Search Results for 'gemcitabine cisplatin'

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  • #7747

    Hi! My Mom was diagnosed with intra-hepatic CC last January 2012 at Providence Regional Med’l Ctr in Everett, WA. We were advised to seek a 2nd opinion at the UW Liver Tumor Clinic then SCCA. Because of the portal vein involvement, my Mom isn’t a candidate for surgery. She did the gemcitabine/cisplatin regimen and Y-90 Radioembolization. It was the latter that helped reduce the size of the tumor (>90%).

    My Mom is still being seen at the SCCA. I believe that my Mom is in good hands over there.

    Prayers provided comfort and security in this journey. God is good.




    Three things you should know if you want to,;Remember I am not a doctor but a patient.

    1. Call Dr. Kato and ask when your father should stop current chemotherapy before his surgery. This way you will not waste valuable time to wait for additional chemotherapy-free days before surgery.
    2. Be very hopeful but guard against being too optimistic ; pray hard and earnest to God for his Grace upon your father even you are in good hands with Dr. Kato. Yes, recurrence is high( >50%) but surgery is the ONLY possible cure for this disease. I am a patient myself,and I am happy that my recurrence last year can be removed by 2nd surgery .
    3. The clinical trial— Panitumumab with Cisplatin/Gemcitabine is not easy to take,the side effect from the panitumumab is especially hard on the face and skin of the body even your dad is only 57 years old.
    God bless.


    Hello all. My sister, age 41 was recently diagnosed with Stage IV CC. This came on suddenly and is quite a shock to our whole family. It is my first direct experience with any type of cancer and I’m trying to learn as much as I can in order to be helpful and supportive. Today I am sitting with her at the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance awaiting a bone scan and her first chemo treatment with gemcitabine and cisplatin. I would appreciate any inside information/experience about this place or these drugs. Thank you for this site. I haven’t explored it fully yet but is comforting already just knowing it exists.


    Just wanted to give an update on my dad. My dad went in for his first round of chemo at Dana Farber this past Tuesday. He is on a clinical trial which combines Panitumumab with Cisplatin/Gemcitabine. On Tuesday he only received the Cisplatin/Gemcitabine (4.5 hour infusion) because we are waiting for the results of his biopsy. He cannot have any mutations to the KRAS wild-type gene in order to stay on the trial. My dad had been in pain since he was diagnosed in September and since he received chemo on Tuesday, he has not been in any pain at all! It seems almost silly to think the chemo has already helped control his pain, but that is the only new regiment he’s added into his routine since he was diagnosed! He is tired and slightly nauseous, but he said he would take that any day over the pain he was experiencing.

    He recently got a CT scan and it showed no growth of the tumor since his very first CT scan in September. This is great news since the only treatments he was doing up until this week were natural – accupuncture and Ton Reng Healing. He is an amazingly strong man and I know he is going to make his was to surgery and into the cancer free zone!



    From MD Anderson, 2011

    here is the full article link

    In short, CAPOX (cepecitabine+Oxaliplatin) is an acceptable alternative to GEM/CIS (gemcitabine + cisplatin)
    for myself if it comes down to side effects and overall survival and quality of life, I ,myself will choose CAPOX.

    Another link below compare gemcitabine, gem+ capecitabine, Capecitabine and 5 FU adjuvant chemotherapy after resection.

    God bless.


    Hi Bob and Nancy, So sorry to hear about the turn of events for Jeff. I would think that they will look at another chemo combination. Cisplatin and Gemcitabine seem to be the most popular. Jeff sounds amazing, getting himself to work everyday. If attitude was a cure he would be long cured, but it certainly helps to appreciate life so well. Sending lots of well wishes to Jeff and you two. Hugs. Nancy


    Hi lostandscared,

    I’m in Ottawa.

    My wife got diagnosed with extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma in April 2011 at the age of 44. She had Whipple surgery in July 2011, followed by 2 months of 5FU chemo-radiation and 4 months of Gemcitabine/Cisplatin chemo. She is currently in remission. She received all her treatments at The Ottawa Hospital.

    Here’s how she got diagnosed:

    She went to ER with unbearable abdominal pain in the upper right quadrant. She wasn’t visibly jaundiced. Ultrasound showed dilatation of the common bile duct. ERCP found a tight stricture in the intra-pancreatic portion of the CBD. The brushing biopsy came back as suspicious for adenocarcinoma. CT and MRI ruled out pancreatic cancer. EUS was the final test that led to surgery; EUS was highly suggestive of cholangiocarcinoma. The final pathology report done after Whipple confirmed the dx. Extrahepatic CC, stage IIB (T3/N1/M0), 2 positive nodes out of 15, microscopically positive margins.

    Medical history prior to cancer:

    My wife had recurrent, intermittent digestive issues for as long as I remember (20 years). She had trouble digesting fatty foods, raw fruits and veggies. I know she mentioned her digestive issues to our family doctor on a few occasions. The GP never ordered any tests or investigations. To be fair, I don’t think my wife was persistent enough in her complaints (she is not the type who complains about minor irritants). Our surgeon told us that digestive issues are very common in the general population; the fact my wife had them doesn’t mean they caused her cancer.

