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  • in reply to: VERY good website about hospice #44270

    Thanks, Kris! This is a very helpful and informative site.

    Hope you are doing better now that you’re at home…


    in reply to: I am home…for good! #44120

    Way to go, Kris! I’m so incredibly happy for you! I can only imagine how wonderful it feels to be back home w/ Hans and your kitties and all that is familiar to you. Enjoy!!

    in reply to: Insurance Coverage for Sorafenib (nexavar)? #43316

    Thanks, Pam. We’re waiting to hear from Mayo to see if it’s approved. What a blessing that would be!

    in reply to: Introduction for my Dad~ #43260

    Hi slittle1127-

    My Dad previously took gemzar+cisplatin and his scans did not show shrinkage right away either, but I don’t think that that is uncommon. Give it more time! It definitely worked for my Dad over time! Also, I know the numbers/prognosis can be daunting, but nothing is set in stone and everyone responds differently. Remember that timelines are based on averages and your husband could be an outlier!! Easier said than done, I know all too well. Anyway, I hope he can get insurance coverage – soon. Best wishes.

    in reply to: New plan, new surgery #43015

    I’ve read a lot of your posts over the past 2 years…and I can certainly tell that you are one very special lady! You are always so encouraging of others and I hope you know that you have so many people in your corner…lots and lots of prayers and good thoughts coming your way. Good luck!

    in reply to: Introduction for my Dad~ #43258

    Thank you for your kindness and support! I truly appreciate it! The info from “Uptodate” was helpful…thanks PCL1029. Do you happen to remember what year the study was published re:Gemzar+Xeloda (must be fairly recent)? The results for sorafenib are encouraging as well…even if it was rats. I wish it was covered by insurance – it’s so darn expensive.

    Thanks again gang!

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