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  • in reply to: They are with us #65619

    Thank you Lainy,

    I don’t know yet how I am doing, but I have Guy’s ashes with me at home and that is helping alot. We both believed in spirituality and that we are never wanished after our bodies have stopped functioning in material way.

    So, Guy is with me and me with him. I feel him everywhere, helping me to say and do what I have to say and do here. He is guiding me always.

    Thank you again,


    in reply to: Hi! new to this site #64504

    Dear Leslie,

    Wellcome. I am, also like you, a new member of this family here.
    My husband, Guy (55 years old), was receiving radioembolisation with the product Yttrium 90 microspheres (SIRT) this year in january. His situation on that time was: primary tumor of about 6 cm diameter and a secondary very small tumor – both stable – and no matastasis. This result was achieved durring the treatment with Gemcitabine/ Cisplatin. But… Is always a “but”. So, but our pr. dr. was saying to us that it is the time to try SIRT because the Gem/Cis seemed to not work anymore and Guy is at this stage a good candidate for SIRT. So we did it. After SIRT, at the begining of March this year we had the MRI scanning and it showed that SIRT didn’t work what so ever so he was puted on treatment with 5 – FU Leucovorin ( he had 6 times transfusions of this regimen)- wich also didn’t work at all. Now, he is in a very poor state and he is in the hospital with severe anemia and also ascites and also a Cellulitis infection. His bone marrow may be also affected, cause it seems that his anemia is getting worst and worst, day by day.

    But what it is more important for you from my story here is that – FOR MY HUSBAND – radioembolization didn’t work at all and also caused damage of the near healty tissues, fallowed by liquage and building up fluid. Our team of proffesors were arriving, on this fryday – and they validated a report- to the conclusion that SIRT in january, combined with tumor progression after SIRT and 5-FU not working, is the cause of the poor state in wich Guy is today.

    But, please, remember that this experience of ours it is just ours and for your husband may work. Anyway, a second opinion before deciding what to do i will recomand with all my heart, because i am really sorry now that i didn’t asked.

    With alot of hope for you,
    Liliana from Belgium

    PS: Please allowe me that this is also an update in my Guy’s case also for everyone in our family here.

    God bless you all

    in reply to: Recent publication about CC #64488

    I am very scarred.

    I don’t know what to do. 6,2 hemoglobin and no treatment for anemia what so ever.
    The rest is going in good direction.

    thank you, and God bless you

    in reply to: Update on my mother #64431

    Hi, Jujubear

    I think your mom should be taking care in the hospital. I will tell you why.
    My husband has the same problem, Lasix didn’t work. Taking oral treatment for fluid developing doesn’t work. Medicine taken in perfusion form work directely, but Lasix seems to not work for any pacients that i met here, in Leuven – Belgium Universitary Hospital. Now, the professor of my husband, is giving to him Burinex – perfusion. It is working very good. I forgot to tell you that in the case of my husband a stent it is not possible to be implemented, it is to risky.

    So, maybe this information will help you.

    God bless you,

    Liliana, Belgium

    in reply to: First time here, God bless you #64162

    Hello, everyone,

    and thank you for your replies and informations.

    I am very tired, because the all day i am with my Guy there, to help and watch out. Things are going better. The guys from the emergecy are amazing how good they are. Guy is treated with DALACIN (Clindamycin) for the Cellulitis:

    But the fluid it was coming back. So they are giving to him also Burinex for the fluid and Clexane for the Thrombosis. His apetite is back ok. The anemia is still very much there but improving.
    For his cancer, Guy has a team of 6 professors, all of them in the area of gasthroenterology and hepato-billiary areas of Onchology. 3 of them i know them by name:

    Pr. Dr. Van Cutsem – gastroenterology – the big boss of all – so he is the superviser on the case of my husband;

    Pr. Dr. Verslype – hepatobilliary area – our doctor of choice to comunicate, thinking out of the box – love him;

    Pr. Dr. Prennen – hepathology; this one is with theclinical trials mostly.

    Well they did a great job with Guy until now and they are still doing.
    The problem is not with them but with their assistants, wich are not comunicating everything to the professors, not putting informations in the computer and they are taking decisions without asking or informing the professors. And like that mistakes were made, medication was prescribed – like Avelox. And after making mistakes they are gone, they have finished their stage in the department and other new are comming and taking from the begining. Some of them are correct and good interested to do their job, others are there just because their mom was wanting to have a doctor in the family.

    And the second thing is that, here, the cancer it is not treated multidisciplinary. At least this is what we are experienced until now. It has to take alot of effort from the pacient that they are deciding to ask the opinion of an other medical discipline. I don’t know anymore. Anyway, for my Guy i solved the problem. For others, let’s hope. I requested that my husband to be evaluated and treated multidisciplinary. And they already started – Hemathology, Endocrinology, Genetics etc. etc. How manny times i had to beg them to do it, until i wrote the request, it didn’t happened.

    Ok, i hope you all are ok, people, and i would like to embrace you all – cause people like you are rare birds in the sky.

    PS: About the second opinion we will have to wait, because of the anemia. Guy needs to recover first, before starting allover. But I am thinking MD Anderson endeed and also Switzerland.

    Have a good time and God bless you all,


    in reply to: First time here, God bless you #64159

    God bless you people and thank you for your replies.

