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  • in reply to: My Dad’s Passing #69174

    sorry to hear the passing of your Dad.
    There are no “What if” you should regret . Everyone has his/hers book to write and that is including your father.
    But one thing is very clear if I were you, I will pay a lot of attention to my health,especially if I had family history related to the GI systems. Try to ask the doctors to give you a prescription and get an inexpensive ultra sound to look at the GI system (gallbladder pancrease and the liver etc.) for you as well as for your sister and family for members over 45. This may be the message your father had sent to you all the time.
    God bless.

    in reply to: Has anyone tried Kudzu Root for diarrhea? #69160


    I know Chinese herbal medications a little bit; but I don’t know much about Kudzu root; If you want to go the natural route for diarrhea; Huang Qin tan soup in Chinese herbal soup/medication may be of benefit to “calm the stomach”. the formula have been used for thousands years in far east countries.
    You can find the discussion under Complimentary and alternative medicine on this message board..
    For Diarrhea treatment in the western medicine culture;, Bismuth subsalicylate (Pepto-Bismol), Lomotil, Imodium, and Octreotide(off label use) are among the choices.
    God bless.

    in reply to: New Member #69117

    Hi, Notdoneyet,

    FOR HIM I want peace and no more pain. My hurt and longing for him will be forever, but my wish for him to be free of this diseased body and to go on with his journey is strong. .What a loving and thoughtful statement that requires courage,knowledge, and heart-searching emotional effort to say so.
    I admire your unselfish love for your son.
    May the Love of Jesus, The Grace of God, and the Fellowship of the Holy spirit be with you always.
    God bless.

    in reply to: New Member #69116

    Hi, Angie,

    Even you are joining us here the 1st time now and may be the final time ,but you are appreciated by your courage to do so.
    I am sorry for your father’s disease suffering and emotional toll upon you and others who are caregivers to the patient.
    Sometimes I do not understand a lot of emotional related questions that I had asked myself ;deep down I like most of you,even I am alive,I am still scare about the final journey of this disease. I may be looking strong now, but I may be worst at the end of the journey. Even I try to be positive and to find a better drug or regimen to less the suffering of all of us; In reality a miracle cure is still a long way to go and may only extend the disease free period for a relatively long time in months instead of years like the new drug approved by FDA,the TDM-1 for the breast cancer patient yesterday.

    But my point is, letting go like the above member suggested may be one of the best solution for both the patient and caregiver at the end stage of this disease. It is quality over quantity of life for the patient as well as for the caregivers. So do not feel sorry for yourself and your dad.

    With deep sympathy, as a patient now and a caregiver before; may I wish you peace and comfort during the rest of the journey knowing that as a faithful daughter, with God’s help, you have tried your best, and for that, your heart and mind will be at peace with the outcome.
    God bless.

    in reply to: In a quandary with “presumed” CCA diagnosis… #69097

    Yes, PET can tell you about the activity of the tumor site,that is how active the tumor it is. But you are in Canada,I don’t known how you can get PET done unless your GP order one for you. see link below


    Difficulty in detecting CCA by ERCP brushing is not uncommon;MRCP can do a better job but cannot have sample taken; Many members had surgery without 100% sure about their situation in extrahepatic CCA like distal CCA.Our member ELI in Canada will response to you when he sees your request and I am sure he will give you suggestions of how to deal with the health systems in Canada.
    The best hospital for CCA is The Princess Margaret Hospital in Toronto for Canada.
    Surgery is the only possible cure for CCA and distal CCA has a better chance than other CCA in successful outcome.
    God bless.


    Why northwestern in Chicago? John Hopkins is a good choice for getting a complete picture on your mom’s current disease situation. Northwestern is famous in its interventional radiology treatment such as radioembolization but I will not choose radioembo for patient over 65 due to poor experiences on this message board at this point.( I am only a patient and not a doctor.)
    If you live in Chicago, for chemotherapy consult, University of Chicago may be another place to go to. Base on the short description above, it looks like systemic chemotherapy is the only choice for tumor which had metastasized to other parts of the body.
    Lainy’s suggestion above also holds true as well with regard to quality of life over quantity of life.
    God bless.

    in reply to: Lymph node involvement #69020

    the CT scan will tell whether there are lymph nodes involvement or not.

    God bless.

    in reply to: Hello from a new member #68929

    Hi, Suzy,
    I am sure you have made the right decision. Good luck on both surgery and recovery.

    Lainy,if I can crack you up with a smile, I will do it all the time. I hope everything is going your way.

    God bless.

    in reply to: NEED SOME HELP #69069

    One tablespoonful of ginger juice(fresh)every six hours will do. Try warm milk or soy milk first with toast, then other protein without much fat will do.
    God bless.

    in reply to: My Dad’s journey #69061

    It is the ammonia level build up that cause the patient being confused and sleepy.
    and if I may say so, this will be the most peaceful way to go both for the sick and the people who surrounding the patient.
    Usually will not be long but each case is different.
    I will pray for a peaceful outcome for you.
    God bless.

    in reply to: NIH trial – still working! #68887

    The Gruenberger eta.trial as you mentioned above in 2010 is proven by the same team and an article along with the session post remarks had been appeared in 2012 ASCO by this team indicated that Gemox+cetuximab is no better or superior than Gemox (gemcitabine+oxaliplatin) alone.

