Hi TripleBlessed, I have the same team of doctors as you at MGH! I was diagnosed with Stage T2, N0, MX Intra-hepatic cholangiocarcinoma in March 2012, had my liver resected by Dr. Tanabe on April 30th. The tumor was 8.5 cm. I also had to have a vena cava bypass as the tumor had attached to it…so my surgery was 12 hours. Anyways, I feel a certain closeness hearing your story and wanted to reach out.
I did not have radiation as I missed the ideal 6-8 week post surgery window to have radiation. I developed ascites and that was a bigger threat at that point and it was too dangerous to have radiation. We discussed a chemo treatment, but since I didn’t show any signs of the cancer, they recommended not to do it. I am now 9 months out from my surgery and my most recent scans still show no cancer. I get re-checked in March. I am back to full time work and feeling pretty much back to normal.
I read the article about your cancer and we have very similar case from a cancer perspective, but different treatments. I hope you are doing well and thank you for sharing. I find this all very helpful.