Thanks Jeff & Marions for letting me know where I can get more info.
My mother age 64 was diagnosed last year Nov 8 2007 with Cancer.
On January 3 2008 we were told it was Cholangiocarcinoma; non-resectable.
My mom has no history of smoking, drinking and has never been exposed to toxic environnements.
We are being treated in Montreal ant the Segal Cancer Centre- Jewish General Hospital.
We started a regimen of Gemcitabine&Cisplatin in January 2007.
We and the doctoirs had encouraging results in June 2007 after MRI showed that the tumours were shrinking.
Since then, she has been missing the 3rd treatment (last 3 months) because of low placlettes.
This week we were told that the main tumour has stabilised and three new toumours have appeared.
At this moment, the doctor advised us to stop the Gemsar-Cisplatin treatments, today is the 3rd day that my mother is taking the XELODA.
Side effects are quite a bit more harsh than the other treatment, very weak, alot of pain, drowsiness for at least three hours after taking the pills.
We need something else that can help reduce the side effects.
I will look up the posts later
Thanks again Jeff.