as he was demanding to go home. I went down as im very close to him & managed to get him to agree to stay for a little longer to help him. We seemed to have 1 good day & then again a bad day. He went in on the Mon9/5/11 & by fri that week I was having a meeting with his drs saying my dads last wishes were to die at home & if you can’t find anything medically wrong with him, I’m taking him home. The drs response was ” In my medical opion your father inst dying” reasurring words at the time. The next day I get call from a nurse & she was quite amused at telling me ” your dad has asked me to ring you to tell you he is dying but he is not” she seemed to think it was funny & said he wants to talk to you, my dad then begged me to take him home, but by this time he was oxygen & I reassured him he needed to stay in hospital & we were getting emergency care put into place for at home. My dad went down hill fast & spent most of that weekend drifting in & out of sleep. Sun evening he asked me to help him to the bathroom & he collasped in my arms. Drs came from everywhere & he was placed once recovered back into bed, he had mobile scans & xrays & by 9pm I needed to take my mum home & get some sleep. I phoned at 11.30pm & a nurse said he was fine & very alert? I was like really are you sure as earlier he was drifting, she went & checked & came back and said “No Change im afraid from earlier” …………..That shocked me & I reassured her that if dad became worse or unsettled please ring & to also let the morning drs know that i’m coming straight down in the morning to take him home, as this was his right! Unfortunately I got a call from the dr at 5am the next morning to say my dad had died. You have no idea how awful I felt & the guilt at never getting him home. When me & my sister went to say goodbye to him, another patient opposite him told me he was calling out for me at 1.30am before he died. I took this so bad, all I kept thinking & still do is that my beloved father died alone & calling out for the ones he loved. To top all that off because he died 7 days after the op he needed a post mortem, that was inconclusive , tissue samples then had to be tested & was just bloody awful to be honest. Funeral was delayed & well its been horrendous really. I really don’t know how I have gotten through this last 7 weeks. I thought that nurses & drs cared about peoples last wishes & how & why in hell would nurses not tell you really how your father is, who are they to decide what is good for him? they don’t know him! My poor mum is so so flat & I will never forget standing outside her house on that sad morning & just sobbing with my sister as we knew what we were about to do. That poor woman cried her heart out & I will never ever forget that sound. So although im over the moon I really really am & im thanking my lucky stars that she will be ok, just on the down side she heard that 39 days after losing her soul mate, its pushed her over the edge & was just about the last straw. She looks so sad & is decorating the house room to room, my poor kids bless them. They wishing nan would stop, but I have to keep reminding them that Nanny can’t stop at the moment & just go with it, I think she is doing anything & everything , rather than sit there & reality set in , that her darling has gone & now she might of lived a living hell for all this time needlesly????

    Niki x

    in reply to: VERY CONFUSED???? NEED ANSWERS:( #51415


    Really are you happy that im seeking advice from a solictor?? Had a few dissapointing talks with a few distance friends & they think although its sad what happened, they think that taking legal advice with a possibility of seeking compensation for mum is wrong, they say this because treatment here is the NHS which us tax payers pay for, my arguement on this is these drs are paid high amounts for the jobs they do, if they get paid so well then why should they be allowed to make mistakes?? My feelings are its not about compensation, if that comes then so be it, but to me its more of a case of this not happening again. If there are ppl being diagnosed with terminal cancer & this is a mistake, imagine if it was the other way around, told you in the clear & then find out you not. Its going to be a case of fighting for the truth & the injustice they have caused us as a family. I buried my father 4 weeks ago today & I just hate Mon/Tues now as such a reminder. I did the stupid thing of having Dad & a pretty butterfly tattooed on my foot & lol my dad would so not approve, its a lovely reminder but boy does make my heart sink everytime I look at it. Hehe only 41 & hey ho there’s a first for everything. We do some weird things when dealing with grief.

