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  • #65831

    Talked with our other ONC dr (we have two, one closer to home and one that’s an hour away). He was much more optimistic the the other Dr and we left that visit feeling as if there is still hope. We decided to go back on the Oxaliplatin & 5FU again and deal with nueropathy for now and then possibly switch to a drug trial where they are testing AMG 386 (a bio drug) with Paclitaxel (a chemo drug). Has anyone else done this study???

    This goes to show once again that 2nd opinions are vital! After talking with the first dr. we left feeling like we were out of options, but now we know we there are still options to try (or re-try) and we have hope again and we’ll continue to fight.


    In reply to: New member


    Hi agcesena
    My husband went through the same regimen of chemo. Gem + Cis worked for 5 months for him, then stopped. He had 5FU + couple other ingredients (folfirinox) and initially cancer marker was growing, then dropped, then started going up again. Based on my husband experience, I would check for alternative options. Folfirinox is very harsh chemo to tolerate, but does have good results for some, but not others. Although it didn’t work for my husband, it might work just fine for you. Do they keep an eye on your cancer marker?
    Wishing you the best, Alla


    In reply to: Radiation for R0?


    Bruce, there isn’t enough research and everyone responds differently. The 5FU worked for me and the Gem/Cis did not. We got the results back from a lab that analyzed a piece of my original tumor that had been frozen. I have two identifiable mutations so next time we should be able to use a more specific chemo that targets those mutations. Did they freeze any of your wife’s tumor for research ?


    In reply to: Radiation for R0?


    Eli – I did read the article about adjuvant therapy in high-risk biliary tract tumors and noticed the authors mentioned the greatest benefit for adjuvant therapy was in those people with positive lymph node disease or mcroscopic positive margins after resection. For positive lymph nodes, they stated the 5-year odds ratio was 0.49. I couldn’t find what the 5-year survival probability was for an R0 resection with a positive lymph nodes, but if it is 20%, then I calculated the 5-year probability of survival with adjuvant therapy would be 34%.

    Well, that’s a start. The researchers searched for studies published from 1960 through 2010 and used 20 of these, but the article didn’t say what dates these 20 studies included. Since they are using 5-year suvival rates, I would assume that resections were done before 2005 although I suppose they may use some sort of algorithm to estimate 5-year survival rates from shorter term rates. I would think the use of old data would bias their outcomes in favor of older surgical procedures and adjuvant therapies and would hope that newer techniques and adjuvant therapies would increase these numbers.

    Audry and Lisa, thank you for your comments. We just saw the Ochsner radiation oncologist today and it looks like my wife’s planned treatment is Gem/Cis for 4 month, then 5 weeks of Mon-Fri radiation with F5U. Audrey, did your doctors give you a reason for using Xyloda (Capecitabine) instead of Cisplatin? Lisa, did your doctors give you a reason for using 5FU instead of Gem/Cis? I understood that Gem/Cis was now the chemo of choice for CC.

    Thanks again,



    Topic: New member

    in forum Introductions!

    Hi, I am from San Diego, CA. I am being treated at UCSD medical group. In early April of this year, I was diagnose with cc stage IV in my bile duct and spread to my liver. I was not a candidate for surgery. I started with the two chemos Cisplaten and Gemzar for 12 cycles. I tolerated the chemos without major side effects. I had a CT scan and found out that the chemos were not working and the cancer grew. Last Thursday 18, I just started a new therapy with the chemo 5FU once every 2 weeks for 10 weeks. My question is; if anybody has gone thru the same path or any suggestions.


    In reply to: Radiation for R0?


    Bruce, I am treated at the Cleveland Clinic. I had my first resection in Sept. 2010 with close margins but one lymph node in gallbladder was positive. I had 6 months of chemo(5FU) and no radiation. The cancer came back and I had another resection, during surgery they radiated the area where the two tumors were removed. I recently had two tumors radiated and it seems my tumors respond to radiation better than chemo. Since there was one positive node, I would take the chemo and radiation, if it was me…..


    Thank you all for your thoughtful comments and well wishes.
    My husband was diagnosed with CC November of last year. It’s almost a year. We started out on gem/cis. Condition was stable. Bilirubin was pretty much normal, slight elevation in alk phos. Went to a major medical center where they performed a TACE. while waiting for tace and for 4 weeks after no chemo. During this time the large mass that was TACE showed cell death (left) but the right side showed disease progression. New Onc said he would probably have done TACE but would have kept hubby on low dose gemz to keep the right side from progressing. Be that as it may, the new Onc started us on Irirenotecan & 5FU. We have seen a dramatic increase in Bili and AlkPhos. Had scan last week, disease is progressing. Onc. decided to increase and add Oxi plus Irirenotecan & 5FU. 2 doses of that. Husband could hardly get out of bed as a result. So tired the Onc ordered another CT scan. Scan shows liver damage and water accumulation and disease progression.

    Onc has ceased treatment and says the liver is too badly damaged. Has recommended we seek Hospice care and he gave my husband 2 weeks.

    His Bili is 2.6 he is jaundice; his Alk Phos is 1063 and the Asp Amino is 108.

    I still have faith that his liver will get better since the treatment will stop.

    We have been to Memorial Sloan, John Hopkins, NY Pres and a local Onc. I can’t think of what else to do next.

    A dear friend said to us “now you will just have to REALLY trust God”. You have worked with Dr. etc, hoping God would use them, and he has chosen not to, not just have to solely depend on HIM


    Continue to pray for us, and I will continue to pray for you all and that there will be a cure.



