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  • in reply to: new symptoms..fewer answers… #52291

    Thank You marions,Gavin and Lainy for your positive messages!
    im sorry i havent responded ..alot has happened since my last post. but it was a great feeling to read your msgs at such a low time…thanks for reaching out, you have no idea what a difference it makes..thank you for this

    as for All Star..everything you were right on the money. my mom is getting zofran for nausea and although she is very much against pain meds but is taking either vicoden or dialodid. her oncologist recommended a high protein low fat diet because of her chylous fluid, she has been on tpn iv for past 2 1/2 weeks. (she was taking lasix and spirolactone prior to being in hospital, dr took her off because of low albumin and other nutrient levels.
    she had her laproscopy done today. suergeon told me she may have weeks to maybe a few months left, he said that her cholangio has matastisized..( i just don’t understand how they didn’t see this from all the tests she has done in the past month???
    this pain is the most horrible feeling..i dont know what to do or what to expect, im trying to remember everyhting else the seurgon told me, but it all seems like blurr now
    i dont want my mom to suffer anymore than she has (with more treatments like chemo or radiation). she has been sleeping most of night so far from the anestesia ,,,i just dont know what to tell her when she is completly awake. i dont want her to lose any hope but also dont want to lie to her…
    All star, i hope you are doing well, i will pray for you as well as everyone else on here…may God bless you all, and give you strength

    in reply to: Persistent cough #52189

    Hi Sti,
    im glad to hear your wife is doing great (other than her cough). my mom has had Cholangio for the past 6 years. she had been doing well until her cough started last year around summertime. she went to her oncologist, he said it was probably allergies. but the cough persisted for many months. she started taking prescription cough syrup with codeine at night. since around May my mom started retaining a lot of fluid (ascitis). she started going in for regular parasentisis visits, taking average of 4liters of fluid every visit. if i were you i would get an ultrasound done to make sure she is not building any fluid in her lung or abdomen. we have been in hospital for the past month, her cancer has gotten worse, she has a list of ailments now, but it all started with a cough that got worse and worse. i dont mean to scare you and your wife’s cough may be something else entirely different from my mom’s ( i hope this is true) but it doesn’t hurt to check into it. i wish we had taken my mom’s cough more serious and not waited so long….i wish you and your wife luck. keep strong and positive. God bless


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