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  • roma35

    First I want to welcome you to the site, and say Im so sorry about your sister, she is way too young to suffer with this cruel and unfair disease. I am thinking(and this is just based on many posts I have read, and my fathers situation) Since your sister isnt even on the morphine patch, the fatigue is coming from the cancer. I was told in my fathers case the tumor in the liver was causing toxins in the body, which was weakening him, causing him to sleep 20 hours a day. If I were you, I would not hesitate, and call your Onc and see if he would put in an order for Hospice. It was the most difficult phone call I had to make, but I am grateful that I did. They come and make the patient comfortable, and they can make it so there are hopefully no more hospital visits. The exams can all be conducted at home. (ie heart rate, blood preasure)Most importantly, the patient is comfortable and they offer the caretaker badly needed comfort as well. Also, they know what signs to look for as our loved ones begin to slip away from us. This must be so sad for you and your family, and I hope you can find some peace in what a wonderful sister you are, and how important you are to your big sis. I hope your trip to Monterey is something you can hold close to your heart in days, weeks, years to come.
    You, your sister, and your family are in my prayers

    in reply to: Blah. #27750

    Kris, arrrrgg! I read your post a while ago, then I got mad and had to turn my computer off. I went on my treadmill, and just thought “can Kris please get a break?” Kris, you are always such a breath of fresh air, there are things you say sometimes that just make me laugh out loud. I think about you often, I even talk about you. I know today was rough, and difficult news is not easy or fair, but if there was ever a fighter, it is you. Be pissed, sad, frustrated all you want, then do what you do best- get back out there and keep fighting(“easy for you to say” you say, ha!)
    I did go online and was reading about a bunch of natural liver detoxer recipes. One involved 8 ounces pear, 4 ounces cabbage, 2 ounces celery, 1 ounce watercress, all put into a juicer or blender. Doesnt sound very good, but cabbage came up a lot on detox sites, and so did fresh lemon juice. Allright, I am still mad, but I am confident you are going to keep fighting especially with a Doctor in your corner. Im cheering via cyber for you. God Bless You
    Peace and Prayer

    in reply to: New to the site #27788

    Jamie, great story!! We cant get enough of stories like yours. You have a great attitude, and as we all know on this site, that Can at times make all the difference. I imagine everyone was happy to have you at your daughters graduation!
    Keep good news coming.

    in reply to: mum has passed #27801

    I, too, am so sorry for your loss. I am heading down the same path as you, and I cant help but think that there must be some sort of relief that your mum isn’t suffering anymore. I pray for strength for you in the upcoming days/weeks/months to come.
    Peace and many Prayers

    in reply to: Strange Question #26578

    I have to agree with many of the posts on this thread. I have spent many, many hours regretting my dad doing this last round of chemo b/c he just went completely downhill after his 2 month cycle, but a very wise person(Marion) reminded me that my dad Wanted to do whatever he could to try to beat this cancer. My dad has always been the absolute patriarch in our family, and he wouldn’t have settled for not putting up a fight. His idea of fighting was chemotherapy. I do remind myself of that daily, because guilt on top of sadness would be impossible to deal with now. Us caregivers are human, and we are forced sometimes to help make very difficult decisions, and there is no “right or wrong” decision.

    in reply to: Newbie from UK #27723

    Julygirl, sending good wishes and prayers that the whipple will be possible. You have come to the right place, for info, support, sounding board, and friendship. Best wishes and please keep us posted.
    Peace and Prayer

    in reply to: Good news today!!!!!! #27685

    Wow!! Debrah, Sue, and jean all with great test results. 3 is the charm. Keep the good news a comin.

    in reply to: My liver was declared unresectable today. #27673

    I am so sorry for your news. I have been following your posts and your blog. I love the way you write- your honesty, spirituality, and your strength. I guess we never know Gods plan, but we do know he has one.
    Please know you are in my thoughts and prayers

    in reply to: Missing my wonderful mom #27664

    All of you speak such beautiful words, I am crying as I type this. I, too, have a breathing issue. Sometimes I think I just stop….like the sadness in me takes my breath away. Sometimes when I am driving, I have to take my seatbelt off because I feel like I am suffocating. Maybe b/c I am slowly watching my dad slip away a little more everyday. He is still here, but not really here. I can’t feel any kind of closure. I cant think of “memories” of him and smile, or feel good. I just feel empty, watching this flower just fade to dust.
    Hopeandgrace, I am so sorry for your loss, you are way to young to lose your mom, my heart goes out to you and your family. I don’t really know how much I believe of anything these days, but I do believe in the Heavenly God, and we all go home to him one day. Your mom is with you and will be waiting for you when you come through the gates of heaven. Joyce is right, your mother will always be with, just not here on earth, she is holding you up from above.
    Peace and Prayer to you and your family

    in reply to: Drained but still very distended? #27649

    I am not a complete expert on the draining procedure, but what i did learn prior to my dads tapping was that his fluid was in “pockets”, and they could only go after a few of the areas to get fluid, b/c it is dangerous to tap too many areas. Consequently, they got 6 litres from my dads abdomen, but he was still distended(definitely less then before, but still distended) Maybe the difference is the that this time they only got 2.75 litres out and not the usual 7.5? thats a big difference. Maybe were fluid is in too many pockets? I hope you can get the answers you need. I know the stress of the unknown, can be exhausting emotionally.
    Peace and Prayer

    in reply to: just a update on my mum #23558

    Marc, Yes indeed, your mum is one strong women! You seem like an amazing son, that has been with her every step of the way. Your mom and family with be inculded in my prayers tongiht.

    in reply to: A little good news for today… #27628

    The pokes and the jabs seem just awful, but the excellent results of the scans surely outweigh the discomort! Yea, I love a good story before bed!

    in reply to: yipeee!!!! great news! #27426

    Awesome!! Second chances are sure sweet! You give many, many inspiration. Keep the good news coming.

    in reply to: Clinical Trial at Penn #27618

    Elizabeth, that sounds like wonderiful news! I studied a ton about naturpathy when my dad was diagnosed and Vitamin D kept coming up in my studies. Infact the hospital we were at(Cancer Treatment Center Of America) prescribed Vitamin D along side his chemo treatment. That didn’t last too long for us, because he couldnt’ tollerate the chemo(xoleda) and/or anything else he was being given, so we stopped the Vitamin D shortly after he started.
    I wish you continued success!!

    in reply to: michelle.t #27548

    I was just thinking of Michelle yesterday, and I was hoping we hadn’t heard from her b/c she was doing treatment and was just busy….. That is just heartbreaking, I truly couldn’t imagine leaving my son now, he would be so lost. Thanks Patty for letting us know. I will absolutely include Michelle in my prayers tonight.

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