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  • in reply to: New to this Nasty Disease #78135

    Well, tomorrow we get the results of her Scan done this morning. Please keep “Alice” in your prayers for healing. I will check in tomorrow afternoon with news.

    in reply to: New to this Nasty Disease #78131

    My mom is my best friend. We have been fortunate to be able to travel together and spend quality time over the years, so this is not going to be an easy adventure for me.

    I don’t know how many other Clinics/Hospitals offer this, but Mayo Clinic has an App that I’ve downloaded to my phone. I am able to view my moms records, in ALL areas, right in the palm of my hand. It has been extremely helpful for me to be able to get results for within 20 minutes of a blood draw. Obviously I am on her records as an information release contact. It might be helpful for other people to ask their facilities if they offer such a service.

    Her is her history: 1973 perforated malignant colon polyp, removed 12 inches of colon, mesenteric tissue and affected lymph nodes, no follow up treatment.

    1979 removed a contained ovarian cyst, malignant cells observed, no follow up treatment.

    She has had routine colonoscopies every 3-5 years since 1973. Only once has she had a clean-no polyps- on her colonoscopy.

    When we met with Dr. Law to get her results from the first ERCP, he told us that their findings were Cholangiocarcinoma. This type of cancer is a metastatic type cancer usually stemming from breast, lung(?) and colon. Another Dr. We met with said that since it has been this long and the colon cancer back in “73” was a T1 lesion, he didn’t feel that this is where it came from. Our family history has very little cancer within it.

    In looking at her pathology reports from past years I came across a report for her 2/2008 colonoscopy. In the report it states that there was a polyp removed and pathology finding were positive for Tubular Adenoma. I asked her ONC if this was substantial and I was told no, that they are two different types of adenoma cells. I can understand this to a point, I do have some training in cell morphology. I come to the conclusion that “Things happen for a reason”, I have not been able to figure this reasoning out yet, probably never will. All of this, sounds like in everyone’s situation, happens so fast and there are no real big flags that anyone can put up, except for the loss of weight, nausea and decrease in appetite prior to turning jaundice and itching. Mom turned yellow and icteric with in a 24 hour time period.

    All I can say is that we pray a lot, and put our trust in God and her team of Specialists from here on out. She is a fighter and continues to do so. I gave her the website address yesterday, she’s not sure yet if she wants to read what other people have to say – quite yet. I told her that the stories i have read have given me HOPE and encouragement about her condition. She said yesterday as many of you have that “no one has a specific expiration date”. If that doesn’t tell you she’s ready to fight, nothing will. Thank you all for your kind words and support.


    When we sat down with h

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