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  • in reply to: Mom diagnosed 3 weeks ago with Stage 4 CC #51646

    Thank you all so much for your kind words and advice. I believe we are going to schedule a second opinion at the James Cancer hospital. All of our relatives have advice, as I am sure you can relate…. They say the mayo clinic or Cancer center of America is the best place for cancer. But I don’t think they understand how rare this cancer is, they keep saying things like we’re gonna beat this or that certain diets or hospitals are what she needs to get cured. They say the James isn’t a good option for cancer patients b/c its a research facility. I feel like something like that might be her best option. Her oncologist has said that she is too weak right now to handle radiation and chemo together. So he said either way when she is done she’ll be starting chemo. He is totally on-board with a second opinion and recommended the James. Any and all advice is much appreciated. She had a really bad day today, vomiting bile, no energy and feels out of breath and dizzy when she does anything. I feel like I am in a constant state of worry. On the plus side she spent the day cuddling her youngest grandson (2 months) and baby cuddles are great medicine!

    in reply to: Mom diagnosed 3 weeks ago with Stage 4 CC #51640

    Thanks Susie for that suggestion! I know her oncologist has consulted some of his colleagues at The James Cancer Institute at The Ohio State University. I do feel comforted that he has had a lot of experience with this type of cancer, as of 3 weeks ago I had never heard of it. I am having a hard time with the wait and see perspective. I am also a total control freak and now I have zero control. I will look into the Cleveland Clinic, I have always heard great things about them. Thanks again!

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