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  • in reply to: Another set back #67688

    Both medications are prescribed for anemia. No special relationship with regard to having chemotherapy or not in the future as I think what you thought to be.
    God bless.

    in reply to: Hello #67342

    Below are the links for chemotherapy in general.


    the one below is opinions about adjuvant chemotherapy pros and cons.


    God bless.

    in reply to: Does 5-FU work just as well as Xeloda? #67671

    It takes a while but for biliary tract CCA ; 5FU injection as bolus and continuous IV infusion(diluted) over 24 hours or as 5FU IV pump(undiluted) for 48hr,+Gemzar has been used on day 1 and Gemzar only on day 8, repeat every 21 days as a cycle; continue regimen until disease progress or unacceptable toxicity occur(ie: ataxia)
    Patient compliance is the major advantage for Xeloda.
    5FU as a chemosensitizer used in radiation treatment may not be effective due to the lower dosage used as a chemosensitizer as compare to using 5FU in the treatment of CCA, the disease.
    God bless.


    Hi, Marion,
    Yes, the linked study is for 5 patients, but the side effect of 5FU are listed long time ago , this article got my attention because of they specifically mention the word “capecitabine induced”.
    Below is another link about 5FU cardiotoxicity.


    I do not think most of the CCA patient will see a cardiologist until their GP or oncologist suggesting the patients to do so. I think getting a EKG reading for 24 hours( using holter monitor device ) every year is a good starting point.but it needs an order from your GP or cardiologist. Standard EKG at the doctor or at the hospital may not pick up the EKG change at the time of testing.
    God bless.


    Hi, Gavin,
    I think the BEARS lost again. My suggestion for next season, get another coach.
    Be sure to say hi to your mum for me,ok!
    God bless.


    Cardio toxicity of 5FU include angina,arrhythmias including,Ventricular tachycardia,cardiogenic shock,chest pain(unspecified),coronary vassos plasm,myocardial infarction,palpitations,electrocardiographic changes and sudden death.
    Patient who have cardiac problems should mention it to the doctor before starting 5FU or capecitabine. And adequate hydration is helpful.

    Beta-blockers such as Lopressor; calcium channel blockers such as Diltiazem and nitrates such as nitroglycerin tablet or the patch will help to relieve the chest pain.
    Upon such findings, as a patient on Xeloda for almost a year, once again, I will tap into my resources to see what they can suggest to me.
    God bless.


    As far as I know, the 20 rare diseases selection are not finalized yet. They may revise and may add to that presumed list once they have made up their minds.
    As an outsider looking into the FDA operation, I find them more or less like the other agencies of the government ,slow and cumbersome and too many layers to work it through. You can say the FDA is very cautious and methodological in doing business to protect the consumers . But that feeling is not mutual as far as I am concern. One of the reason may be I am the patientand feel more urgent than most of them who are not.
    God bless.


    Do you know your HaB1c level?(or just called A1c surger level)
    Are you a type 1 or 2 diabetic patient ?
    If you are not a diabetic patient, you may have a hard time to convince doctor unless s/ he is your friend or relative in the medical field,
    But I think you can print the article out and bring it to the oncologist to see what he thinks first. The metformin will lower your blood sugar so be careful. Even if you get what you want.
    God bless.


    Hi, Gavin,
    This pros and cons about adjuvant therapy after resection discussion are by actually three distinguish doctor specialized in CCA, the other one is Dr. Hogan who both Dr. J.Knox and Dr. Zhu were mentioned. You can read Dr. Hogan final opinion on adjuvant chemotherapy under our chemotherapy experience forum on our web site inside the topic of
    ” systemic chemotherapy for cholangiocarcinoma ” near at the end of the entire message”
    Due to the importance, I will, if you don’mind, will re post it as pros and cons of adjuvant therapy.
    Thanks for this ,and as always, say hi to your mum for me.It is in the 50 ‘s this late in December here in Chicago. I wander if snow will ever come this year in December.
    God bless.

    in reply to: Scan next week…scanxiety #67636

    It seems you have a lot of competition now,
    But you are still the one and only Lainy,.
    God bless.

    in reply to: SCCA – MTWebster and 8800Jak #67598

    Hi, thanks for your answer,
    I want to keep track with the Y 90 patients to see the final result provided by this Tx and the relationship with the risk factor such as age and the current health status of the patient and past health issues will affected the outcome 4-6 months down the road or not.
    Does your mom has any other problem like high blood pressure, diabetic etc. BEFORE discovered she has CCA. Thanks again if you know the answer, and what side effects or medical problem that you may notice on you mom after radioembo ? More tired? And if so, how long? Recover the fatique by now?Develop any shortness of breath? Any side effects related to the heart such as blood pressure, edema , lighthead or abnormal liver function test.
    God bless.


