Dad’s count hasnt gone any with 4 days of shots. having nose bleeds

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Dad’s count hasnt gone any with 4 days of shots. having nose bleeds

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    Kathy… hang in there. Although none of us are prepared for this part of the journey amazingly enough, we rise to the occasion. Already you are a strong family. The time ahead will seal the bond.
    Love and hugs,


    KATHY, I am so relieved for you, that you took the step. To me it is one of the most difficult but most important. You never know how much the patient may really want to talk and now its in the open. Please don’t forget even now to let him know you are going to be OK. I also feel that this communication puts you on the higest level of communication there is and it can be so gratifying. Be strong, the kids will automatically know what to do and say with their Papa, kids are very smart that way. I’m thinking about you very often!


    Kathy, I’m glad that you are here on this site with us. I’ve been following your posts. I’m sorry that you have to go through this, but this board is a wonderful place to gain support and understanding. As difficult as it is at this time, being able to share thoughts, emotions, tears, even laughter with your family is time that you can cherish

    I’m pleased that your sweet dad is able open up to you. You sound like a loving and caring daughter (and mother to your children). How blessed they all are to have you.

    I am sending caring thoughts your way.


    Thank you Lainy & Marions,
    I greatly appreciate all of your support, well-wishes and love. This site has been a godsend to me.
    It given me enough info to question the Dr. correctly and to say the things to Dad that gave him encouragement to keep fighting.
    When you hear what other people have gone through you appreciate that they know exacly where you are and what emotions you are feeling.
    Yesterday I told Dad it was time to stop protecting us and talk to us. He did, and we have started what I now know will be many more open, honest talks in the coming days, weeks, whatever time there is.
    My children are also having a hard time dealing with this and I told them that their “Pepa” has said that they can show any emotion they want in front of him.
    They have all offered to help out as they know my bad back doesnt last the whole day when I have a lot to do and cant rest.
    God Bless all of you,
    Your friend,
    I will keep you posted as much as possible!


    Kathy….my heart is with you and your family. It is the love for each other that will guide you in this most difficult of times. A tidal wave of love and support is heading your way.


    Kathy, I am so very sorry. I pray that your dad gets all discomfort and pain under control and I know if you call in Hospice he will be able to fulfill that wish.
    I am so glad you have such a close family and it’s a tribute to your parents. Spend your time now loving your Dad and it is so impotant to let him know that you will all be OK, they need to hear that. My caring thoughts are going out to you.


    My sister & I went to the Dr. with Dad yesterday and it was the worst news. The fluid in his stomach is all cancer cells and at this time all of the organs are involved. The Dr. said its as bad as it can get and when Dad asked if he should get his affairs in order the Dr. said that if there was anything he needed to get done he should do it now.
    Knowing that all of his organs will fail soon is disheartening and as he said” I hope it’s quick”
    God Bless him!
    We talked last nite and my other sister & brother are coming tomorrow as well as my adult children and we will all sit and talk. Whatever Dad decides he wants done we will abide.
    Please pray for him!


    Kathy, if you request Oxygen from Hospice they will send it right out. Teddy found that Oxygen helped immensley for his breathing and discomfort. Oops, I forgot they are not even coming until Sunday. Darn! I wish there was some way for them to come today, Dad really needs them now.


    Kathy…I so much agree with you in adhering to your Dad’s wishes and strongl believe that ultimately it should be the patient making the decisions over his or her care. Kathy, shortness of breath can be a side effect of the paracentesis. I would call the doctor, today.
    All my best wishes,


    Dad does NOT feel any better after the aspiration of the fluids. He is weaker and has some breathing difficulty.
    The waiting game is the worst for everyone.
    The whole game plan will be in Dad’s hands to decide what he wants to do but we will be there to either guide him or abide by his decision. He is still quite capable of making any and all decisions for himself.


    kmemoro…Your Dad must feel much better after having his fluids drained. I am wondering, will the doctor also prescribe diuretics and did he mention anything about reduction of salt intake?
    Ascieties is excess fluid in the space between the tissues lining the abdomen and abdominal organs (the peritoneal cavity). It is a not so uncommon occurrence with this disease and for that reason for have numerous threads discussing this very same subject. . (Google function, top, right


    Thank you for your response. You and I both know that all Dr’s can write “STAT” and have their response at once but they dont care. I see it all the time.I work for a Cardiologist and if a family member calls and we are told to tell them that the Dr. will call back after he finishes with his patients and his reports.
    I do understand that if they take every call from every patient the patients in the office would never be seen but there HAS to be an easier way for all. The damn government keeps putting more & more work on the office in that we have to make sure everything is in the computer before we can see the patient as a real person.
    I will start calling the 1st thing in the morning as there isnt even an area to leave a message for the Dr.-only an emergency number to call. they dont even patch you over to the covering MD, they make you dial another number. I will call all morning and then I will drive down there after a half day of work and sit in the office until Dad has answers.
    We do have to sit as a family and let him make the decisions as to what he wants to have done for him as it seems as if there will be no more chemo that can do any good anymore.


    Kmemoro, if the Doctor puts STAT on his order he will have the results tomorrow. Explain your situation to him and tell him it is imperative that you know tomorrow. What an insensitive CLOD that doctor was today, I would file a complaint. Good luck on Sunday. Once Hospice has come in everyone will relax a little and just enjoy your Dad. The most important thing with Hospice is to make sure they know EVERYTHING going on with Dad as the bottom line is his comfort. Best of luck.


    Dad was seen by his primary ONC today because he has had diahrea for 3 days. he said he believes the CA has now spread to the intenstines and scheduled him for a CT Scan tomorrow. he said he would have the results Monday but I think this has to be resolved tomorrow as all of we 4 children with him on Sunday. I know, from working in the medical field, that the CT scan results can be read right away and that the report can be generated then as well. The nurse gave my sister home hospice paperwork and we need to do this as a family.
    The Dr. that did the fluid removal yesterday said my father was “fat”-he’s lost more than 60 lbs. he also said he thought it was in the muscle and tissue.
    What the heck does all of this mean? Can someone explain?
    Dad broke down and actually cried for the first time today.
    I’m numb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Dad had 1 liter of fluid removed today and still his stomach is huge. the technician/Dr that did the procedure said that the CA may be in his muscle and tissue now and that he should be seen by a GI. the ONC has not called my sister back after numerous calls today.
    How r we, as a family, supposed to get any clear cut answers as to the extent of the CA and the pallative care that will or will not continue????

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