All about a possible infection

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    Hi Debbie and welcome to our Family. We have been told by a few doctors that infections come with the territory. Even when my husband was showing no cancer after surgery, he ended up in the hospital twice with blood infections. They must do a culture in order to know what kind of infection. Some stents need to be changed about every 3 months to prevent infection. I hope your brother is feeling better now and please keep us posted.


    Hello Debbie and welcome to our site. I am sorry to hear about your brother’s infection. I am wondering: has it been cultured? I don’t have any answers to your questions but, hopefully others will come up with some thoughts.
    All my best wishes,


    9 months ago, my brother was diagnosed with bile duct cancer which had spread to his abdominal wall. He has had several chemo treatments and now just got a new stent. Because of a 100.9 fever, he is back in the hospital. They think he has a bacterial infection but they know it is not staph. It sounds like they are saying “basal line negative” but who knows. Does any one know what they are talking about?


    An infection occurs when bacteria, viruses, and less commonly, fungi (such as yeast), invade the body

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