    Hi, Marion,
    Our disease definitely will provide much more patients ( customers) globally than just in the North America alone , China, Japan and Korea and Far East and Europe countries. So it will a big selling to the investors ESP. With the FDA,USP Agencies’ reputation behind it.
    For our CCA, if we get chosen to be the first 20 rare disease study,and with the recent 1.7 million grant to 10 medical institutions to study our disease by NCI, and if the venture capital companies see this happen ALL at the same time and make financial backing on it,then our hope to fine a cure is not impossible within the next 3-5 years.
    Thanks, Marion for you hard work.
    God bless.

    Below is another population data for Europe. By another journal.
    1.1 Epidemiological Data
    1.1.1 Incidence
    Cholangiocarcinoma is an uncommon adenocarcinoma which arises from the epithelial cells of bile ducts, anywhere along intrahepatic and extrahepatic biliary tree, excluding the papilla of Vater and the gall bladder. In Europe, approximately 50,000 new cases of primary liver cancer are diagnosed every year (Parkin 2002). Data from the Cancer Incidence in Five Continents initiative (Parkin 2002; Curado 2007), indicate that approximately 20% of those cases are attributed to cholangiocarcinoma. The annual age-standardised incidence rate in Europe is less than 1.5 cases per 100,000 population. Cholangiocarcinoma is more common in males because of the predominant occurrence of primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) in men. Figure 1 shows the incidence rates in those European and Asiatic populations covered by cancer registries ( Parkin 20022). There is a marked geographic variability, largely due to variations in regional environmental risk factors. The majority of patients are older than 65 years, with the peak incidence occuring in the seventh decade of life (Parkin 2002; Curado 2007). The incidence of intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma has been increasing recently in Western industrialized countries (Patel 2001; Taylor-Robinson 2001; Khan 2002).

    Figure 1. Age-standardised incidence rates in European and Asian populations by gender (Parkin 2002)

    in reply to: Dad diagnosed with ascites #67660

    Biloma will cause pain, discomfort fever and chills too. But it can be removed by insertion of a needle and suck out the fluid inside and eliminate that problem.anitbiotic s like Cipro or Levaquin ,among others taking 7-14 days will follow to prevent infection . It is not a big surgical procedure.
    Keep hydrate and use ensure or boost liquid protein drinks to increase the albumin level in your body. Lasix and Aldactone will help to decrease ascites but unlike Aldactone, Lasix will not spare to lower the potassium level like Aldactone can. Ask doctor to give you a prescription for the potassium pills taken by mouth if s/he sees fit to do so.Also occasionally, request a magnesium and phosphorous level to be done too. Knowledge is power and you should read as many qarticles or medical journals as you can to supplement the information obtain for web sites you has visited to make sure your dad get the most benefit.
    I think your miracle story still intact and you should not worry too much at this time.
    God bless.

    in reply to: SCCA – MTWebster and 8800Jak #67596

    but i have a couple question if you can answer.
    1.How old is your mom at the time of Y-90 treatment and
    2. WHAT chemotherapy or targeted therapy she had and
    3. how LONG she was on chemotherapy before the treatment?
    4. do you know the % of the leaking test for the lung(it should be below 25%)?
    thank for help out.
    God bless.

    in reply to: Unresectable to Resectable? #66475


    For chemotherapy and targeted therapy, please see the link below;

    You don’t need to read the whole thing, but just pay attention to the commends by the up-to-date.com literature review board and the most recent commends by the oncologist Dr. Horgan at the ASCO2012; that will give you some ideas about the efficacy of the chemotherapy and targeted therapies.
    both commends are near the END of the whole message.


    God bless.

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