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  • in reply to: Hello, I ws diagnosed 6months ago. #52636

    Wow, 5000 messages entry, congratulations, I hope I can see your 10,000 entry someday.
    God bless.

    in reply to: Hey, I probably have CC. Great to have this board. #52800

    I agree with Lainy to seek a 2nd opinion for your case.

    “there is one branch of the bile duct in the liver that just disappears for a short space in one scan slice.”-to me that means you have a bile duct stricture on that spot .It may or may not be a tumor but the chance is high because of the”biopsied swollen lymph nodes and found Adenocarcinoma cells.”you mentioned.
    “my history of Ulcerative Colitis”-this is a common disease factor that associated with cholangiocarcinoma development like PSC and is especially in the younger age group between 30-50 years old.

    May I ask how old are you?
    Did you know how big is your leison?left or right side of the liver ? and is it near any major blood vessels(portal vein or artery)?
    Where is the affected lymph node located?
    Have you already have CAT Scan or PET scan in addition to the MRI with contrast ?

    In general ,tumor growth doubles its size in 2-3months,some are slower and some are faster;normally CC is a slow growing tumor;but if I were you,(BTW,I am not a doctor,I am a CC patient also.) I will seek a 2nd opinion in Mayo clinics in Minnesota for it’s NO.1 ranking in GI cancers;or go to MD Anderson for it’s reputation of NO.1 ranking in oncology ;or go to John Hopkins for it’s No. 1 ranking in the past 20 years the best overall hospital care in the States.
    To wait 2 more month seems ,for me as a patient, is a long time of uncertainty that will drain my energy and hope,not to mention the change of the size of the leison in the liver if it may be CC.

    Finally ,I did read your comment about your doctor.it sounds impressive. but the BEST choice of where to seek the best treatment ultimately is on your shoulder ALONE. We,members on this board,by God’s design,can only suggest base on the best that we know how to help a fellow man or woman ,whether we are patients or caregivers and nothing else.
    God bless.

    in reply to: Gemzar/Oxaliplatin treatment #50654

    If all the regimens you mentioned will provide the same tumor control that you are looking for ;the FUDR pump will be the least to cause systemic side effects to your husband because of its method of local delivery(intra-arterial) of the chemo agent FUDR (Floxuridine) to the liver only.
    Gemzar/Xeloda(oral) and Gemzar/Oxaliplatin are systemic chemotherapy given intravenously;therefore the side effects will be more than the FUDR local infusion in theory; Gemzar/Xeloda may cause less side effects than Gemzar/Oxaliplatin because the lack of use of the platin group agents like oxaliplatin,cisplatin and carboplatin etc.
    God bless.

    in reply to: Irinoteccan #52702

    Hi,Jamie,Below the info is from ” Drug information handbook for Oncology”.

    Irinotecan(Camptosar) received FDA boxed warning as following:
    Severe diarrhea may be dose-limiting and potentially fatal;two severe(life-threatening)forms of diarrhea may occur. Early diarrhea occurs during or within 24hrs of receiving irinotecan and is characterized by cholinergic symptoms(ie: increased salivation,diaphoresis,abdominal cramping);it is usually responsive to atropine.Late diarrhea occurs more than 24hrs after treatment which may lead to dehydration,electrolyte imbalance,or sepsis; it should be promptly treated with loperamide. Colitis, complicated by ulceration,bleeding,ileus,and infection has been reported.
    Early diarrhea (43-51%;grade 3/4:6-22%)
    Late diarrhea (83-88%;grade 3/4=6-31%)
    Grade3=7-9stool/day; Grade 4=>10stool/day.
    God bless.

    in reply to: looking for solution #52575

    You mom need oncology consultation ASAP for chemo recommendation.
    Chemotherapy can slow the progress of CC.Gemcitabline and cisplatin are two drugs that used in the states.
    keep us inform.
    God bless.

