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  • in reply to: First post #65308
    in reply to: My mother passed yesterday #64898

    Hi, Melissa,

    Nothing can express the sorrow when someone dear to us passed away.
    I am sorry for your loss.
    God bless.

    in reply to: Question about Common Bile Duct Stricture #58982

    Yes, you should go back to the doctors to have follow up CT scan done and lab work like CBC,CMP CA19-9,CEA DONE FOR THE GI Doctor to compare.
    God bless.

    in reply to: Intro from 28 year old in Greater New York area #64462

    Thanks for your update.
    I know, as a patient myself, this is not a journey we want to venture into.
    And I know , most of us have to fight until the end with or without a miracle.
    With my heart, I sincerely hope for the best possible outcome for you.
    Joe, may the Grace of Jesus Christ, extends His hands to heal you as
    He extends His On me.
    God bless.

    in reply to: Prayers needed for CAT scan on October 5th #65111

    Hi, Lisa,
    I will pray for you to nite.
    God bless.

    in reply to: New to board Had RFA to Bile Duct #65103

    Hi, Jf,
    Thera are a lot of info on the experience forum about RFA treatment and other treatments radioembo or chemoembo under the radiation treatment options on this web site.which I think will apply to case also.
    As a patient of this cancer for 40 months , even with complete resection, and adjuvant chemotherapy to follow afterwards,recurrence is between 50-75%.
    If you have symptoms like clay color stool,dark brown urine and itching or visions problems .it will be too late for surgery. Surgery provide the only possible cure for this disease and you are only 59 years old. Most of the local community GP or even Gi doctors have limited experience on cholangiocarcinoma and your ERCP GI specialist may not be correct on his statement. i do not have any symptoms both when I discovered my first tumor that was 8×6 cm and the recurrence with the 2x>3cm tumor. So I do not think you should wait until any symptoms to show up as your ERCP GI doctor told you to do so.
    As a patient, I monitor my CCA every 3 month with Ct scan and lab work like CMP,CBC CA19-9, CEA, MAGNESIUM AND PHOSPHOROUS LEVEL.
    And you should do the same or at least a Ct Scan every 3 month.
    I Like to do experiment on myself and I found out ,in my case, my recurrence took place about 6 month after adjuvant therapy stopped ; and the tumor grew from 2 x2CM ( the 6 month CT scan after stopping the adjuvant therapy) to a 3x>3CM tumor on the surgical report in about 10 month.So I estimate it may take about a year, in my case to grow an intrahepatic tumor that is about the sizes of a walnut.
    My advice to you is to get CT scan and lab every three month, go to another ERGP GI specialist for second opinion( prefer a liver surgeon) and get a 2nd opinion on interventional radiologist and the medical oncologist.
    .Mass general hospital and John Hopkins are top hospital that are relative close to you and I will start with them. You are young, 59 and I am 63.
    RFA is as effective as Resection if the size is < 3cm and few than 3-4 tumors in the liver if the location is allowed.
    Keep in touch and keep on reading, there is a lot of info here about surgery,radiation and oncology that you can use.
    Until I can truly read word by word on your CT scan report,then I can provide my experience for you as reference.
    You can send me email thru this site to me too if privacy is of concern.
    I have a feeling that , once you are well informed about your options, you can have a better outcome that just palliative care.
    God bless.

    in reply to: New to board Had RFA to Bile Duct #65101

    Hi, JF,
    You are right that there is few or none information about this relative direct new use of RFA in bile ducts cancer on our web site .
    Thanks for sharing.
    God bless.

    in reply to: New to board Had RFA to Bile Duct #65099

    Hi, Marion,

    thanks for the link.

    It shows how little I know about the new development in the radiation arm of the treatment for this disease.

    God bless.

    in reply to: New to board Had RFA to Bile Duct #65098

    Hi, JF,
    please recheck the link.
    I cannot open the link to see whatn you have referring to.
    God bless.

    in reply to: New to board Had RFA to Bile Duct #65095

    Where is the tumor located?
    Where is the bile ducts your are referring to?
    Do you have extra hepatic(outside the liver) or intra hepatic(inside) bile duct tumor?
    What exact the name of the procedure that you are talking about for RFA(radio frequency ablation)? Most of the time RFA is used for bile duct cancer inside the liver. I had 2 of them done in the liver but not outside of the liver.
    Cyberknife,PDT are for bile duct cancer outside the liver.
    Please forgive me asking all this questions;because if I do not know the exact location of the tumor ,I cannot do anything to share with you.