    But thanks for your suggestion especially the observation of the current NIH clinical trial on TIL. You provide a different outcome of the trial and in this way provided us, the patients who want to join this clinical trialthink twice before making their final decisions.your contribution now and in the future to come will always be welcome.
    God bless.

    in reply to: New member seeking your collective advice #64030

    all I can say about Dr. Finn is that he is either very experienced or otherwise.
    the best person that can tell whether RFA is possible and safe is the interventional radiologist. every medical professional have special expertise in the field they practice;otherwise we can just go to our GP and get everything done.
    BTW, Ask your Dad or mom to cook some “eight precious soup” and put a piece chicken without skin and fat in it. take it a couple time a week and all of you can drink it too.
    Eat less red meat; consume more vegetable and fruit and keep hydrated all the time.(6-8glass of 8oz of liquid). and remember, do not spend money on the quick fix like purchase herbs or medication from mainland china with unproved claims.. spend more time on the research of western medicine instead.
    God bless.

    in reply to: Newly Diagnosed #65859

    To answer your question, No, I do not live in Ohio.
    Had any experience with James ,YES.
    I think it is a go to hospital if nothing else works and clinical trial is your priority over current traditional chemotherapy.
    What is the name of the clinical trial medication that they are running out off?
    What will you do if next time they offer another clinical trial to your husband.?
    Knowledge is the key,but you have to read fast,start with Marion’ s suggestion,read the link,.


    If I remembered correctly that your husband were on Gem/carboplatin and it works, stays with the regimen that works until otherwise.The oncologist can order and give your husband packed cell and platelet transfusion and injection to boost your white counts.This is a general rule for me on taking chemotherapy.If Gem/Carbo lost its efficacy;ask the oncologist switch to other regimen .Side effects of tinnitus is not on oxaliplatin but may cause hearing loss.so there is a trade off on that if platin had to be added.Oxaliplatin is the 3rd generation of the platium .there are many traditional chemotherapy like 5FU,Xeloda,if gemcitabine don’t work. there are other agents and the oncologist can often add targeted agents like Avastin,sorafenib,Tarceva ,cetuximab,panituzumab .and cediranib to the regimen to see which one works better.
    If all these regimen attempt failed, then I will consider clinical trials if time is running out . Below are the chemotherapy and targeted agents and regimen that have been used and proved to be useful for CCA. You may also check whether the clinical trial drug that Ohio State offer is on the master list of drugs development for CCA– the second link-(this shopping list is more or less like the list for researchers and clinicians to decide for which clinical trials they want to start or the clinical trials that just had started.(before Phase I?)
    As a rule of thumb,if a clinical trial can go thru phase I and II and reach phase III, new drug approval by FDA will not be far behind for that study if no unexpected things pop up along the way.
    this is the link for chemotherapy regimens
    this is the link for the manufacturing side of the clinical trials regimen suggestion.

    Last but not least, I am only a patient and not a professional doctor for this disease.
    God bless.

    in reply to: head spinning from diagnosis #69047

    If I were you,I will question the radiologist who looked at the CT scan and written the report of finding nothing. I don ‘t know about size of the lesion since you didnot mentioned. But if it is > 1cm, the CT scan should pick up the image.
    MRCP is a very good and non invasive tool to detect lesions in the biliary system.To my knowledge ,unless the bile ducts are blocked and jaundice has been shown ,there is no need to have ERCP done.MRCP is a much better tool for diagnosis . Did you know where’re the metastasis , if not , ask the oncologist to get a PET scan done and they will tell you where the metastasis and relatively how serious the activities of the spreads and the tumor in the liver.
    I agree with you not to get the ERCP done. Get the PET scan done BEFORE starting the chemotherapy . Otherwise it will be a waste of time and money.

    May I ask the age of your husband and what is his profession contribute to his high stress level. Would you be ok to travel to California to get 2nd opinions in USC.? Or at least send your husband’s complete medical records including the CT scan disc and MRCP disc to USC TUMOR BOARD for evaluation ASAP. If I were you, and your husband is so weak as you described, not to start chemotherapy until you get result from USC may not be a bad idea for him to gain back some energy as well as quality of life. i suspect the chemotherapy will get your husband sicker if his oncologist just gave him 4 weeks. And if so then what is the point to give him the chemotherapy and make him feel worse.You need to see a liver specialist, ( a GI doctor is not experienced enough to know and treat cholangiocarcinoma). You need at least a team of doctors( often call the tumor board) to make the collective decision for you and it may include doing nothing if quality of life is called for.
    To answer your last question, to get to stage VI CCA in. 4 weeks is of course NOT NORMAL. In general, CCA is a relatively a slow growing cancer, and not a fast killer. All I can say is the place where your husband currently get treated may not have the expertise to treat such a rare disease like cholangiocarcinoma.
    Good luck and as always, I am just like your husband,a patient and not a doctor.
    God bless.

    in reply to: Anyone has experience with UCLA? #65515

    Hi, Mark,
    thanks for letting me know.
    But when you see Dr. Lenz, can you ask him in this way ” Is taking Xyloda at low dose as maintenance for 2 years (ie: 1000mg twice daily) a reasonable choice in extending the disease free period for CCA. so far no serious side effects except dry skin after 14 months of treatment.and the scan is clean so far.
    The reason is that a few other cancers like breast cancer patient ,some of them are on Xyloda low dose for quite a long time. why not us? Dr. Lee at Washington State(the state above califonia) use low dose of xeloda for the breast cancers patients and as you may recall there is Dr. Brucker? in New York using 5-6 chemotherapy agents at low dose to treat CCA and getting results. As you know there are no standard regimen for CCA at this point.
    Thanks in advance.
    God bless

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