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  • in reply to: Genetics – The elephant in the room??? #22499

    When my mom was seen at MD Anderson for cc, they sent her for genetic counceling. My maternal grandmother had pre-cancerous polyps in her colon, and Her mother died of colon cancer. They told us that the family may have Lynch Syndrome. This gene mutation causes colon, liver, cc, and ovarian cancers. They are testing her biopsy slides for this. We should know more when she goes back to Houston in January.

    in reply to: Mom newly diagnosed #24837

    She had the tube removed two days after they put it in. As for them charging for the chest tube, I’m sure they are going to try. They told us that there is a 1% chance of this happening, so I’m sure they’ve covered thier butts. Ofcourse they didn’t tell us that untill after her lung collapsed. Yes, I have noticed that nothing is thier fault! The surgeon blamed it on mom being dehydrated and he said its hard to put a chemo port in on “bigger ladies.” My mom is 5’10” and weighs 160lbs! What a jerk. Thank ya’ll for all the good thoghts. It really does help to gripe to people that understand!

    in reply to: Mom newly diagnosed #24834

    Thank you ladies for your words of encouragement. Know that my thoughts and prayers are with you all. I did have a couple of questions and maybe a gripe or two :). Mom went in the day before Thanksgiving to have her chemo port put in. She was telling them from the moment she woke up that she couldn’t get a deep breath, but they sent her home anyway. Thanksgiving morning we had to go to the ER where they found out her lung had collapsed because it was punctured during the surgery. She then had to have a chest tube which she said hurt more than anything she’s ever had done and she’s a pretty tough lady. Now, a couple of weeks later, it still is uncomfortable on that side. Is that normal? Has anyone ever had this experience? I know in the grand scheme of things this was not a big deal, It was just a swift kick in an already sore butt!

    in reply to: Mom newly diagnosed #24829

    Lainy, Thanks so much for your reply. I am trying so hard to be strong and positive, but I’m still so scared and sad. I still feel like this is a bad dream and I’ll wake up at any minute! My mom is my best friend and I can’t imagine life without her. My husband is not close with his family, so he’s trying to be supportive, but he doesn’t really understand how devastated I am. All I know to do is be as strong as I can for her. I’m so glad I found this site. I don’t want her to know how scared I am.

    in reply to: Gemcitabine + Xeloda #23360

    Hello, this is my first time here. My mom was Dx with CC in late Oct. She has a 10cm tumor in the middle of the two lobes of the liver, so we were told surgery is not an option. The first onc we saw told us that she had 3-6 months, and needed to “get her affairs in order.” He said he would do chemo, but is probably wouldn’t do any good. We were absolutley devastated for a couple of days, but she is 56 and in perfect health otherwise, so I just couldn’t accept that answer. We went to MD Anderson in Houston, Tx. She was started on Gem/Xeloda two weeks on and one week off. After three rounds we will go back to Houston to check scans. This is new territory for us. We live in a small town and don’t know anyone else with cancer, let alone this one. We have only heard negative things so we’re still really scared, but hoping for the best. My Mom is my best friend and I want to help her in any way I can, I just don’t really know what to do.

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