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  • in reply to: MEK/Pazopanib #76097

    Hi Kris
    i don’t work now. You? Friday 1/4? that would be great. Let’s see who else might be available. my email is
    Looking forward!

    in reply to: MEK/Pazopanib #76094

    Hi Kris
    on the 5th I will most likely be heading to Baltimore for my visit 1/6. on the 9th, I will hopefully be leaving for italy. I will be available anytime before. I hope we can work this out. best,

    in reply to: MEK/Pazopanib #76091

    Thanks, all of you! this has to change, but soon.

    Has anyone here had a red blood cell transfusion that did not restore vitality? i received two units on wednesday when my hemoglobin was 7.5, and i thought i’d prance out of there, but…nothing!


    in reply to: MEK/Pazopanib #76088

    Well, my scans look good, but i don’t. my hemoglobin kept plummeting for no apparent reason, so i finally had a transfusion after having ruled out internal bleeding with a colonoscopy/endoscopy, sonogram, and CT. I was disappointed, putting it mildly, not to have been re-energized afterwards.

    I am also taking lots of oxycontin since I have a great deal of pain in my bloated abdomen and my back, again with no explanation. I took a break from the meds due to the latter and the fact that ALT was quite elevated. In the last week, all liver enzymes have come down, as has CEA, but so has hemoglobin, rbc, wbc, lymph, platelets. Except for hemo and rbc, those had all been fine while i was on the meds. seeing a hepatologist tomw.

    Not getting a lot of holiday shopping done, but being doted upon by darling daughter.

    Kris– any tree viewing coming up?


    in reply to: Texas Medical Center New’s Article about my transplant #76611


    in reply to: MEK/Pazopanib #76087

    Kris et al~

    I would love to get together to see the tree! I live on the Upper West Side and I still don’t see it in person (avoiding all those silly tourists ;) ).

    I am now courageously sporting a very short, styled hairdo and doing my best to put on a face that says, “I feel beautiful.” My friends see right through that and lie back in response, “You look amazing!” uhuh. It just ain’t me, but it’s another interesting challenge. As long as I don’t have acne to go with it.

    So, get in touch when you’re ready to come in. I’ll help us plan whatever.

    Warm short-haired cuddles all around.

    in reply to: MEK/Pazopanib #76086

    Hi Carrie~

    Sorry to hear that your busy family has to go through this, of all things. I wish I could have met you both, especially because we’d be on the same schedule, but I have succeeded in having myself switched back up to Johns Hopkins, which is much close to NYC. I had gone there initially, but they had some bureaucratic glitches creating a problem enrolling patients on a timely basis.

    Your team at MDA is terrific. Shroff is a great listener and allows for questions with no rush. she appears to be extremely knowledgeable. Zinner is my personal favorite because he has a good sense of humor, lively spirit and a professor’s enthusiasm for explaining the scientific basis of anything you ask about. Lindsay Law is a very caring nurse, and Chichi, Zinner’s NP is a bundle of friendly and practical energy. Jing is very competent, but beware of subtle language-based (probably) misunderstandings that could seem uncaring or as repudiations.

    There is much excitement around this trial, so I have a lot of hope for us.

    As per side effects, I had all the same ones. They seemed to mellow with the passage of time and learning the patterns and remedies. At one point, I had acne so bad I felt that people were looking away so as not to appear to stare (at a 53year old with acne). I took topical antibiotics and soon began oral doxycline, which have worked very well. Still healing. but no more whiteheads. I had a red dot-like rash on my groin and my right inner elbow, but they are disappearing and didn’t bother me much.

    I have occasional diarrhea, but it is quickly stopped with immodium, maximum of two have been needed. You are advised to catch it right away. I have often felt tired for the rest of the day after these bouts. Quick and ongoing rehydration is critical. I’ve even used some Pedialyte on some occasions, with success. Be sure he avoids sugar alcohols like maltitol, inositol, etc., which have a laxative effect. I used sugar-free candies and a fizzy electrolyte replacement tab to keep my mouth wet and rehydrate and kept waking up with diarrhea. I had no idea for quite awhile. — Don’t assume that all odd symptoms are just the meds! — I do often have gas causing me, on some days, to burp incessantly. (my peeps are used to it.) I shifted my pill time to just before bedtime to avoid the feeling of tiredness and belly ache I often got an hour after dosing.

    As per blood pressure, I took some pride and solace in mine having always been low (90/60), having been an athlete all my life. In the first month that I was on these meds, it rose to a bit higher than normal (125/85), but it has not continued to rise; in fact, it has come down some. In fact, all the lab tests that rose as an apparent result of the meds, have actually come very close to normal or acceptable now, seven weeks later.

    You are in good hands at MDAnderson — you can just feel the science going on there — but be sure to stay on top of it all and press for answers to questions you have. They have the patient care figured out pretty well. I advise you to stay at the Rotary House, but book far in advance. Gorgeous pool, very good dining (there’s very little else around there, if at all), very friendly people, information, patient coordination, everything.

