Good morning all!
Just checking in to let you all know that I had my 4 year CT scan last week and all looks well! I do have a spot that the radiologist said needed “short term followup”, but my internist says the the “high attenuating” lesion does NOT indicate a tumor. It could just be a change on the surgical site. I have no idea what that means, except for the words “that’s not how a tumor looks”. My oncologist has never even called me, my sister in law was able to get the results in a couple days (she works for a different doctor), so at least I have the results. Why are doctor’s so slow to give people good (?) news???? I am assuming this is good news and am moving forward with it. 4 years! I truly thought I would be long gone by now.
As Maya Angelou said: ‘I’ve learned that life sometimes gives you a second chance.’
Hugs to all!