My friend Salim’s mother has been diagnosed with bile duct cancer.
She is 60 years of age and stays in Ahmedabad. There is an evidence of an ill defined hypo dense soft tissue density lesion measuring 61 x 58 x 48 mm in size.
Lesion extends to involve confluence of hepatic duct resulting in mildly dilated radicle in right and left lobe , more marked on the left side.
Multiple enlarged peripancreatic , upper para aortic and para – caval lymphnodes are seen. Largest measures about 17 x 12 mm in size in peripancreaic region.
Evidence of multiple inhomogeously enhancing lesions of variable size are seen in both lobes of liver, suggest metastasis.
Doctors feel surgery is not possible and are taking her for chemotherapy. Please advice if surgery is possible ?? What is the line of treatment ??
We can come and visit, please advice urgently.
Thanks a lot.