Organization NameWebsitePhoneTypeMission
3 Little Birds 4 Life
3littlebirds4life.org888-370-8885grants wishesTo enhance the lives of young adults cancer patients, ages 18 – 40, with any type of cancer at any stage.
Air Care Alliance
888 260-9707medical flights
Air Charity Network

(877) 621-7177
medical flightsAll members are focused on “giving hope wings” to children and adults in need by leveraging aviation resources.
Angel Airline Samaritansangelairlinesamaritans.org800-296-1217medical flightsThe mission and purpose of Angel Airline Samaritans is to ensure that no cancer patient is denied access to distant specialized medical evaluation, diagnosis or treatment for lack of a means of long-distance commercial airline transportation.
The Assistance Fund

(855) 845-3663
Millions of people don’t have access to the medicines they need because they can’t afford them. We believe nothing should stand between you and your treatment.
Cancer Financial Assistance Coalitioncancerfac.orgfinancial assistance organizationsCFAC is a coalition of organizations helping cancer patients manage their financial challenges.
Centers For Medicare and Medicaid Servicescms.gov800-633-4227Government supported medical servicesCenters for Medicare & Medicaid services
Cleaning For A 337-3348Providing services in cities across United States and in Canada, our maid services take on two patients at a time, each of whom receives one general house cleaning per month for four consecutive months. However, we can’t always guarantee there will be an available maid service in your areaProvide house cleaning services to take away the stress of cleaning your house so you can focus on beating cancer
Corporate Angel Networkcorpangelnetwork.org914-328-1313Free air travel on private jets to receive cancer treatmentsSole mission is to help cancer patients access the best possible treatment for their specific type of cancer by arranging free travel to treatment facilities across the country using empty seats on corporate jets
Deliver The 687-3732Deliver the dream helps families experiencing a serious illness or crisis in their lives by organizing a 3 day 2 night retreat locations, so they can relax, enjoy time together, forge new friendships, and create support groups with other families dealing with the same illnessDeliver highly effective programs that enable those undergoing crisis or chronic illness to regain strength, mend Spirits and become families and kids again.
Dream Foundationdreamfoundation.org888-437-3267Granting wishes to Adults, Dreams are as unique as the DreamersPassionate about making dreams come true for terminally ill adults, and in doing so – improving the quality of their lives in ways medicine alone cannot. Through this non-traditional, palliative form of healthcare, Dream Foundation provides those at the end of life’s journey with resolution, completion and peace.
For Pete’s Sake Cancer Respite Foundationtakeabreakfromcancer.org267-708-0510
Program targets an area that modern medicine struggles to address: the emotional, psychological and spiritual trauma of a cancer diagnosis. FPS provides a safe haven for emotional expression. For some, this travel experience is merely a vacation, for others a respite, and for others precious time for family devotion
Provide adult cancer patients facing rigorous treatment or a guarded diagnosis with an opportunity to spend carefree and cost-free time with their caregiver and children in lovely settings.
FundfinderFundfinder.panfoundation.orgFundFinder helps you quickly find financial assistance from charitable foundations
Healthcare Hospitality Networkhhnetwork.org800-542-9730Provide free or significantly reduced cost lodging to patients and their families while receiving medical care away from their home communities.  Unlike a hotel, HHHs provide opportunities for those going through similar stressful situations to come together as a community where they can support one another. HHHs help alleviate the financial burden often associated with medical crises and have shown to reduce stress on both the patient and family members.To support homes that help and heal to be more effective in their service to patients and their families
Health Well Foundationhealthwellfoundation.org800-675-8416
When health insurance is not enough, HealthWell fills the gap. We assist patients living with chronic and life-altering illnesses in paying their share of prescription drug copayments, deductibles, and health insurance premiums. By reducing this financial stress, the people we serve can focus on what’s most important—their health
The Health Well Foundation reduces financial barriers to care for underinsured patients with chronic or life-threatening diseases.
Hill-Burton Free and Reduced-Cost Health Care
You may be eligible for Hill-Burton reduced-cost care if your income is as much as two times (triple for nursing home care) the HHS Poverty Guidelines.In 1946, Congress passed a law that gave hospitals, nursing homes and other health facilities grants and loans for construction and modernization. In return, they agreed to provide a reasonable volume of services to persons unable to pay and to make their services available to all persons residing in the facility’s area. The program stopped providing funds in 1997, but about 140 health care facilities nationwide are still obligated to provide free or reduced-cost care.
Inheritance Of Hopeinheritanceofhope.org914-213-8435They provide a vacations to families with a terminal ill parents allowing them to make memories.  They also have scholarships for college bound childrenTo inspire Hope in young families facing the loss of a parent
Jack and Jill Late Stage Cancer Foundationjoegarassino.org203-518-1320Provide Grants for: Travel and lodging assistance during treatment, medical and/or treatment expense, service/ comfort dogs for patients, cancer researchProvide resources to those touched by cholangiocarcinoma, the rare cancer that Joe was diagnosed with for which there is little support, and to provide resources for those suffering from all cancers.  The foundation also contributes to cancer awareness and research so that one day we can live in a world where we don’t have to lose our loved ones to cancer.
Joe’s Housejoeshouse.org877-563-7468Help finding lodging near cancer treatment centersYou focus on beating cancer, we will find you a place to stay.  They list cancer treatment centers and hospitals across the country with nearby lodging facilities that offer a discount
Just A Break From Cancerjustabreak.org888-258-6363Emotional escape from the day to day issues from cancerTo give Adults with cancer a “Just-a-Break” from the ongoing emotional worries and financial toll of living with cancer
Life Is Good No Matter Whatlifeisgoodnomatterwhat.org855-544-6691Help patients afford a special trip to create beautiful memoriesTo give Adults with advanced cancer a break and escape from their battle and diagnosis through a cherished experience
LifeLine Pilots
Air transportation
To facilitate FREE air transportation through volunteer pilots for financially distressed children and adults with medical or humanitarian needs
Medical Assistance Toolmat.orgMAT is not its own patient assistance program, but rather a search engine for many of the patient assistance resources that the biopharmaceutical industry offers.PhRMA’s Medicine Assistance Tool (MAT) is a search engine designed to help patients, caregivers and health care providers learn more about the resources available through the various biopharmaceutical industry programs.
Mike Shane Memorial
Mike Shane Memorial Fund pays for Remote Second Opinions for people diagnosed with cholangiocarcinoma
Everyone deserves a second opinion
National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) Virtual Reimbursement

