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  • in reply to: Update on Lauren #72235

    Pam, my heart aches for you and your family. May God be with you and your family to help guide yous through this difficult time.
    You are a wonderful mother and was always there for Lauren 24/7. Lauren couldn’t of asked for a better mother.
    You and your family are in my deepest thoughts and prayers. Sending tons of hugs your way.

    in reply to: Not the best news #72692

    His white blood cell count is normal.
    I talked with my aunt that’s a chemo nurse and her read the pet scan results.
    She said that the marrow activity could be caused from the chemo but also says it could mean that the cancer has spread there. I will have to question the doctors more. But according to the report it shows multiply lymph nodes through out the body that are infected.
    How has everyone dealt with folfox? I have heard from one lady that she wished her husband would have refused it because it just seem to put him on a downward spiral.
    Just scared out of my mind and wondering how fast this is going to take him.

    in reply to: Not sure what to think any more #72663

    The pet scan results are in but they will not give results over phone.
    My husband is currently on gemzar and xeloda which they have him on 12 pills a day. He is week on week off. He has already been on gemzar and cisplatin but the cisplatin is what started the neuropathy so they went with just gemzar. But his tumor markers have been on a steady climb since December so they added the xeloda. They started him out on 6 pills a day then it went to 12 then they wanted it to go up to 18 a day but he told them no way. The 12 a day I think is just too much.
    We haven’t been back to the U of M since March. They told us that the doctors here close to home were doing everything they Should. Dr. Z called our ONC here and talked to make sure they were on the right track.
    I just don’t understand how they can let a patient set and wait 2 weeks for results.
    Thank you everyone for being here to listen and for your information.

    in reply to: Not sure what to think any more #72656

    They haven’t even mentioned anything for his feet. I will be sure to ask Friday. I’m sure he will complain about having to take more meds..other wise he looks healthy and still goes to work. He just dont have the energy he use to. I think that’s why I have such a hard time excepting that he is sick and have a hard time listening to him talk about wanting to quit chemo. Lately he’s always reminding me of how much he loves me and is always asking me if I realize how much he loves me. I just so bad just want to break down and cry. Don’t know why he thinks he needs to reassure me.
    Thank u everyone

    in reply to: Husbands ct results #71825

    We found out that his pet scan is scheduled for the 23rd. We will be so glad when we get the results back from this. He seems to be more worried over this then when he has ct scans. Which makes me worry. I keep telling myself he looks great so everything’s going to be fine. I will update when we get results back.

    in reply to: Redic high CA19-9 #71906

    Carrie, my husband ( was 42 when diagnosised) too had high numbers. I believe his was around 25000.
    With treatment his did get as low as 70 but now are back up to 363.
    It’s scary but hopefully with treatment is numbers will lower.
    Sending hugs your way,

    in reply to: Husbands ct results #71816

    Lainy, I wish it was possible to switch his doctor to the other ONC but she’s a fill in and she’s from India. Very smart lady. Boy do I wish she was her to stay cuz we would diffently switch. She’s returns to India in June.:(
    That was a very cute story you had. Made me laugh.
    Thanks, much needed.


    Jason, sorry u had to find us this way. Everyone here is wonderful. My husband was diagnosed with stage 4 cc in August of 2009. He was a candidate for surgery. He had a recurrence of his cc in June of 2012. He’s still fighting. He too was on the same cocktail of chemo as you. It worked really well. He’s now on xeloda and gemzar. He leads a normal life, works and his normal activities. Some days he’s get tired but he’s a fighter.
    We have 2 kids also, a little older than yours but our kids I believe is what keeps him fighting.
    Be stronger than the cc. Prayers being sent your way for you and your family.
    You found a great place to come for support.


    in reply to: need help –advice please!!! #71440

    Dorien, I too have the same fears and thoughts going through my mine none stop. I deal with a lot of anger, thinking why my husband. This wasn’t suppose to happen to us. And trying to deal with all the questions that come from my 2 kids always asking why my dad!
    My husband and I have talked about him passing on but when we do its hard for me to believe that it’s actually really happening.
    All I can say I take everything one day at a time. That’s all you can do. I do believe some how some way things will all work out. Even though I have many days I wonder how.
    I enjoy every day that I have left with him and thank God for it every day.

    Sending prayers and hugs your way,

    in reply to: Ca19-9 steadily rising #71301

    Update on tumor markers. My husbands CA 19-9 went up again. It is now 353. They also checked another tumor marker called CEA and that’s at 10.9. The previous checking on that was normal a few months ago. The doctor now has scheduled a ct scan for Thursday and we will get the results on that on tHe 10th.
    Praying everything is fine. It sucks that they make you wait so long for the results on scans . I wish they would just call and give the results over the phone.
    Other wise he looks good and said he isn’t feeling bad. Which I think is good.
    Will update once scan results come in.

    in reply to: Ca19-9 steadily rising #71300

    My husband see Dr. Welling, who was his liver surgeon back in 2009 and Dr Zablubski for oncologist. Our oncologist here at home keeps in touch with them at the U of M and they talk back in forth. We were just at the U of M last month to make sure the doctor here was doing what she should be and they are. All of it just seems to be one big nightmare. Having 2 kids at home makes me keep it together. I have to for them.
    Pam, glad to hear things are going well for Lauren.

    in reply to: Ca19-9 steadily rising #71297

    We have had a second opinion and it seems they are all pretty well much on the same page as of what direction to take. If the tumor marker is up again on monday then the doctor said she would order a ct scan to see if there is something active. From what I understand if its just caused from the chemo it should bounce up and down. He’s isn’t doing that. So from there I guess if he needs a ct and it shows anything then it will get switched again, maybe to flofox. Has anyone had much success with this type?
    Thank you everyone for being here for support. I have thought about going to the doctor for help with nerves but afraid of getting addicted to pils. So I try to deal with it in my own way. Sometimes it’s a lot of crying but I manage.

    in reply to: How long can you be on chemo #68411

    Ultra sound showed no fluid it belly but they said they seen dilation in one of the biliary ducts. Now Friday he goes in for a ct scan just to check things out. All liver levels and bili levels are still normal. Only bad thing is he gets the ct scan and they make you wait a whole week before he gets results. Can’t stand that. So scan on 15 results the 22nd.

    in reply to: How long can you be on chemo #68424

    Thank you, it’s so nice having a place where people know what your going through. I don’t know what I would do without the support and advice from everyone on here.

    in reply to: How long can you be on chemo #68421

    Doctors office just called, no results yet from ultra sound but the Ca19-9 results were in and it went up again. It was 72 then 98 now 145. I don’t know what to make of it. Suppose to see the doc Friday. Praying its not bad news.

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