    in reply to: looking for solution #52573

    You are welcome.
    May I ask where do your mom and you live?
    1.If you can,the most important thing to do NOW for your mom is to schedule and have a “CAT SCAN with contrast agent of the chest,abdomen and pelvis” to get a completed picture of your mom’s current internal organ condition.(sonogram,do you mean ultrasound.? if so,then you really need CAT SCAN to make a better diagnosis for you mom.) ; A PET scan is even better at this point since your mom had the problem since last year.
    Current medical articles indicated that patients,depend on their general medical condition, who are on biliary stent alone can extend their survival from 3-6 month to 16-21 months with PDT radiation.
    2. Make an appointment to see BOTH an “intervention radiologist ” and an oncologist AFTER you get the CT scan result.GI specialists and surgeon cannot provide the current specialty oncology knowledge and that is why you need to bring your mom to see an good oncologist who know about cholangiocarcinoma (CC).(even a general oncologist may not completely familiar with CC,not to mention doctors in other specialty such as GI doctor.)
    Keep us inform and if you wish,you can email me.
    God bless.

    Keep in touch.
    God bless.

    in reply to: not sure effects of chemo are worth it. #52593


    “My question is How will the cancer without treatment take my husband? I want him to be able to enjoy the days, weeks, months, he has left with me and our children which is all he really enjoys. He is a very simple man. Please advise. “

    For your question,It is no practical answer. Medical articles indicated that for intrahepatic CC,untreated,survival of 3.0+/-5.3 months was reported.Biliary stenting with PDT radiation can prolong survival,compared to stent alone,from 3-6 month to 16-21month.

    Depends on your husband’s condition(ie; stage of the CC;where it metastasized ,other helath concern such as stent replacement etc and his current mental health ), all of this can play a role in the answer of “cancer without treatment”

    But the final decision whether to continue treatment is always,I believe,belonging to your husband the patient after careful consideration .
    The following question may be worth of your consideration.
    1.Your husband is only 47,very young by the CC population standard,therefore the chance of having a new medication for CURE or having potent but much less toxic side effect treatments to prolong your husband’s life without much suffering within the next 5 years is relative high and reasonable.
    2. Is the current chemo works and to what extend? have partial response at least.?Will take a chemo break(consult with the oncologist) helps your husband?
    3. If switch to a less strong chemo(ie:just Gemzar only;or Taceva only ,or Xeloda only,or Avastin only ,would it helps him? ask the oncologist and indicated your desire of thinking stopping chemo,they may figure out the minimum and less toxic chemo regimen for your husband and still be effective.(I took Gemzar for 14 months and was well tolerated and no side effect;fulfox is a lot tough);chemoembo without cisplatin but with adriamycin and mitomycin did not make me sick either as well as RFA radiation);you husband may not be cure but it may prolong the survival with less suffering.
    4.Get a 2nd opinion on the chemotherapy and the cholangiocarcinoma as a whole at John hopkins to see what they can do.(this will provide both of you comfort and emotional support in the future.)
    5. last but not least,consider alternative medicine such as Yoga to relax the mind and the body;,acupuncture for pain; Chinese herbal medicine from an EXPERIENCED practitioner to support and maintain the general health of your husband if you choose otherwise.

    Base on what I understand,you are in the medical industry,you took great care of your husband,you even got 2nd opinion at Dana Faber;you fight hard for your husband to be treated at Mass General and appreciated having a good team working for your husband. You also take care of 3 college bound children .In short,you work hard for your family and you are not a quitter.
    I took the liberty to quote from the Bible the following:
    “No testing has overtaken you that is not common to everyone.God is faithful,and he will not let you be tested beyond your strength,but with the testing he will also provide the way out so that you be able to endure it.”1 Corinthians10:13.
    God bless.

    in reply to: Mom just diagnosed #52448

    How old is your mom and do you know it spread to other parts of the body?
    What stage of the tumor?if you can provide info.I appreciate.
    God bless.

    in reply to: Mom’s update #52490

    The following message is from deedlebug 120 under introduction forum on 8/16/2011 12:05.
    “My husband went in for weekly blood work and once the blood work was within a working range, they booked the surgery for the following Thurs February 9. On the eve of the surgery my husband complained of pain and fever so i rushed him to Sunnybrook ER where they diagnosed a very bad infection in his liver from his drainage tubes. The next morning he was brought to the OR for what turned out to be an 11 hour surgery.