The oncology reimbursement landscape continues to present ever-evolving challenges for clinicians and others that work with patients with cancer. As a response to these ongoing challenges, help is available through the NCCN Virtual Reimbursement Resource Room.
National Patient Travel Centerpatienttravel.org800-296-1217This program provides non-emergency long-distance ground transportation for financially strapped ambulatory patients traveling for treatment. Transportation provided by commercial means (Greyhound, Amtrak, etc.) as well as the provision of gas cards. Typical trip does not exceed 250 miles (one-way).The purpose of the National Patient Travel Center is to ensure that no financially-needy patient is denied access to distant specialized medical evaluation, diagnosis or treatment for lack of a means of long-distance medical transportation.
Needy Meds, Inc.needymeds.org800-503-6897Find help with the cost of MedicineNeedy Meds educates and Empowers those seeking affordable healthcare. A national non-profit, achieves its mission by providing information on health care programs, offing direct assistance and facilitating programs
No Patient Left Behindnopatientleftbehind.orgResources for patients.Need medication not covered by insurance?
Patient Access Network (PAN)
Patient Airlift Servicespalservices.org631-694-7257Patient Airlift ServicesChanging Lives, One Flight at a time. Patient Airlift Services arranges volunteer medical flights and free air transportation for the needy individuals throughout the greater northeast region, from Virginia to Maine, Ohio to Massachusetts
RO Foundationrofoundation.com716-366-4892Assisting patients and families with unexpected transportation expensesThe RO Foundation mission is to raise monies through fundraising events and donations to assist local medical patients and their families with monies to offset cost associated with “transportation” to and from medical appointments for treatments
RXAssistrxassist.orgHelps find prescription payment helpRxAssist can help you learn about ways to use pharmaceutical company programs and other resources to help reduce your medication costs.
The Samfundthesamfund.org617-938-3484Pays medical bills and other living expensesWe provide relief and support to young adults who are struggling financially due to cancer. Twice a year , we give grants to survivors aged 21 – 39 to help with medical bills, living expenses, and much more.  We offer free online support and education through our webinar series and blogs.
Sean F. Hogan Foundationseanstrong.orgAlleviate some of the financial burden families face due to cancerMission is helping to alleviate some of the financial burden families with children experience after a cancer diagnosis. The Foundation provides assistance with child care expenses for families with a parent or guardian diagnosed with any type of cancer. The Foundation is equally committed to providing financial support for continuing research and education through lectures for public awareness of Cholangiocarcinoma. The statistics in terms of survival rate for Cholangiocarcinoma are devastating. The Foundation is committed to increasing awareness of this specific type of cancer and to making a positive impact toward changing the statistics of the survival rate.