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  • in reply to: My dad has Cholangiocarcinoma #81691

    Thank you dear Gavin for your support.

    in reply to: My dad has Cholangiocarcinoma #81689

    I would like to thank you all for your support and advice through this tough journey. It was just about 2 months ago since he diagnosed. Time passed to quick….

    in reply to: My dad has Cholangiocarcinoma #81685

    my dad passed away last night :( :( :(

    in reply to: My dad has Cholangiocarcinoma #81684

    Thank you for all your supports.
    It is the forth day that he is in coma and dr said his heart beat is getting weaker today :((

    in reply to: My dad has Cholangiocarcinoma #81682

    They looked at stent and try to help him with eating. He was a day in hospital and went to coma yesterday morning :((( . He is at home now with oxygen and other things attached
    Its an incredible and massive pain for my heart…………

    in reply to: My Father Passed #82800

    Hi Jennifer
    I am really sorry for the lose of your loving dad. My dad went to coma yesterday morning and he also diagnosed about 2 months ago. It’s incredibly fast.
    My pray and thoughts are with you and your family.

    Hugs & Kisses

    in reply to: My dad has Cholangiocarcinoma #81680

    My dad buit up fluid in his abdomen and had drainage on both side. the fluid and swollen reduced but he lost his appetite and is getting more weak and tired as he most the time is sleeping, I am worry does anyone has any idea? I wanna know this happen because of drainage and will back to normal eating or his condition got more worse?

    in reply to: Seeking Cholangiocarcinoma specialists in UK #82642

    Hi Evan,
    I am really sorry to hear about your mum.
    As people mentioned before Prof Juan Valle in Manchester is a really good expert oncologist for CC and also you may consider Royal Marsden hospital in London.
    Prof Brian Davidson (Royal Free Hospital) and Shahid Khan (Imperial College).


    in reply to: My dad has Cholangiocarcinoma #81678

    Thank you dear Lainy, well stents are plastic, they place them during surgery and one is still working. thought he may need surgery to exchange the one inside, but his body is getting weak. So his bilirubin is getting a big concern, as they stop chemo and he lost appetites.
    Many thanks for your concern.

    in reply to: My dad has Cholangiocarcinoma #81676

    Hi Julie thank you for your reply and hope all go well for you. Thankfully, my dad glucose level is back to normal and also his palettes and WBC. However, he has dizziness due to low RBC and HCT.
    Although he has stent over a month, his bilirubin level is still high and about 32. :(
    Is there anything else to help to reduce biliurbin apart from stent?

    in reply to: My dad has Cholangiocarcinoma #81674

    amir do you know any center in iran that do Photodynamic therapy (PDT)?

    in reply to: My dad has Cholangiocarcinoma #81673

    Thank you to all.
    He is much better now as his glucose back to normal level, but still has the issue with platelets (25000). So they stopped chemo for a while. He is getting few FFP and a Blood transfusion. :(
    so, CC patient needs to consume loads of sugar and sweets, am I right?
    Does anyone heard about Dr Rosenburg who treated a patient with advance CC by Immunotherapy?

    in reply to: My dad has Cholangiocarcinoma #81668

    Dad is taking 3 weeks course chemo (Gem+tarveca), and is gonna finish by this week. However, his glucose level droped to 56 mg/dl and platelets 66000 yesterday. They stopped chemo for few days and injected serum which helped to increase his glucose level up to 86 today.
    does anyone has any opinion about this condition?
    Thank you amir for ur info.

    in reply to: My dad has Cholangiocarcinoma #81666

    he had about 3 weeks ago, and is starting chemo,
    his surgeon was Dr Maddah, and oncologist Dr yasha Makhdoumi , in mashhad, omid hospital

    in reply to: My dad has Cholangiocarcinoma #81664

    Thank you for information. He is a bit better with eating now but is going to start chemo tomorro and probably will get more problem with eating after that.
    I just found this center in Germany, does anyone have idea about it?
    it is getting too hard, his dr said if chemo do not work the rest is only going to be palliative treatment. :(((

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