    EXACT quotation (copy word for word )from the August 1 CT scan(the latest report) you mentioned is highly recommended in understanding your situation.
    Keep in touch and
    God bless.

    in reply to: Update on my mother #64438

    I am a patient of this cancer and the final decision of continuing to treat or not to be treated should be from you MOM only.
    Then said, if I may , based on the messages that you had given to us; if your mom wants to be treated and continues the treatment; besides taking care the ascites and hypotension and balancing the electrolytes; Oral 5 FU ( Xeloda ) which mentioned in one of your messages(dated 9/12) may be the choice for your mom if your oncologist who suggested it before agrees, It is by mouth, ease to use and side effects are minimum.It can be taken at home and fullfill your mom’s fighting spirit. I am still taking them twice a day for 11 months now.
    “Quality of life”, if she chooses that over the “quantity of life” ; use Xeloda in palliative care is also acceptable too; you can stop the Xeloda anytime .

    There are a lot of improvement in the Hospice care industry . they provide a lot of comfort and ease the suffering for both the patient and the caregiver. Ask the discharge planner nurses for choosing the best one for your mom if this is her wish.
    God bless.

    in reply to: About Why To Have Second Opinions #65071

    Hi, Marion,

    I think your link can provide an excellent resource for those who seek second opinions or multidisciplinary opinions. But as a patient who do not know about the inner workings of this kind medical arrangement, As caregivers or patient,YOU MUST ASK FOR THIS ARRANGEMENT even you think you have requested your attending doctor to do so, and I think you should contact the person on the list of that medical establishment to double check for sure.


    The above link is for patient or caregiver who wants to know and learn more than what this site can offer in terms of the most up to date medical knowledge . It may takes time to learn the system, but it may worth the effort.
    God bless

    in reply to: Sort of diagnosed?!? #64870

    You will not be alone on this journey for God is with you.
    If I may, as a patient and a man like your husband, most caregivers forget one thing, Men are also human beings, and we do have emotions ,we do shed our tears in time of desperation. But generally we may purposely hide or ignore to show them in the best ways that we could; we are also afraid of death and afraid of the uncertainty. No matter what faith we are, at the end,we, the man still have to kneel down to pray and ask God for mercy.and I think that is exactly what your husband did. For he may know his body and condition better than others; but one thing is for sure, we, as husband, will always be grateful for our wife’s love , caring and undying courage and commitment to see us through in sickness and in health.
    Don’t be afraid, my friend, be calm when thing is not going your way; be strong when you know your husband is depending on you; be knowledgeable when you try to help him more. Use your time wisely, take a rest emotionally and physically when you want too,eat well and let this event unfold uneventfully.
    Keep in touch,
    God bless.

    in reply to: Intro from 28 year old in Greater New York area #64459

    Hi, Joe,
    Hope everything is ok with you on your last CT scan result; just to say hi ,
    Keep in touch,
    God bless.

    in reply to: Seeking info about Prognosis #62253

    I believe that your Dad had extra hepatic bile duct cancer( ECCA) if the surgeon believed the liver is not involved this time.
    The ECCA had metastasized to the intestine ,therefore systemic chemotherapy like FOLFOX 6 or FOLFOX7 ,GEMOX, GEM/CIS OR FOLFIRINOX or GEM/5FU regimens of chemotherapy are the choice of treatment as well as clinical trials if offer.
    Chemotherapy result is different from patient to patient, in general , it works up to the point when drug resistance occur or the side effects are intolerable . Then they switch to other regimen and continue the fight. Chemotherapy works but it is a long and winding road ahead for sure with no guarantee .
    I am a patient like your father who have this disease for the past 39 months.
    I hope the Grace of our Lord ,Jesus Christ, will extend His hand ,like He does to me, for your father.
    God bless.

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