    Nikki x

    in reply to: VERY CONFUSED???? NEED ANSWERS:( #51413


    From what records we have been able to get from her GP is that her CA19-9 at their highest were 66 & this was all confirmed in Jan 2007 from CA19-9 ERCP & Biospies& CT Scans???? We now have a solictor dealing with it as we need to obtain all her hospital notes regarding this cancer.

    Nikki x

    in reply to: VERY CONFUSED???? NEED ANSWERS:( #51412

    Hi Guys,

    Aww yes in 1 way we do count our blessings that it looks like my mum will be ok, but on the other hand it has come as such a shock & to be told that 39 days after my father passed. I sat with him for 4.5years & watched him break his heart, just wish he couldve heard this good news. I know ppl say he is with me & knows, but im 1 of these ppl who is unsure of the afterlife, its not that I don’t believe it , its more of a case that how would I know he is watching over me, I miss him terribly & yes im extremely angry as it seems its not just a mistake by 1 dr but alot of drs & 3 hospitals, just beggars belief that an error like this couldve been made.

    Nikki xx

    in reply to: VERY CONFUSED???? NEED ANSWERS:( #51407

    Also 1 quick question,

    What would be the sort of CA19-9 levels would you expect to see in someone with bile duct cancer??

    My Mums at there highest was 66, now they are 40. After reading up alittle im confused as to what sort of levels she wouldve had with this type of cancer.

    Nikki x

    in reply to: VERY CONFUSED???? NEED ANSWERS:( #51406

    Hi Lainy,

    I have been reading up alittle on your T & please accept my condolences. It must of been very hard for you to lose the one you share your life with, my heart really goes out to you:( I hope you are able to fight for the truth & for T.

    7 Weeks today since my dad passed & I miss him so much, I just want a cuddle from my dad & for him to tell me that everything will be fine. I do honestly hope he is in a nice place & does know that mum is going to be ok, I have been to his grave since we found out about Mum’s misdiagnoses & cried an ocean telling him, I never thought the pain of losing a parent could & does hurt so much, I just feel so sorry for my parents that their last few years & in particular my dad’s were filled with this untruth, time can’t ever be given back & nothing will ever replace the stress caused by this. Just seems unreal to think unless the kind dr that did my mum’s recent ERCP noticed & had the decency to be honest, just a shame they couldn’t of been honest a little sooner!!!

    Nikki x

    in reply to: VERY CONFUSED???? NEED ANSWERS:( #51405


    Thank you for your comforting messages, it indeed is a very sad time for us & added strain now we are dealing with this. We are currently awaiting for a CT scan & will be seeking a 2nd opinion for sure. I’m just stunned that the drs couldve got it so wrong & more confusing as to how the cancer was confirmed with a biospies result???? thats the more worrying part that it was confirmed by a lab result?? How can they of made a mistake like that & if the result is from my mums sample how could a cancer be found & positive result then be told to the patient & then 4.5 years on find out that this mistake has been made? I feel for everyone on this site going through this terrible cancer. I took it very hard when my mum got diagnosed & spent along time coming to terms with the knowlegde that my mum was dying, I wouldn’t wish that on anyone & sadly most on this site know full well what im talking about, I spent alot of time researching in those early days & got very upset as it seemed there was no hope left but to enjoy what time we had left. Also since this has now come to light her original Oncologist is now refusing to see my mum?? why would he do that & doesn’t he think that after all this time he should have the balls to see her & offer an explantion?

    Nikki x

    in reply to: VERY CONFUSED???? NEED ANSWERS:( #51402

    Thank you Lainy!

    Can I just say that however it comes across, i’m pleased that my mum is still here & maybe all clear, but the rawness of the emotions of the last 4.5 years is almost to much to bare. I miss my dad so so much & the pain is awful,to hear this so soon after was not funny at all!! Myself I just feel stunned!! I get through each day half the time in a dream I think, i’m finding this all abit to much to be honest.

    N x

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