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  • in reply to: Change in treatment #39164

    Thank you. Sorry for the delay in responding, but we just returned from a week at the beach. We are seeing Dr. Michael Morse on Wednesday so maybe he will have somthing else for Roger to try. He is very tired since we we returned but I think that is due to his trying to keep up with all my family at the beach. I am praying for a miracle.

    in reply to: Dad diagnosed #37304


    Once my husband was diagnosed, I think it took us at least 3 weeks to realize what cc meant. We went to our first appointment with a list of questions but our number 1 question was what options are avaliable. Then we started researching, had a second opinion and decided on a resection. Unfortunately they were not able to do the resection and knew Chemo was the only option other than doing nothing which was not an option for us. I have those questions if you would like I will be glad to email them to you, but honestly during our conversations with our doctor we came up with many more questions and still come up with them. I will tell you I have visited this site many times in the past year but just joined last month and the information and advise you get here is THE BEST.

    Good Luck and you are in our prayers.

    in reply to: Port Not Working Well #36410


    My husband has experienced the same thing as Suzanne. Roger was given a perscription for Lidocain and Prilocaine Cream (it comes in one tube) that he puts on 1 hour prior to Chemo and like Suzanne, we put Glad Press and Seal over it. It really does help.

    Good Luck and let us know if this works for her. Our prayes are with you.

    in reply to: what treatments are out there #34153

    My husband is on his 19 session of Gemzar and xleoda. He is on a 2 weeks on 1 week off plan. On is 2 weeks on he receives Gemzar once a week and takes xleoda 2 times daily, after breakfast and after dinner. That and alot of prayers is working for him now. There are side effects but his have been minimal and the ONC is great at helping us work thur them.

    in reply to: MD Anderson Holding Off #36492


    I think that is normal. When Roger was first diagnosed and surgery was performed unsuccessfully here, we asked our surgeon about MD Anderson and he agreed to help us get into MD. The one thing they told us was it could take a few months and Roger could not be on any type of Chemo or they would not take him for sure. Roger’s records were sent to MD Anderson and it was about 8 weeks when we received a call stating they were setting him up for an appointment. Unfortuanatly in 8 weeks the tumor had grown so they could not performe the surgery either. My suggestion is to see if you send his records to MD Anderson, can he continue with the Chemo or does he have to stop it until he hears from MD Anderson. Also if he goes to MD Anderson, once he gets there he will go thru every test he has already had so be prepared. I have heard alot of excellent things about MD Anderson and our experience was great other than the fact I wish we had went their first.

    in reply to: Swelling #36443

    Wow, Thank you to eveyone. I have visited this site many times during the last year but never could quite bring myself to join but last night I was led to. The support is overwhelming !!!! mlep0416, thank you for the laugh whch I greatly needed…:) Roger is on oxicodone for pain but only takes 1 or 2 a day. To our knowldge Roger is not a diabetic but I will ask our medical doctor to check that. I am going to check with his Oncologist tomorrow and request a pet Scan just to see if there are other issues that could be causing the swelling as well as check on getting the teds. Thank you all again and know each one of you are in our prayers. I feel like I have found another family….

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