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  • in reply to: Tough news today #38780

    This is a sad story, awful really. We all do trust doctors, don’t we? What choice do we have? They are supposed to be the ones with knowledge and wisdom and they can pronounce words that would break our tongues. But the truth is – as there are lousy teachers, builders etc. there are also lousy doctors who just got by in the university… Problem is you can not tell based on appearance who you’re dealing with.

    in reply to: My Husband and Cholangiocarcinoma #34525


    Just curious – does your husband have Estonian background? “Lepp” is so very much an Estonian last name as there ever was one.
    Best wishes to you both!

    in reply to: Brother recently diagnosed #31303

    Hi Sandy
    My dear aunt, my mom’s sister, died from this disease on 1 July, she was diagnosed 18 May and first signs that everything is not quite all right with her came in April. So yes, the most horrible side of CC is the everlasting question: how can that be? This question sticks with those who are left behind. You just don’t have any time to really process the info, come to terms with it and start somehow to deal with it. Dear person is dead before you understand any of this. I still don’t. I just registered here as a user today, but I have read since my aunt died. I just did not know what I could say. She died, she is buried and gone. And because she lived in other country I even didn’t see her sick at all, there were just those disturbing phonecalls with other relatives. I promised to come and see her as soon as my vacation would start back in July – I never could have thought, it would be too late. Never in million years, but it was.
    The shock was so big that me and my mom – we are still not able to really talk about it, to talk about my aunt. We went to funeral and since that we have just talked about everyday life, simple things. I think we sort of pretending it never happened. There is a lot of grief buried inside.
    My heart goes out for you.

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