    Dr. Hanna said that he normally would not operate on a patient with a bad infection but he would not have lived until the day without it so he went ahead. He said they both had angels with them that day! The removed his billiary system, his left lobe and most of his right lobe, leaving him with approx 30% of his liver and rebuilt the billiary system with intestine. They had clear margins but were within 1mm of the cancer. My husband remained in surgical recovery for 3 days after the surgery before he was transferred to ICU. The moved to Surgical Oncology ward after another 2 days in ICU. Around day 7 his liver started to fail but they just said to wait and see

    in reply to: looking for solution #52571

    I am not a doctor but a CC patient for 2years.
    I believe ,based on the info your provided,the tumor has spread from the common bile duct to the liver ;depending on the location and size of the tumor spreading and the involvement of the portal vein and hepatic artery occlusion, and if it metastasized to other part of the body,the surgeons will not operated on the patient. Of course age and general health condition are also risk factors for considering treatment options .
    Base on my estimate,your mom had the Klatskin tumors for at least 9 months;during this time,Had she had any CAT scan or MRI to follow her condition?Did she only has ultrasound and MRCP ? What specialty of the doctor was in charge of ordering these procedure? A GP or GI specialty doctor?
    Did you mom has oncology consultation for the possibility of receiving chemo?
    What specialty is the doctor who would not offer chemo and do you know why?
    Is it the radiologist saying that you mom can have radiation but why still not finalized the radiology treatment plan?

    In general,systemic treatment (chemotherapy) is the choice of treatment if the tumor has metastasized and cannot be operated unless patient is not fitted for chemo (poor health condition,low blood count,other health issue etc.) ;PDT and/or chemo/radio embrolization and clinical trial are options depending on the outcome of the

    If I were you, I will find out the answers of the above questions? If you don’t know the answers and or confused or .Get a 2ND OPINION from the medical institutions which specialized in CC treatment.(depend on where you live?)
    East coast -John Hopkins;west coast-UCSF or MD Anderson(MDA) in Texas;mid west-Mayo clinics and down south MDA in Florida. There are other hospitals too but because of the limited info you provided,I will just recommend these.

    I my self is a CC patients,I look no different than other healthy persons at work,or on the street.Especially if the bile ducts are not completely blocked(intrahepatic CC);the patient looks pretty normal to the people who see the patient every day.The patient may feel tired a bit,but it does not indicated that the cholangiocarcinoma is not growing inside if patient received no treatment at all .(Stent is not a treatment for CC,it is a procedure only to keep the bile following)
    Keep in touch.
    God bless.

    Of course

    in reply to: Mom just diagnosed #52444

    Don’t worry,you mom will be in good hands but still need your confidence and courage to help her through;be brave and strong.You will be fine,if you like tell us more about your mom after seeing the doctor.
    God bless.

    in reply to: Mom just diagnosed #52439

    Roswell Park Cancer Institute in Buffalo New York initiated and provided one of the current clinical trial using Gemzar/Xeloda/Avastin protocol to treat ductal CC.
    It is also a medical research center.
    God bless.

    in reply to: Stent limitations? #45133

    If, you can ,ask the specialist(GI doctor) to see whether they can insert a plastic stent into the existing metal stent to open up the bile flow again;or try a percutaneous drainage.
    If your father has bile duct cancer(please forgive me if not, because I cannot find out your father’s diagnosis based on your message), then it is also a good idea to inquire about radiation treatments such as PDT and SBRT especially if your specialist happen to be an intervention radiologist.Clinical trial with chemo and radiation combination also being mentioned in current medical articles.
    2nd opinion is also a good idea.
    God bless.

    in reply to: Mom: CC Diagnosis #52357

    Gemzar/Cisplatin is the first-line chemotherapy for CC.
    if you want to know more about this chemo treatment,you can go to this web site,look under the chemo treatment in the experience forum,you will find “the general information for 1st time gemcitabline/cisplatin TX”. It may provide you some basic info. on that regimen.
    God bless.

    in reply to: Mom just diagnosed with CC – Please Help!! #52402

    1.This link may help you for clinical trial(experimental studies),you can read more about this subject under the research forum of our web site.
    2. For progressive or metastatic intrahepatic CC ,first line chemo therapy like Gemcitabine+cisplatin or 5FU is recommended by most oncology studies; or best supportive care.For experimental studies,clinical trial of chemo and/or radiation treatment is suggested.
    3. Only surgery provide the POSSIBLE cure for cc; chemo and radiation treatments mostly provide tumor control and can extend patients’ survival.
    God bless.

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