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    While researching ways of stripping rust off old cars for restoration I found several types of acid that works. One is sulfric and the other is Phosphoric acid.

    Guess which one is in soda?????????

    Now after looking at how to safely use these acids I fould a article that said people who drank 2 or more sodas a day had double the risk of kidney cancer……….. If I can find the article I will post it.



    My Grandma was a huge diet soda drinker. She was a huge diet anything eater or drinker.


    Tess, you father sounds identical to mine: colon cancer survivor, former drinker, fried foods and sweets. Many former drinkers replace the alcohol sugar with desserts.

    This cancer is common among drinkers who have been sober for about 10 years. Helluva a payoff, huh?


    My Dad, who is about 7 weeks into a cc diagnosis, would never touch the diet/sugar substitute stuff. He was a big whisky drinker for 25-30 years, until giving it up about 10 years back. He’s still a chain smoker. He too loves his sweets, every day…. the desserts & soda intake have increased significantly over the last 10 yrs. He loves fried food, and you’d think he’s nearly ‘allergic’ to fruits & veggies, per the minimal rate of consumption.

    Dad is 64. He also had colon cancer about 5 years back, had it resected & treated with radiation, it never resurfaced.

    Thought the extra details may assist in the profiling.



    Butch was a HUGE diet pepsi drinker. After he retired, he sometimes drank 8 or 10 of those things a day, and he always drank a lot of it – that is very interesting. I have drank a few myself – not much anymore, though – think I will stick to tea!

    Joyce C


    I looked up Sweet ‘N Low and it does not contain aspartame but has saccharin. I don’t know if there is anything aspartame and saccharin have in common, but another has answered that her father used a lot of saccharin before switching when others became available.


    My mom has mentioned quite a few times that she wonders if her sweet and low drinking has anything to do with her cc. She has drunk sweet and low in coffee and tea for years!!!!!!!!!


    I just remembered that dad loved his candy. And because he was diabetic, he would eat a variety of the sugarfree candy frequently. Many of the sugarfree candies use aspertame as well.


    My mom was convinced that coffeecake was its own food group and that donuts were part of that food group. Sugar will give you a boost for a while and perk you up but then your energy level comes crashing down and cc patients experience a lot of fatigue so I was just saying that she wasn’t really helping herself get strong again with her dietary choices.

    I made her some homemade soup that the recipe said was French and might be served as the first course in French hospitals. The name of the soup was in French and I knew my Mom wouldn’t be able to say it so I just told her I was making her French hospital soup and later I heard her on the phone telling a friend that I had made her what they call that French hospital soup like it was something everybody knew about, she really was a character sometimes. She tasted it but didn’t really like it even though it was really tasty, especially with a good hunk of bread, even my 10 year old niece loved it, I will look for the recipe and post it.

    I am not the most knowledgeable about nutrition but I know there are some books about sugar and cancer and there are posts about it on this board, see:

    There are other posts, just search for keywords cancer and sugar.


    tiapatty wrote:
    My mom drank a lot of pop as we call it here in Chicago, but not usually diet. She did like her sugar, I do think that in her case her poor diet may have had something to do with the cc and certainly did not help her in her recovery.


    Tia, can you elaborate on the diet and recovery part. My dad, though not a diabetic, eats a lot of sugar.


    I used saccharin in the early days, too, in tea. I am 60. So far 4 out of 7 of us drank Diet Colas. I will let everyone know the final tally. Looks a little worrisome.


    My dad was a huge fan of Diet Pepsi. In earlier years he used saccharin (sp?) tablets to sweeten his coffee eventually switching to Sweet ‘N Low.


    My mom drank a lot of pop as we call it here in Chicago, but not usually diet. She did like her sugar, I do think that in her case her poor diet may have had something to do with the cc and certainly did not help her in her recovery.



    My husband was on simvastatin also. They monitored his liver enzymes all the time & as of June they were still good! He passed away from CC on Sept 2. That does seem strange doesn’t it?


    My father is an aspertame drinker also. He points to being on simvastatin for years as it is associated with liver cancer.

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