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  • in reply to: First post past frustrated to desperate #91890

    Well surgery didn’t go as planned, biopsies on all lymph nodes came back negative (very positive) however, 4 hours in to the surgery and after they made the 12 inch incesion, they aborted the surgery because they found both left and right portals were both involved with the cancer. Sothe surgeon felt it would be more harmful than helpful to continue. So now I need from you wonderful and helpful people. Your prayers. We have 2-3 weeks healing before we can start on any other treatment. Here what I need. I have researched moffit, mayo,MD Anderson they all say wonderful things about their treatment for cholangio carcinoma. Where should we go? I don’t know where to go next! I am heart broken. And when I read about these clinical trials it I a foreign language to me. What have you heard and any suggestions?

    in reply to: First post past frustrated to desperate #91887

    Just an update my husbands surgery was moved up a day. So Tuesday the 29th is the big day! He and I are very nervous. Drs starting with a laproscopic look first and if all is clean he will go on with the resection. Just to be on the safe side he doesn’t want to make a 12 in incsision which means he would have to wait 3-4 weeks recovery before chemo. We are praying phase 2 happens. We have so many people praying for us. One question I do have is we God the blood work back this week and we got our first tumor marker number and I don’t know if it is good or bad. It is 5. Is that good or bad and what does it mean?

    in reply to: First post past frustrated to desperate #91884

    Thank you all for your support. We are at Vanderbilt as of the first week in February. It seems we have had every test in the book. However yesterday after having a specialized CT (started with a 3) the surgeon called and spoke with us. He has decided it is worth going in lapricopically just to make sure but he believes once he does barring seeing nothing the scans didn’t show he will continue with the resection. He will be removing about 75% or more and rebuilding by bringing up his small intestines to connect with the bile duct in the right side ( left side completely encased) he told us it is aggressive so we are having surgery on the 29th of this month. When in January his cancer had not t spread. Just so scared they waited too long. Praying all goes as planned

    Now my issue is how do you prepare for a 2-3 week stay as caregiver in a hospital? Lol my mind is boggled!

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