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  • in reply to: Who to Believe – Hemangiomas or is it something more? #83178

    Sorry it took so long to post an update. During my EGD they found I had esophagitis and gastritis, which is inflammation of the esophagus and stomach. They also took out a stomach polyp and sent it off for testing. I received the results last Friday that the biopsy was negative for cancer; and also negative for the H pylori bacteria. The doctor prescribed Prilosec for the inflammation with instructions to follow-up if things don’t get any better. I’m holding on to the hope that this is all that is going on and that the meds will decrease the stomach pain. If things don’t change, I will seek additional answers. Thanks for all the support and those who have answered my e-mails and questions!


    in reply to: Who to Believe – Hemangiomas or is it something more? #83176

    All blood tests came back within normal range and I am not sensitive to gluten. Yay! Unfortunately they did not do the direct/total bilirubin but only the total. Hopefully they will come up with something with the scan on Thursday.

    in reply to: Who to Believe – Hemangiomas or is it something more? #83175

    I am awaiting the results of some blood tests (liver panel, blood count and celiac screen). My GI doc is also going to do an upper endoscopy (EGD) this Thursday morning. I think they suspect I am sensitive to gluten or have an ulcer(s).

    I did receive the MRI and Hida scan reports back and the MRI agrees with the ultrasound that I had done back in May that they are hemangiomas. Everything else looks normal, including kidneys, pancreas, gallbladder (no stones, etc.) and the muscle function of the GB is normal.

    I guess we will know more after they do the upper scope this Thursday. However, I will keep pressing for more tests if they don’t find anything conclusive with the blood tests or the EGD this coming Thursday!

    in reply to: Who to Believe – Hemangiomas or is it something more? #83169

    Thanks for all of the great responses. No, I haven’t had a liver panel done in a number of years. When these hemangiomas first popped up they did do them, but they always came back normal. For now, I requested copies of the recent tests so that I can see them myself. I also spoke to a friend of mine who’s a doctor and showed her the US report. She seems to think that I should take a cautious but optimistic approach based on what the US report said. Porter, thanks for the email. I will reply to you separately as I have some questions for you. I will ask them to do the liver panel, but from what I’ve read so far on this site, even those blood tests can come back normal. Plus, based on how hard it is to convey my concern to the nurse at the GI’s office, I may have to find a different doctor who will listen to me.

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