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  • in reply to: How long can you be on chemo #68419

    My husband just had CA19-9 checked again last Friday. He ended up sick with the flu going around so they waited an extra week before checking. So now when he went in Friday the 31st they decided to orderan ultra sound because they thought his belly is looking too extended. I didn’t get to go to the appointment with him but they told him they were looking for fluid in the belly or to see if its the cancer spreading. All liver levels are normal but they said they still wanted to see if it spread. I guess it will be a few days before we get any results. So I’m trying not to get myself too worked up and trying not to think the worse but it sure is hard and scared to death.

    in reply to: Bile duct drain problems #68616

    My husband had a liver resection in 2009 and in 2012 he had scar tissue build up where the surgery had been performed which they called conclusions so his doctors did what they called a ballooning which was performed a few times. It was to stretch it ducts back open and once they were comfortable with how the stretching was going they stuck in stents. But while all this was going on they had a tube in the liver for external drainage because he was turning yellow. It seems to have worked so far. But he also had a reoccurrence of his cancer then too. He’s been doing chemo since then. Don’t know if any of this helped.
    I’ve known another person who has had similar problem too.

    in reply to: How long can you be on chemo #68417

    We have seen a few doctor. Even seen one from the U of M and they told us his only option now was chemo. It’s so hard to set here and feel helpless. Life’s just not fair. Thank you everyone for your thoughts, I appreciate.

    in reply to: Getting ready for another ct scan #68103

    Thinking of you. Prayers sent your way

    in reply to: How long can you be on chemo #68413

    Lainy, my husbands 46. His cancer came back last year in June. The only thing they told us that for him to do chemo to help prolong his life. I don’t know how much longer its suppose to prolong it. He asked his onc doc 2 weeks ago how long they thought he would have to be on chemo and they told him he would be on some type for the rest of his life. He expects the to tell him how long he had but they won’t. He’s not in bad shape and to look at him you really can’t tell. It’s just he’s getting tired of the chemo and even though he’s been off the cisplatin he’s experiencing a lot of side effects from it. He’s always been the type of person that’s had to be busy doing something and he’s having a hard time adjusting to getting tired from doing not much of anything. Now his tumor marker jumped a little that’d bothering him. The nurse told us not to worry about it because sometimes them markers don’t mean anything. His belly is really round but we have been told its nothing and the last ct a month and half ago showed nothing. He’s always feeling his stomach. I ask him if its bothering him and he says no. Sometimes I just have a hard time believing this is all happening. Just seems like a bad nightmare.
    I’m glad this discussion group is here, it sure helps.

    in reply to: Husbands CA19-9 #68185

    Thank you Pam. I’m trying to call the doctors office but I always end up talking to a nurse. Very frustrating sometimes.

    in reply to: 2 1/2 years and it’s back #63243

    Pam…My husband had Dr. Wellings for his liver surgery back in 2009. He was really good with us. We also seen him a few times this year but once he told us about the lesion on the liver and the swollen lymph nodes this past June he told us there was nothing more he couod do and for my husband to have chemo and said that it could be done closer to home. The U of M is 4 1/2 hours away other wise my husband would have had Dr. Z just like your daughter. He went through chemo in 2009 after his surgery and that was just in case there were cancer cells left behind. The he took Gemzar with the Xeloda pills and he did really well. This time around is kicking his butt and he’s only had 2 treatments so far.

    The sugar did seem to help some. He was happy for the advice on that.

    Today was the worst day so far. He had to take his antinausa pills were the time before when he had chemo he never had to take them.

    Days like this his postivity is low. He starts telling me about the what ifs and what I am suppose to do. It’s so hard to set there and listen to him tell me things like this but also I know I need to listen. I try to stay postitive for him but it gets hard.

    Thank YOu everyone

    in reply to: 2 1/2 years and it’s back #63239

    Marion…Thanks for the help. I’m so happy I have found all of you.

    in reply to: 2 1/2 years and it’s back #63237

    Marion…thanks for the advice. He just woke up again with them. I will suggest this to him.

    in reply to: 2 1/2 years and it’s back #63235

    I just noticed again while setting here tonight that he has had the hiccups for the 6th time today. Maybe its just a freak thing or can the chemo cause any of it? Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this?

    in reply to: Hello new to the site, looking for answers #62788

    PCl1029 Thank you for the info. My husband is unable to have an ERCP due to the surgery he had in 2009. They resected quit abit of his liver and took out the bile duct that hooks to liver and used his small intestine to route back to his liver. We were told with the way he is rerouted there is no way he would have a scope go down through his throat to see into the ducts.

    We went to University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center, to have his surgery in 2009. He has also been going there because he developed scar tissue from the surgery that blocked the drainage from the liver so they put in a drainage tube and started doing a ballooning procedure so they can stretch it out so he can get the tube out and the liver will be able to drain on its own again. We were told that they are finding more people that have had these liver surgeries are having scarring issues.

    The liver surgeon from the U of M had a scan done a little over a week ago and called us last week saying that he needed a biopsy done and that it could be done up here where he sees his ONC and also he told us there was nothing else he could do for my husband. He said the lesion was about 1.5 cm and there was a few lymph nodes swollen. He never really told us where this lesion is located on the liver. I don’t know if he knows more than he was letting on or what. Would hope he would be straight forward.

    I am glad I have found this site. It’s nice to beable to talk with other people who know what wer are going through.

    It all just gets very overwhelming.

    Thanl You,

    in reply to: Hello new to the site, looking for answers #62786

    Thank you Lainy and Liz. We are meeting with his Onc on Thursday and am hoping that the Onc will have more answers for us once the byopsy results are in. I will keep you posted.
    Liz prayers are with you and your husband. Good luck with his appointment later today.

    in reply to: blood clots #60682

    My husband was diagnosised with cc 2 1/2 years ago and he too developed a DVT. His leg swelled up twice the norm size. We took him to a local hospital and they kept him for a few days and told him to go home and walk it off. His surgeon that he had for his CC heard of this and had us come back to the U of M and they went in and did a venogram. They cleaned some of the blockage out and within 2 days his leg was back to normal. There should be something they can do. He is now on Lovenox shot twice and day and always will be. Unfortantely this is a side effect of people who have tumors and have had cancer I have been told.

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