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  • in reply to: Increase in CA19.9 #69143

    Lainy. Thank you for your reply. Orginally we had 2 onc opinions. We have stayed with the one dr. Because we were seeing such good results. We did get another opinion with her onc radiologist. The onc chemo and onc radiologist worked together and decided to do the cyber knife. I thank you for your comments and will find another dr. For 2nd opinion.

    Just curious about the tumor marker level CA19.9 at 16,000. Are there any suggestions of what this means and is this a typical number and how high has anyone seen see this number go to. I understand normal is 37.

    in reply to: 5FU vs Xeloda for my mom who’s 70, your insight please… #68507

    I wonder why after just a 4 rounds of chemo treatments they wanted her to stop for 6 weeks. My mom did the gemzar/chis for 6 months, the only reason she stopped was because the chispatlin was effecting her kidneys. This was unfortuanate because this mixture was very successful at shrinking her tumors. We were forced to take time off but during this time we were getting prepared for the y-90 radiation. Untimatley she was un able to do this again because of her kidneys. She just went thru 5 series of cyber knife, so easy. And now she is on Gemzar/oxiplatinm. We are waiting to get the results from the CT scan to see how this has been working. We are very hopeful that the radiation will take care of the tumor in the liver, but the oxiplatin is proving to be too strong for her blood counts. Her platletts went down to 19,000, she is going for her second platletts transfussion this week. My sister and I are donating our own blood and platletts so that she can get them from us as often as the doctor feels necessary. BTW my mom is 79 and she keeps plugging away, your mom is younger and i pray that she gets better. Heck 70 is the new 60… and if she is anything like my mom, and she sounds like she is, she has a lot of fight left in her.

    As far as your mom weight loss, please try Megestrol, this was a wonderful suggestion from someone in this group. ,Not only did her appetitie increase, and she gained back her weight but as important she now enjoys her meals again.

    in reply to: Fluid buildup after Radiation #66399


    First, please stay possitive, there are so many options, the more I think we are at the end of the rope then we learn of something new. My mom has been getting chemo for 10 months, then we learned of the Y90 thru members of this web site. Unfortunately she could not do this because of all the CT scans that were required and we were fighting her low kidney levels. We just finish the cyber knife, this was such a easy process and very little prepwork involved. The success rate for shrinking the tumor in the liver is very high we have been told.

    We did this procedure last month, we will find out in 3 weeks the results. I will make sure to post this immedialty.

    The Radiation oncologist we used is Dr. Ana Botero, Memorial Regional Hospital in pemboke pines , florida. 954-844-6808, she is amazing.

    in reply to: supplements for weight gain #55234

    my mom only weighed 127 pounds before she was diagnosed, so this was a major concern for us as she was so thin already and could not afford to lose any weight. After a few months her weight dropped to 112. She just had no appetite. We use to always go out and enjoy a nice lunch during our shopping sprees. So her quality of life changed as well because we enjoyed our lunches and dinners. Someone from this site told me about a perscription to increase your appetite. This was amazing, not only did she put on her weight, she is enjoying her food, eating like a little piglet. The medication is called megestrol. I don’t understand why the doctor never recommended this. Please check with your doctor, it worked miracles for my mom.

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