Teddy Update

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    Dear Lainy and Teddy

    You are in my thoughts and prayers. It was your posts that originally drew me into this forum and I can only thank you for the inspiration that you and Teddy are to me.
    All my best wishes



    My dad didn’t do well on Morphine but those drops of Oxycodone worked very well. If Teddy doesn;t like the taste might be worth asking for a different flavor.

    Thinking of you both,



    Hi, just answered your email. I feel so bad for you and your husband. First of all what have the doctors said about this pain? Have they done a PET Scan and MRIs? What eactly is their prognosis at this point in time? Have you sought a second opinion?


    As a caregiven, cleaning takes so long and you never seem to get any downtime. I may pick up and do 10 minute tidy but clean…ugghh. Lainey, I can’t believe this is coming down to all this. Someone needs to live through this ugliness, there just are not enough good stories and successes. It makes me feel very depressed. My husband is going downhilll every day,, week and he doesn’t even have anything going on except some infected nodes and all labs are normal. His pain is a 10 on 16 mg of morphine an hour !!! aaaggghhhH!


    You will find the strength for what life holds. We are of course praying and hoping for the best for you and Teddy. Hugs/


    Hi Lainy,

    Sending all of my love to you and Teddy.



    Dear Lainy & Teddy – it’s a shock to come back after such a short time away & read that Teddy is sliding. You have been, are & always will be such an inspiration to me & to so many others on here. I’m holding you both closely in my heart & send lots of love & positive thoughts to you both.

    Julia xx



    I have been away from this site for a few days and can’t believe when I saw what was happening with Teddy. As others have said, I feel you both are family (not just here, really) and at the very least good neighbors I’d like to “hang” with. You are so strong and still keep up your good humor despite the devastating effects of cancer. I only wish I have some of the same when my time gets closer. Truly an inspiration to us all!

    I hope for peace & comfort for you both in the days to come. You are in my thoughts & prayers. Good luck with the family coming and absolutely let them pitch in with the cleaning if they feel it needs to be done. No worries.

    Love you,



    Lainy and Teddy,

    You are both in my thoughts and prayers. You’ve been traveling an amazing journey that has brought each of you to the place where you now reside. That place is incredible because you have experienced the closeness and Godlike environment that you now share . Although it’s difficult for you to see now, you will be able to take great comfort in knowing that you were at Ted’s side 100% of the way, that you built a trust that is on a higher plane than most couples ever experience. It doesn’t seem like a fair tradeoff though…but the two of you have given so many people hope, humor, insight, joy and comfort. And I know in the days to come you’ll enjoy many laughs and tender moments with family (yikes!) and friends. Hang on, you can do it, and everyone will get through this tough time. Teddy will always be the Miracle Man!!

    Fondly, Elaine



    Don’t clean. If someone has a problem, direct them to the cleaning supplies and let them have at it!

    Have a wonderful time with the family and Teddy!



    I don’t know what to say except that I’m sorry you and Teddy have progressed to this point. ( And don’t clean, ha!! I tell everyone I’m just decorating for Halloween with all of the cobwebs! Major cleaning comes in November.) Anyway, you two have been an unbelievable inspiration. We started on this journey close to the same time and on this blog at the beginning. We’ve seen a lot of our friends here lose their battle but Teddy has always been our “miracle man” and you have helped so many with your support and love. Just know we’re sending you all of our support and love at this difficult time and we all hope that Teddy is painfree and peaceful. Take care Lainy and give Teddy our love. Don’t do too much next week!! Mary



    Good call. I don’t think anyone will even notice. I will say a few extra prays for strength for you next week. You are such a strong person, I know you can handle it and you and Teddy will do just fine and you know where to come when you need more strength and support. We are all here for you as you and Teddy have always been for all of us.

    Love & Hugs,


    Pam, thanks, that is the kindest and nicest way to be thought about. Pray for me for next week as 7 of Teddy’s Family are coming in for a week!!! They are staying in hotels but my question is to clean or not to clean. Not to clean just won!! Again thanks so much for your thoughts.



    I was coming back from Greensboro tonight and listening to one of my mom’s favorite cds when I had an overwhelming urge to say a prayer and you and Teddy popped into my mind…..I think of you both often and just want you to know how much you both have meant to me during my Mom’s journey with CC. I know how hard this time is for you and want you to know you both are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Be strong….

    Hugs and love to you both…


    My heart goes out to you Lainy. I know that you are strong and brave.

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