    Let’s stay in touch! Good luck!



    warm regards,


    It’s pretty exciting to me that CC is being given some serious attention now. This line of reasoning will surely open multiple avenues of research and discovery.

    As per sushi, I think of it as Russian Roulette. There are so many possible parasites in even very fresh fish form “reputable sources” (who would never know if a fish is infected), that I can’t believe anyone thought this would be a good idea. That said, I don’t know if infection with parasites has increased in parallel to increased Western sushi consumption, but there are many that would express their ill effects much later, out of context from initial ingestion. I love it, but I try to get my family to steer clear.


    in reply to: Pathogenesis & Rationale For Molecular Therapies For ICCA #77003

    This is fascinating and important. I look forward to advancing research results. Thanks for keeping us up to date.

    in reply to: update on me #75630

    Hi Lainy~ That is indeed an intriguing series of dreams. I think your somnolent mind is trying to make sense of what is difficult to comprehend and proposing ideas, borrowed from reality and tempered with fantasy, that would resolve the discomfort.

    I’d love to get together. Do you ever get to NY? I’d love to get to Arizona someday, but not sure it’s in the cards anytime soon. Maybe we could all have a skype chat or video chat (with technical assistance from my daughter).

    I got my friend to answer the door, finally. Why he didn’t say anything, I do not know. We ate Chinese food and spaced out on Masterpiece Theater.

    Is the “brain freeze” similar to what I describe?

    Good luck with all the side effects. I’m trying to adjust my expectations about how I’m supposed to feel.

    warm regards,

    in reply to: MRI results #76716

    If you haven’t already, please check all the clinical trials websites. The NCI and the Armstrong Foundation, among others, have excellent matching services. I believe that in some cases, the research group will pay for the extra testing you need for the trials. Also, insurance companies usually benefit from covering patients for trial testing because they would not have to pay for the expensive medications they might otherwise have to.

    Good luck — there are many possibilities out there!

    in reply to: update on me #75628

    Sorry, those were all the negative side effects. Other than those, I am enjoying life wholesomely, my senses fully attuned to every pleasure and diversion in my slowed down present. With some hilarious adventures thrown in.

    with appreciation

    in reply to: update on me #75627

    Hi Marion, Lainy, Mary, Holly, Kris, et al.~ I don’t know why sometimes I have these surges of activity — I was kind of overemphasizing that, perhaps, but I will ride that wind as long as I can when it blows this way. Today, for example, I got up, called my mother for her birthday (a long one), had breakfast, pushed myself through a laborious (small) jog in the gloriously fresh, rain-scented sea air (oh, how I love not being in Houston), had a complicated trip planning conversation with my man, which exhausted me and led to a long nap, into dark of night. I still can’t keep my eyes completely open. I ordered Chinese food and a while later, when there was a knock on the door, I wouldn’t let the guy in (he said he was “iny” when I asked) because I didn’t think I was expecting anyone. (I guess he meant “Chinese.”) True story.

    My MDAnderson sojourn, at least the medical aspect, went fairly well. The drugs are causing my blood pressure to go up about 30 points sys/dias in a month, and the team is in disagreement as to whether to treat it because I’m barely above normal, because my “normal” is so low. Interesting debates have ensued as to whether the numbers to be considered are the standard 120/80 or my usual 90/60 as a baseline. My acne is getting a bit better on topical and oral antibiotics, but a new rash of unknown origin erupted on my inner arms and groin area. Liver enzymes (not bili) zoomed up, as expected, so now I have to have labs done every week. Otherwise, I have extremely dry mouth (bread in my mouth feels like bread crumpled into my palms), this unpredictable, mind-doping sleepiness, sporadic wheezy feeling on exertion and occasional diarrhea.

    Awaiting scans in November — this time at Johns Hopkins!! Thanks for crossing all those things for me! (You better uncross your eyes, though, or they might stay like that.)

    My best heartfelt wishes to you all.


    in reply to: update on me #75625

    Hi Holly! No one has called me that in ages!! (You blew my cover. Shh.) So you need a tumor, huh? I have lots of extras. How can your numbers be so high without a tumor??? Isn’t there some other weird mechanism that can cause this other than growth of cancer? These are all supposed to be “aggressive,” and yet, quite a few folks are holding steady for a long while. I had understood that your platelets had gone back up over 100. Did they go back down? I can’t believe that after all you went through, the procedure wasn’t effective. Ugh. You are brave and strong, dear Holly. How about an approved targeted drug, since not all of them affect platelets? Want some phone numbers at MDAnderson? I’ll even throw in some crazy Houston adventures from my last thirty six hour solo round trip, ending yesterday, and maybe a few tips (learned the hard way).

    How are you feeling? Thinking of you accompanied by fierce healing emanations of every kind I can muster in your direction.

    BTW, Johns Hopkins is going to take me, so I will be there sometime around the 16-18th of November with a panoply of graphs, rays and grams.


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