Last Chapter…Update on Dad

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    Rena….indeed you have an amazing Dad. So thrilled to hear of the turnaround.


    Rena….indeed you have an amazing Dad. So thrilled to hear of the turnaround.


    Hi Rena,

    Your Dad truly is one amazing fighter. I hope he will continue to improve. Much hope, strength, and love being sent to you and your Dad.



    Hi Rena,

    Thanks for letting us know how things are with your dad, what a fighter he is! That is great that he is back home again with his family and I am glad that you were there to support your mum during your dads time in hospital. Tons of positive thoughts heading yours and your dads way!




    Rena, that’s great news and what a crazy ride your Dad has been on!! So glad he is home and you got to spend time with him, your Mom and Grandmother.


    Rena what a great post! The eating/nutrition regime can be as simple as Carnation Instant breakfast. Teddy loved the Vanilla and I would blend in a banana, this was recommended by Hospice and can be taken for each meal if Dad doesn’t feel like eating. It has all the nutrients needed.
    I am so very happy you made it safe and sound to Ohio. What does the ONC recommend for now? A whole ton of prayers, thoughts and love headed your way.


    My dad is simply an amazing soul! Two weeks ago he crashed twice while lying on a hospital bed in the ER. The amazing Dr’s got him stabilized after draining his stomach, giving him 10 bags of blood, 9 bags of fluids, then spending 5 days in ICU and 3 days in step down. Dad decided that he was not ready to leave us yet and he fought back with a vengeance. He is back home again but still fighting several challenges…loss of appetite, severe swelling in his feet, legs and mid-section and he is sleeping tons again. I was able to spend 6 days with mom & dad during and after his hospital stay. I was so glad that I was there to support my mom and to help get dad home form the hospital. As I left for Ohio, we weren’t sure if Dad was going to pull through. I tried to prepare myself for the worst!!! With amazing grace, he jumped over another hurdle and pushes forward with hope!


    Oh, Rena, this is a much better report! You are there, hopefully they found the and corrected the problem and now let’s hope the appetite comes back even a little. I know its all baby steps but I feel you came, got things done and now prayers that Dad can heal from this big bump. Looking for more good news to come.


    Hi Rena,

    I am so happy you made it to see your dear Dad. I’m sure he is so comforted by you being there. I am sending many hugs, prayers, and warm thoughts to you and your family.



    Thanks for all the prayers! I made here to Ohio late yesterday and dad is still hanging in there. My brother and I ended up calling his Dr late Tuesday nite to see if there was anything else they could do or look at in regards to his internal bleeding because up to that point we didn’t have clear answers as to where it was coming from. As a result…the next morning they ended up doing an arterial scan….can you believe they found an aneurism (large) on his main artery. They determined that they could go and possibly try to repair it. After a 2nd attempt, the Dr was able to make the fix. At this point, we are waiting to see if the fix is working. The are closely monitoring his blood levels to see if the internal bleeding has stopped. However, he is still so weak, not talking or able to eat much. Seeing him lie there so helpless hurts so much! I am trying to come to peace with the fact that he very well may be at the end of his journey. We will see what the next few days bring. I am able to stay for at least a week…so glad about that! My mom and Dad’s mom really need me here right now! This is for sure the hardest thing that our family has been through! I love the quiet and peaceful moments alone with my dad! He often can share his feelings and thoughts with me that he doesn’t tell my mom in fear that she would worry.
    Please keep him in your prayers and I will keep you all posted. Your hugs, prayers and encouraging words are most appreciated.


    Dear Rena,
    I have fixed my post….I am so sorry that I had not proof read before posting. Truly, you are not alone. There are many angels around your Dad, you, your whole family right now.
    Peace be,


    Dear Rena,

    I am very sorry to hear about your dad. I wish that there was soemthing that I could say that would help right now. That must be so hard for you right now not being able to be there with him and I hope that you can get there as soon as possible and safely. Please know that I am thinking of you and I wish you every strength right now.




    Dear Rena,

    I am very sorry to hear about your Dad. I wish him peace and comfort on his final journey. Please be careful trying to get to him.

    Prayers and love,



    I am so sad for you and your family. Please travel carefully and I will be hoping that you get to spend some time with your Dad.




    Rena…my heart is with you and your family. Be careful while driving if and when the weather allows.

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