    Just a short update: the infection is almost gone and the liquid is gone also. Can you imagine? So, the specialist from emergency suppose that the liquid acummulation in his body until now was caused by Cellulitis infection and not by the cancer itself. And that my Guy was “lucky” to arrive yesterday at emergency, otherwise they may never discover the cause of his fluid retention also. Unofficialy, this doctor told me – between two eyes only – that they have manny cases like that, just because they don’t want to ask the opinions of other departments in the hospital. I answered to him – “That is good to know”.
    So i have gone today to the management of the hospital and i asked them very clear that, from now on, i want my husband’s cancer to be threated in to a multidisciplinary way, otherwise i will ask his entire dossier and i will move him to another hospital. And that will be not in Belgium and not in Europe but in USA.

    By the way, i want to ask a second opinion – i think it came the time to do that – on M.D. Anderson, Houston – Texas.

    I would like your opinion about this.

    Thank you again,

    in reply to: First time here, God bless you #64155

    Hi, everyone

    My husband passed trough the night. UH of Leuven send it theyre ambulance this morning – God he already couldn’t get up – and he is now at the Emergency department – this guys from here are really fantastic, from the emergency. Guy has Cellulitis. Because his body was full with fluid before, the skin was making litle tinny breakes, unvisible for our eyes. And, with a low blood counts an such alot of chemo before, it was just enough for the bacterya to atack. The doctor was telling that he took it already from the hospital before.

    So they told that people taking chemotherapy may have find themselves in situations like this. We arrived just in time for the treatment, cause the infection was starting to arrive in the blood.

    So, i am happy now and hopefully Guy will not need skin remove. Anyway, the area affected it was reduced already at 50 % as it was when we arrived. So the antibiotic is working. They gave to him also a blood transfusion conssidering his anemia.

    Just to update and to thank you for encourangement.
    Thank you Lainy,

    in reply to: First time here, God bless you #64154

    Wich person normal in the brains could believe this. Suddenly it reminnds me of Romania in the bad days. Even now is almost the same.

    To see this happening in Belgium, the center of EU and NATO, it seems surreal, but it is happening. I saw so manny people in this 2 years and 6 months sended at home in poor situation, with the explanation -” a week at home will do you good and then you can back”- and i received from their families that they died.

    The explanation is very simple but very disgusting- they “cannot” affort to have a patient treated by them dying in the hospital. The U Hospital from Leuven has a very good rate in Europe. Now they are busy to bild a city of it. They “cannot” have mistakes and failures – if you know what i mean – bad publicity, the famous name will suffer.

    I am 140 km from Leuven, they will send an ambulance in the morning. It is also important to be there in Leuven because they know all his history.

    Anyway, for sure i will call emergency if i see is going bad.
    i have to go,


    in reply to: First time here, God bless you #64152

    Hi, Percy
    Hi, everyone

    Unfortunately, i am not in a medical field, my specializasion is in psichology – i am a shrink and shrinks are not doctors. We just had studied the Central Nervous Sistem and Psichogenetycs and Pathology as a part of Medicine field. And a bit of everything from medical affections wich can need psychological therapy.

    I wrote about Avelox in particular – made by Bayer – and not about other fluroquinolones. Anyway Avelox it is also given in USA and those 8 deaths are occured in USA. Bayer had writen this letter only in EU and didn’t have the williness to write also for USA. On internet you will find alot of complains of american people wich were treated with this particular medicine and they are all trying to aware other people what this medicine did to them.

    Avelox’s dangerous side effects are apearing in delaye – after 10 to 30 days after administration. At this moment, after 20 days of taking Avelox, my husband is suffering of acute kidney failure, possible liver failure. Tomorrow we are going back to the hospital, we called already, and because we are farr from Leuven, Belgium, we have to wait until then. I am dressed right now and observing my husband’s state of beeing durring his sleep and prepared to call 112 emergency, in case something is going wrong. In the mean time the Universitary Hospital of Leuven is calling me each hour to see how we are and giving instructions.

    So, here, in Belgium, i will have a white night and, hopefully not a death night.

    My husband is full of fluid and looking like an elephant and having short of breathing.

    As medical preparation, i must tell, i had practice first aid in the oblygathory army service in comunistic Romania, where i was born – i know resuscitation, how to give treatment, trachetomy and so on and so on, i can recognise different situations of life threat. As for the fact that i know some more things without beeing in medical area of expertise, this is comming from my second job as a reporter – so i have to have knowledge, i have to investigate and i am very good on searching on internet and other information places.

    Thank you very much for your reply. It is helping to speak with somebody that is taking me serious, cause here, in Belgium, nobody will listen – they are too much of thik necks. Sorry i am just in a kind of high stress right now.

    If you don’t mind i’ll put this message to you also on the topic.

    Thank you again Liliana

    PS: Excuse my English

    in reply to: Bee products great natural boosters #64203

    Hi, Marion

    I reposted as you adwise me. You have right, there is the place for the topic.

    Thank you alot,

    in reply to: Bee pollen a fantastic natural booster #64255
    in reply to: First time here, God bless you #64149

    Hello, people

    In answer to PCL1029 about Avelox
    Here is the official letter sended by bayer in 2008 to the healthcare providers in Europe:

    Anyway, it caused severe side affects on my husband.


    in reply to: Bee products great natural boosters #64201
    in reply to: PORTAL VEIN THROMBUS #64100

    Here is more expert details about CLEXANE:

    Keep your faight up,


    in reply to: PORTAL VEIN THROMBUS #64099

    Hi everyone,

    My husband has portal vein thrombosis and he is treated with CLEXANE. Works fantastic.

    I just have a very slight idea that the bleedings of your mom are not comming from the thrombosis but by severe anemia – very low hemoglobyn and hematocrit – wich are giving also as a side effect of hemofily. The blood is much too thinner and causes bleedings.

    Clexane it is working very good for my husband and the bleedings are just now from the nose from time to time – well, thats because anemia is still not recover.

    Here is a link about CLEXANE:

    God bless you,

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