The Endgame

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    Dear Adam,

    I am so sorry to hear about Petra’s passing; just know that she will be watching over you and the children. Hold on to all the good memories and she will continue to live in your heart forever. You were so supportive of Petra and I’m sure your children will remember all the little things that you did for her. Your daughter’s seventh birthday had to have been very special to Petra; yet, she knew it was time to go on to a better place. Now, she is at peace and there will be no more suffering for her. Stay strong for you and your children and may God bless you each and every day. PeggyP



    I am sorry for the loss of your Petra. You posted that when she left hospice for a few days she was worried about losing her bed and the nurses said they would not allow it and that really struck me. They had only known her a short time and could not live without her so I can’t imagine the road ahead for you and your children.

    It sounds as though you have a lot of support and people to lean on, ask for help when you need it. I am a librarian and had recommended this book before for those with children:

    A Parent’s Guide to Raising Grieving Children
    Phyllis R Silverman; Madelyn Kelly



    Adam and family: If there is to be a ‘comforting’ thought in Petra’s passing it would have to be that there will be no more suffering for her.

    Stay strong for the childrens sake – it is very sad when young children lose one of their parents. Counseling is there for all of the family, if it should be needed.

    Come back to thise site, if for no other reason We are your CC family and care about you and your children. Posting Petra’s journey mave just the extra push that someone else may need and asking questions and posting how things affected Petra, can be special for you. This site also gives a person a place to vent, cary, laughter somehow makes evryone feel like family.

    My thoughts and prayers are with with you and your family in your time of need.

    Go with God,



    Thank you all for your lovely replies. They mean a great deal. Claire, you are the second person to send me that poem. It is very beautiful. Lynn, my condolences to you. I find it incredible that barely a month after your own loss you would take time to consider mine. God bless you. God bless you all.


    Adam: You and your children are in my prayers. I was so saddened to hear of Petra’s passing. Hold on to the lovely memories of better times. I’m so sorry and God bless you…


    Adam and children,

    My heartfelt condolences to you and your children, I too lost my beautiful daughter (age 26) on OCt. 1st of this year. Hold on to the memories and never stop talking about your wife to your children.

    You all are in my thoughts and prayers,

    Lynn Chase & family


    I am so very sorry Adam for your loss. I got comfort from the book written by C S Lewis, A Grief Observed.

    You have been and continue to be in my thoughts.


    I am so sorry for Petra’s passing. You made everyone of her last days memorable and for that, you’ve earned a jewel in your crown. Petra is now watching over you all. Take comfort in knowing she will be with all of you always.


    Adam and Family: I’m so sorry to hear of your loss. Petra is now without pain or suffering, she have moved on to another phase of life. She is at peace surrounded by all the love from you and the children.

    Go with God.
    Hugs and my thoughs and prayers are will you all in this time of grief.



    Dear Adam,

    I am so sorry to hear of Petra’s passing, please accept my sincere condolences. I wish that there was something that I could say that would help right now. We are all here for you and my thoughts are with you and your family.



    Dear Adam,
    I am sorry to hear of Petra’s passing. May she live on in you and your family’s hearts forever. I hope each day will be a little brighter for you.

    Love, Pam


    Dear Adam
    I am soo sorry for the loss of your beloved Petra. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your children.
    Its hard to loose someone you love but when they are so young it is even harder but know that she would want you to go on and keep her memory alive for the kids.


    Dear Adam,

    I’m so very sorry for your loss and pray that you and your children will find strength from each other.


    Dear Adam,

    I am so sorry to hear that Petra has passed on. I am glad you were able to share some happy times together as those memories will help you and your children through this sad and trying time. Those memories will be with you forever. Petra will remain in your thoughts and hearts forever. Take care and come back and let us know how you and the kids are doing.

    You and your family have my deepest sympathy. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you.

    Love & Hugs,


    My sympathy to you and your family. Be gentle to yourselves.

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