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  • in reply to: Just starting treatment….. #33247

    MyViv, looks like I’m a couple of days ahead of you. As you may have seen, I’ve been trying to update my journey with what I’m going thru and asking questions at the same time. My first Gem/Cis was last Tuesday. I go again tomorrow. So far no nausea. I was a little constipated over the weekend, but it seems to clear up late yesterday. I think my problem is eating to much. Today I have started eating more meals, less qty, but more often. I’m also trying prunes and and foods with fibre.

    I still have pain in stomach that I take Oxycodone.

    I will update my journey again tomorrow as I am sitting in the chair getting infused and working on laptop.

    in reply to: The journey starts #33031

    Everything seems to be ok. Yesterday was buzy. Went to my grandson’s cub Scout outing. After that had lunch with wife and did a little shopping. Came back to the house and rested before raking leaves for a couple hours. The shower felt good after all that.
    Last night was not to good. Seemed to have a little heatburn. Today having a little stomach pain. Seems to be bloated. Will have to talk to GP tomorrow.
    Still no nausea. The Sancuso patch seems to be working ok.
    Looking forward (NOT) to my next Gem/Cis on Tuesday. With all the hydrating they have to do, it takes about 6 hours. Thanks goodness for iPod and laptop.

    It’s rare I have heartburn. What is the heartburn med of choice?

    in reply to: The journey starts #33028

    It’s been another day and all is well. Seems like I a’m a little tired/dizzy in the AM and everything get’s better in the PM. I am trying a Sancuso patch on my arm and I can feel it working just after eating something. Feels funny.
    Still feel a little nausea, but no vomit or anything like that. Mostly just tired. I start my 2nd dose of cycle 1 next Tuesday at 8:30. Since I will be getting both Gem/Cis it will be another long day. Probably about 6 hours.
    What I need to do now is get out of the house and do some walking. What does everyone else do as far as exercise? I have a bunch of leaves to rack and pickup, but my son said he would help. I know that I should not do anything that could possibly me me bruise or get cut.
    Another question. Do they usually do a blood check before every infusion or before every cycle. I have an appt with my oncology doc the day before my 2nd cycle.

    in reply to: The journey starts #33024

    Update since yesterday. Everything went fine until about 2:00AM last night. I felt a little nausea coming on, so I took a Phenergan tab. Went back to sleep until 9:15. I usually wake up at 6:30. Looks like I might have needed the rest. Today I seem to be a little tired/washed out and dizzy an am moving slowly. Not much pain at all like I have had previously. But all things considered, I’m ok, trying to get as much work in as possible to take my mind off things.

    Just a question. Which is better a purple hat or change hair color to purple??
    Also when does the hair start coming out? Does it come out slowly over time or is it faily quickly.

    in reply to: The journey starts #33020

    It’s now Wednesday morning and things are still going good. Had a good nights sleep. Had breakfast along with Nausea meds. Had 1 Ememd 80MG capsule and (2)Dexamethasone 4MG capsule. No sign of any kind if nausea. The Oncolingist said it was bad enough to go thru the chemo treatment and they do everything they can to eliminate nausea and pain. She did say that there is a good chance I will loose my hair. Of course I don’t have much to loose anyway. The doc said that it would be a good time to go purple or pink.

    Since I am still working, it is fortunate that I work out of my house and am able to do my work via phone and Internet.

    I will post more of my jorney as I proceed.

    in reply to: The journey starts #33019

    I posted this earlier today while getting my treatment. I meant to post it here and will try to add more as my treatment progresses.

    I will also add that my location is Charlotte, NC

    Well, here I am sitting in Infusion getting Day 1 of Gemzar+Cisplatin.
    I’ve not seen anything before on what happens the first day, so here is whats happening on my first day.

    BTW, it’s nice they have Wireless. Let’s me do a little work, surf, listen to books on CD and music. Sure makes the time pass quickly.

    7:00 Put on Sancouso patch for anti-nausea
    8:20 arrived at Infusion
    8:30 IV inserted. Took some blood just in case its needed.
    8:40 Started 1000ML of Saline to start flushing kidey
    10:15 Saline finish and started premeds. Tagment, Decatron, Emend,Kytrel
    They really loaded me up on nausea meds.
    11:50 Started another 1000ML saline
    11:50 Premeds finished and started 50MG Cisplatin
    Cisplatin made me feel a little warm, but not uncomfortable.
    In the meantime, my daughter and son stopped by to see me and brought a sandwich and a Starbucks coffee. I keep asking the nurse for a beer, but she said they are out. (Just kiddin)
    12:40 Cisplatin finished and doing a little flushing out with Saline.
    1:00 Flushing finisked and Gemzar started. 2,150 MG.
    1:15 Had a slight burning sensation from the Gemzar. Nurse put a hot towel around arm. She also decreased the rate. After about 10 minutes, the burning sensation went away.
    1:55 Gemzar finished. Now have to finisg Saline and am outa here.
    3:30 My Oncologist stopped by, or was walking by and I snagged her for a couple of question and to let her know how things went.
    4:15 Arrived home. I live about 10 minutes from Infusion and my doctor.

    I was kinda tired from all the stress and vegged out. Had dinner.
    It’s now 9:30 and all is well. I felt like I was a little dizzy after I arrived home, but now everything is good.

    So far the first day went ok.

    I will update tomorrow as my journey continues.

    in reply to: Our Sister #32654

    Well, here I am sitting in Infusion getting Day 1 of Gemzar+Cisplatin.
    I’ve not seen anything before on what happens the first day, so here is whats happening on my first day.

    BTW, it’s nice they have Wireless. Let’s me do a little work, surf, listen to books on CD and music. Sure makes the time pass quickly.

    7:00 Put on Sancouso patch for anti-nausea
    8:20 arrived at Infusion
    8:30 IV inserted. Took some blood just in case its needed.
    8:40 Started 1000ML of Saline to start flushing kidey
    10:15 Saline finish and started premeds. Tagment, Decatron, Emend,Kytrel
    They really loaded me up on nausea meds.
    11:50 Started another 1000ML saline
    11:50 Premeds finished and started 50MG Cisplatin
    Cisplatin made me feel a little warm, but not uncomfortable.
    In the meantime, my daughter and son stopped by to see me and brought a sandwich and a Starbucks coffee. I keep asking the nurse for a beer, but she said they are out. (Just kiddin)
    12:40 Cisplatin finished and doing a little flushing out with Saline.
    1:00 Flushing finisked and Gemzar started. 2,150 MG.
    1:15 Had a slight burning sensation from the Gemzar. Nurse put a hot towel around arm. She also decreased the rate. After about 10 minutes, the burning sensation went away.
    1:55 Gemzar finished. Now have to finisg Saline and am outa here.
    I will update tomorrow as my journey continues.

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