    Lostandscared, I’m very sorry you had to find us. The best tip I can give you is to live one day at a time and not look too far ahead.

    My best wishes to you and your boyfriend.


    Gemcitabine 1000-1250mg/m2+ cisplatin 25 mg/m2 on day one and day 8 and then off for one week is the standard protocol as one cycle( 21 days) for CCA.
    GEMOX, GEMCAP, FOLFOX are other choices too. Adjustments of dosages are quite common because of the lab and scan results.
    5FU,for unknown reasons, seems to have better results when use in extra hepatic CCA than intrahepatic. ( from literature review ,
    By you must discuss each one with your doctor based on efficacy and side effects after you study all the regimens.
    God bless.


    In reply to: CA19

    Dear notdoneyet,

    Your son is not the only one with such high numbers. My mom was diagnosed in June and doctors also said no to surgery. Her CA 19.9 was up to 147.000. My mom is on cisplatin and gemcitabine and her levels dropped to 1200 at the moment. She is doing fine at the moment and scans in October showed shrinkage. Like you said I also can’t believe my mom is as ill as the scans show as she is doing so good now. I hope deeply the rise of the CA19.9 doesn’t mean tumor growth, i guess you have to wait for another scan to see..
    Hoping that Dr. Kato will bring some good news.



    Topic: My dad


    I have not written a while.My dad had been off of chemo for a few months.He just started another cycle of gemcitabine today.After his break from chemo the cancer became more active.: ( He has been feeling well off of the chemo.His spirit was down for a while, but he seems hopeful again.It has been almost 2 years he has had the cancer.I know that he is breaking a lot of milestones, and prayers are the reason. He just believes that one day he will beat this. I need to get myself back into this mind set. He was on Cisplatin and gemcitabine for the first 6 months.It started to shrink fast.It was great.Then the side affects and he took a break.Then they tried an oral chemo and it gave him neuropathy in hands and feet. Now they are trying the gemcitabine alone.Has anyone had any similar experiences and if so was there further shrinkage? I am just looking for some more hope and positivity. : (


    In reply to: Sleep, sleep, sleep


    Hi, Pam.
    He is on gemcitabine and cisplatin. Thank you for sharing info about your daughter, Lauren. I truly hope you get your miracle.


    Hi everyone. I want to start off by thanking you for all of your extremely helpful information. I have listed all the meds and other possible meds for dad to take with him tomorrow. He has his sencond chemo (gemcitabine and cisplatin) tomorrow and will also be getting the flu vaccine, which worries me a little. My main concern now is that my dad is unable to sleep at night and only dozes off and on during the day. His back and stomach pain are just too much. The recliner is no longer comfy nor is the bed. Again, so heartbreaking. With dad still having so much trouble with not eating, pain, and no sleep; this could be very dangerous. I just spoke with mom and he is now severly constipated from all the meds and she might have to take him to the hospital. Dad’s mood has completely changed and he gets mad easily with mom and can be very stubborn. Again, any advice on how to help him sleep would be wonderful. I know mom and dad are going to have to be more aggressive and let his oncologist know that some of his meds are not helping. Thanks


    Hi, everyone,

    Link= Agents Biomarker Platform
    cisplatin, carboplatin ERCC1 RT-PCR
    docetaxel, paclitaxel TLE3 IHC
    capecitabine, fluorouracil, pemetrexed TS (TYMS) RT-PCR
    doxorubicin, liposomal-doxorubicin, epirubicin TOP2A RT-PCR
    Pgp RT-PCR
    irinotecan, topotecan TOPO1 RT-PCR
    gemcitabine RRM1 RT-PCR
    erlotinib, gefitinib EGFR RT-PCR
    temozolomide, dacarbazine MGMT IHC
    nab-paclitaxel SPARCm, SPARCp IHC
    abiraterone, bicalutamide, flutamide AR IHC
    fulvestrant, tamoxifen, toremifene; anastrozole, exemestane, letrozole; megestrol acetate; leuprolide, goserelin ER IHC
    PR IHC
    everolimus, temsirolimus PIK3CA Sequencing
    trastuzumab, lapatinib HER2 IHC, FISH/CISH
    imatinib, sunitinib cKIT (GIST only) Sequencing
    clinical trials (MEK inhibitors; BRAF inhibitors) BRAF Sequencing
    clinical trials (MEK inhibitors; BRAF inhibitors) KRAS Sequencing
    clinical trials (MEK inhibitors; BRAF inhibitors) NRAS(Thyroid) Sequencing

    God bless.


    Good afternoon. I’ll keep this short & sweet. I’m starting to do some research on all the meds my dad is receiving & was curious if anyone has had any experiences with any of them that you could share. My dad has only had one chemo thus far & it was gemcitabine & cisplatin. His medicine he takes twice a day to help him eat is magestrol.
    My dad still is unable to eat. Before this monster attacked him, food was his life & now he craves something and then can only take a bite or two at the most. Thank you for any information. This site is amazing.

Viewing 15 results - 391 through 405 (of 676 total)