    In reply to: Hello


    Dear Ilias,
    I think you should talk to your brother in law the GP and ask him to explain truthfully what the situation is.The switch to the different chemo is apropriate because of the new growths which have occurred when your mum was on the 5fu.It would be best to cross our fingers and hope it has a good effect rather than worry ahead of time.
    Ilias the chemo is not a cure,it just delays the progress of the cancer ……as to how long for is very individual and cant be predicted but realistically this is a terminal illness for your mother.
    I agree with the oncologist to steer away from alternative treatments while on chemo apart from those that bring comfort,a massage is wonderful.
    Discuss with your family the idea of a second opinion but I think the current regime probably would not be changed.
    Take some time off work and spend some quality time with your mum and dad Take care Janet


    In reply to: Hello


    Hi all

    Oncologist says that Gem/Cis is our last option and nothing else available after this regime. Is this true nthe on oncologist is very quick to shrug us off. He has not even explained how this cycle is administered. I am lost for words.

    I have asked my bros in law to refer us to another onc, but I do not want to disrupt the treatment commencing on Monday.

    I can’t accept that this is our last option and told that if this does not work she will deteriorate quickly and die. I asked about alternative treatments and the Onc got reasonably defensive and told us not to give her b17 as it will have impact on her treatment.

    I would love to hear from any body in OZ or elsewher that has other treatment administered after Gem/Cis. Note that 5FU and radiation had no affect.



    In reply to: Hello


    Ilias- I just wanted to say welcome to this amazing support group. I sadly don’t have a positive story to share. My mother n law was diagnosed on Sept 5 w/ Inoperable, stage 4 CC. She is 66 y.o. She just finished her 3rd round of Oxilplatin/5fu intravenously, but it is now being placed on hold due to her increase in pain, an occluded bile duct, and elevated labs.
    This has been a very hard thing to watch. I am more and more sad as the days go by because for our family, I feel this is definitely the beginning of the end. But this is my experience. Many people on this board have survived years with this cancer. Every person’s body reacts to chemotherapy very differently. There are definitely commonalities from story to story, but the the story themselves are very individual.
    I want you to know that you are not alone. I am so so sorry that you and your family are having to go through this.

    Please keep us posted and I am sending good prayers and thoughts your way!



    In reply to: Hello


    Hey all

    My brother called and is with my mum at the onc. A new growth seems to have appeared. 5FU and radiation stopped and a new chemotherapy will be started (platinum based???)

    I am really beside myself now and feel that this is the beginning of the end



    In reply to: Incontinence


    Diarrhea is the side effect of both 5FU and oxaliplatin.
    Diarrhea can be watery, or can be solid little pieces,or slurry like .
    As long as less than or equal to 4 times a day and follow doctor instruction to take Imodium to control the situation, it will be fine. Make sure hydration is adequate and if diarrhea occur more than 4 times per day, seek MD advice is highly recommended.
    God bless.


    My husband (age 39) was diagnosed with CC in his liver July of last year, in August they went in to do a resection surgery and pulled out after finding that the cancer had spread to his abdominal wall.

    In Sept ’11 he started chemo treatments, he started on a combo of Gemcitabin & Oxaliplatin, after being on that for 4 months with no change (no worse, but no better either). He then did a chemo embolization which was successful in destroying a lot of the tumor. Next was a combo of 5FU and Cisplatin, this combo was successful at further shrinking the tumor and lowering the tumor marker, however the side effects were too much to bear (peripheral neropathy making it hard to walk and type – which is essential to his job). So he was taken off the Cisplatin and left on the 5FU unfortunately after being on just the 5FU there was small growth in the cancer (milimeters)

    On to Ironotecan which he started on two months ago. This is a particularly harsh chemo, and one he wanted to discontinue after his next PET scan (scheduled for Tuesday 10/23) however, after going in for a CT scan to check the abscess in his liver that was caused by the embolization they saw that the tumor is actively growing now (centimeters now) and new spots are showing up. The Dr also said we are getting to the end of our options.

    We also just got back biopsy results that showed he is not eligible for any drug trails.

    The Dr said we could try some new bio drugs but they are $10k a pill and insurance is unlikely to pay for them (though we haven’t had any problems with insurance paying for anything yet).

    Does anyone had any experience with these new bio drugs, or have any suggestions/ideas to talk to our Dr about?


    In reply to: New Member


    Hi Amy,

    That is awesome that your dad is feeling great. From my daughter, Lauren’s experience with Gem/Cis, she had very mild side effects compared to many. She would feel tired and achy for a few days and then be fine. She was also on 5FU with the Gem/Cis. The main concern her doctor had with her was low platelets fron the Cisplatin. She also lost her hair. I hope your dad continues to feel well. Chemo is cumulative, so each time he has it he might feel a little worse.

    I have never heard of hedgeapple. What is it and where do you get it? You might want to ask your dad’s oncologist about it. Lauren’s doctor was very firm on what and what not she was allowed to have in the case of supplements or weird foods. I am just the mom of a daughter with cancer, so anything I have said is purely from our experiences. Good luck to your Dad.



    Topic: New member

    in forum Introductions!

    Hello everyone,

    My name is Liz, my mother in-law Josi, 70 years old. was recently diagnosed with CC. She has Cirrhosis pt (non viral origin) with a mass up to 12.5 cm in the R liver with PV thrombosis. We belong to Kaiser, and are seeking a second opinion, the doctors at Kaiser are saying that its Locally advanced CC, and it is inoperable and wants to start her on Chemo with 5FU base regimens HTN/Hyperlipidemia: f/u by PMD. not sure what all this means.

    We are in the process of a second opinion with the non-profit org. The Second Opinion in San Frsncisco, has anyone had any experencie with this org? we live in Sacramento CA, are there any top places to get a second opinion regarding CC. She was diagnosed in August 2012 she has not started any treatments as of date.

    Thank you for taking the time to read my post. God Bless to you all.

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