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  • in reply to: Update from new patient visit at U of M #66656

    Dear Lainy,
    You are such a joy to talk to and always have a word of encouragement. Thank you for that beutiful poem, that was just what was needed.

    As far as the chemo is concerned, the course I am currently taking is working. I take cysplatin and gemzar, then gemzar then a week off. Dr zalupski said the chemo is working so we need to stay on track with the series I am on now and then look to another cat scan 6 months after the last which was oct. 11th. He never said I would never make it to possible surgery, just that right now it was not possible.
    I know that God has a plan for my life, I am just trusting Him right now for the outcome, as scarey and uncertain as that is.

    Thank you so much for your words of encouragement, you don’t even know how much that helps. I am so happy I found this new family!!!


    in reply to: Introduction #65174


    I don’t have an appointment yet for U of M but my onlcogist is setting it up for me. I am hoping soon, since my father only lives 45 min from Ann Arbor, and I would just stay with him.

    I will keep you posted and let you know as soon as I find out!!! I hope you are having a fantastic weekend!!!!



    in reply to: Introduction #65172

    Dear Lainy,Marion,Cathy,moderators,Wilow,Pam and Darla,

    Your notes of encouragement and love have meant so much to me since joining the website and I am here to thank each and everyone of you for your thoughts and prayers.
    I got some pretty remarkable great news yesterday at my oncology appt. All my tumors have shrunk. The largest 1/2cm but some of the smaller tumors shrunk 1/2 their size and some shrunk a full 8/10 of a cm There is no lmypnode involment so the cancer has not metasicize. Praise be to God the Almighty for the beginning of my miracle taking place after only two chemo series. The Dr. was very surprised too – she was hoping for sabilization and no growth, and it has stabilized and shrunk too.

    We are going to continue with the cysplatin and gemzar chemo’s until I go to UoM Ann Arbor to see a surgeon and oncollogy staff who would bring my case in front of the tumor board. I am ecited and can’t wait to hit the next land mark. It make suffering through this chemo worth it knowing that it is all just part of the miracle unfolding!!!! God is sooo Good

    God Bless you all,

    in reply to: Introduction – Tina R. #65220


    I just wanted to pop in and say hi. My name is Darla and we have many things in common. I am 48 years old I have stage 4 cc and it is also inoperable. I have four children 23,22,20 and 13 and two grand babies that are 4 and 3 months.

    I was diagnosed in August and am also going through gemcitabine and cisplatin right now. I had two series of (6 weeks) and I go in for another cat scan to check for shrinkage on Thursday.

    I also found that after being told the diagnosis you become very overwhelmed, but also I have found so much hope and so many people and it seems like you go through grieving and so many mixed emotions. I think it is wonderful that you have a supportive husband and family to help you through this!! That makes all the difference in the world. My husband was by my side all the way through the hospitalization and all chemo treatments thus far.

    Keep your chin up and know that there is so much hope out there. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

    God Bless you,


    in reply to: Introduction #65164

    Thank you so much for the beautiful notes of encouragement. I feel very thankful that I have found all of you and I am happy to share the complete story with you.

    I am 48 years old and I was just diagnosed with cc. The chemotherapy that I am taking right now is in a series of 3 weeks. Week one-cysplatin with gemzar ( 6 hours) and week two- gemzar ( one hour). Week three- rest week and then start over again. The first week is very rough. They give you the miracle nausea drug by iv called emend when they give the infusion, and the steroid dexamethasone to spread it out over the next three days. Unfortunatley, cysplatin is very similar to adriamyacin which caused me to get very sick. ( I am a three year Breast Cancer Survivor and this is my second cancer in a lifetime..:( ) My Oncologist prescribed Emend to be taken by pill form for the next two days after treatment and that has made the first week of the series bareable.

    Cathy, the only reason that I know of the Barnes Jewish hospital in St. Louis is because of a very good friend of mine who introduced me to your story and the success rate at the hospital. At this moment we have only faxed about 50 pages of medical history to the Hospital and am waiting to hear back from them on whether or not I qualify for a Liver Transplant.

    Can you tell me what criteria I need to meet to qualify for the liver transplant list? My tumor is right inside my liver where my gall bladder attatches to my liver. My Oncologist told me that the cancer is inoperable. I also have three small lesions in my liver besides the big tumor. I was told that the only cure for me is liver transplant. After reading many posts plus the wonderful pages that were recomended I see there are many different types of treatments to explore.

    Please pray for me as I am going to get a cat scan with contrast dye on Thursday 10/11/12 to see if the chemotherapy is working properly or not. I am praying for at least a stunt in the growth if not some shrinkage at this point.

    Thank you all again for your time and for your compassion!! I am so happy that I have met you all!!

    God Bless,


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