Seeking info from those who choose NO Treatment

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    Thank you all! My MIL’s oldest child, her daughter will be the person responsible. My MIL has told us all what she wants and we will do everything in our power to assure that she gets what she wants. She already has power of attorney for everything and has been involved since the diagnosis. It’s been a really rough week for my MIL, she is just not having a good week and we are wondering if the cancer is spreading somehow and the dr’s just didn’t see it. Thank you all again, it means so much to us.


    You may also want to download your State’s healtcare directives.
    All my best,


    I agree. It probably is the hepatic portal vein. As Nancy has mentioned your commitment to abide by your mother is one of the greatest gifts you can give her. I am wondering? Who will be the one making decisions in her best interest when your MIL is not able to do so anymore? This is important to put in place.
    Please let us know how we can be of help if so needed.
    All my best wishes,


    I agree. It probably is the hepatic portal vein. As Nancy has mentioned your commitment to abide by your mother is one of the greatest gifts you can give her. I am wondering? Who will be the one making decisions in her best interest when your MIL is not able to do so anymore? This is important to put in place.
    Please let us know how we can be of help if so needed.
    All my best wishes,


    Dear Isellure – I believe the doctor may be referring to the portal vein which is the main vein through which blood flows through the liver (at least, that is my understanding)…..I admire you all for honoring your MIL’s wishes. I’m sure it is very hard for all of you. – Nancy


    Hi All, I have been so busy and not written. Thanks for all the kind words. My MIL’s pain and naseau is being treated. It’s her who doesn’t want to be all “doped” up. She did get some new pain med, made her very very sick, so the doctor just upped her morphine pills and more often. This seems to be the ticket. We are just so sad to see her laying around her life away. Absolutely no energy. Since we dont know if this is any sign of her declining, we are all just scared. The doctors report looks like the cancer has grown only a little, however my hubby said the report said the tumor is growing closer and possibly will grow into the main vein that runs thru the liver. Does anyone know what that vein is called? The doctors report noted that this would more than likely be what calls her home and once the cancer invades this vein she would have 2-6 weeks maximum of life left. Any info on the “vein” and what all that really means would be greatfully appreciated. We are honoring her wishes that she be allowed to go to the doctor without us kids and not discuss her situation with her. She wants to go without the kids really knowing what she’s experiencing…this is so hard, but we have to do it for her- it’s what she wants.
    THANKS AGAIN EVERYONE! and thank goodness for this board and all the moderators!


    Hi, Lainy,

    You are always welcome.

    God bless.


    Thanks, fascinating. As much as Teddy had them I never new how it was really done. I just knew it was painless and he felt so good after. Thanks again.


    pls guide n explain the entire stent procedure n at what moment it is compulsory to undergo the same ? . I m seeing specialist tomorow. I have been advised it should be done if absolutely necessary.


    Sitram…..from what I have learned biliary stent procedures are quite advanced in your country. I don’t believe that you will have a problem finding a physician. But, I do agree with Lainy in that you will need to consult with numerous physicians re: any invasive treatments for your Dad. Not too long ago I had attended a symposium re: treatment for the elderly. It had been discussed the value of potential invasive treatments for those patients at an older age. The speaker concluded that yes…treatment may be feasible however, the general health of the individual foremost would dictate the use of any potential harmful procedure.
    Please, search out other professional opinions.
    All my best wishes,


    Sitaram, I would suggest asking the Doctors who suggested therasphere what the side effects could be and could an 80 year old man handle it. That may help you to make your decision. Good luck.


    my dads cc is intrahepatic at y junction n it is inoperable. chemo is also not advisable as per docs . i did take 2nd opinion . two docs suggested therasphere while 2 others suggested no treatment considering his age


    i am from india mumbai . my dad is 80. most adorable, loving , caring n concerned for well being of all. pls guide me if liver drainage is painful. its side effects . what type of stents r preferable ? n more abt therasphere ?


    sitaram…..I agree with Andre. Where are you located? Several of our members have undergone Therasphere treatments. You may want to read up on previous threads by using our google search function, top, right side, of page. Simply enter: Therasphere and numerous postings will appear.
    As Andrea has pointed out, consulting with physicians very familiar with this disease is a must.
    Please, keep us posted.
    All my best wishes,

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