Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice

Discussion Board Forums Grief Management Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice

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    Dear people
    I hope you are all surviving-difficult times I know.I hope the coming weeks go ok for you,Pauline ,what a bizzarre situation we are in really.Its so difficult to accept
    love from Janet


    Hi Everyone,

    Pauline, I am glad the memorial went well and am sure it gave you some comfort to do this now at a time when all those memories are closing in. I am thinking of you as we both go through the events of the last weeks. It is all still so hard to believe it all happened and now it has been almost a year.

    Cyndi, I think we can all relate to what you are feeling. After what we have all been through, nothing else seems to matter much, does it? We just keep on going taking one day at a time. I have to agree that although I would have wanted more time with Jim I am glad that he did not suffer long or needlessly. How is your friend doing?

    Janet, I hope your Mom starts to improve soon. I know what it is like as I am dealing with my Dad’s health problems and the toll it is taking on my Mom. I am glad you are getting some relief through the massages & swimming during your long winter months. I went to dinner with my daugther-in-law Saturday night and to an Art Festival on Sunday. It does help to fill the hours & keep busy, especially on the weekends. We are actually having some nice summer weather for a change, but it is still unseasonable cool, especially in the evenings. The swine flu is hitting here too, especially in Wisconsin. We have actually had several deaths (6 I believe) so far, related to it. My brother-in-law just got over a few days of being very ill & thought it may have been the flu. They now are thinking it was effects of severe migrane.

    Sue, It sounds like Sam”s graduation was lovely and I know Ray was there in spirit & so very proud too.

    Joyce, I’m glad you had a nice time in the Adirondecks. I too understand that lonely feeling of having to come home to an empty house. No matter where you go or what you do in the end you are still alone. It is all so sad & lonely, isn’t it?

    Patty and everyone else here, I hope things are going OK for all of you. Keep in touch. We can all get through this, together, one day at a time.

    Love & Hugs To All,


    Dear All,

    Thanks for all your good wishes for Sams graduation, It was really beautiful, and I was so proud of her. There was six of us in all, me and my Mum, Sams boyfriend, Sams godmother and her sister. we only had tickets for 3 for the graduation but because we got there early we managed to get tickets for everyone which was lovely. Sam only had tears only once, just after the ceremony itself, then we all went to a champagne reception put on by the medical school which was lovely, all sams friends from Uni who had known Ray came up to chat with us, and then we all went back to my house for more champagne! everyone stayed the night, and Janis, Sams godmother who is an amazing and very funny lady had us all in stiches. We felt Ray was there all the time. On the way back from the graduation, Sam went to Rays grave and told him she had done it and was now a real Doctor, she said she felt as if he knew already and had been there with her.

    Pauline, I am proud of you for keeping cheerful through Anthonys memorial, I know how hard it must have been for you. As Cyndi says it is another milestone you have passed.

    Joyce, glad you enjoyed the holidays, it is very emotional coming home though to an empty house, I dont know what we can do to avoid it though!

    I had a business meeting yesterday with a friend I have known for thirty years. He has been working to start up a new business and it looks as if it will take off soon. Because he can get EU funding if he runs the business from Belgium, he is planning to move there and he has asked me if I will run his Uk operation. At the moment it will involve me a couple of days work a week, but if it takes off as he plans, it could be quite a responsible job and quite demanding. Part of me is scared but part of me was quite excited by the project. I think I will give it a try, he needs someone he can trust just now, and I think I need a project to get involved in. As he knew Ray and my situation if I find it too much I think he will undersatnd, anyway nothing venture, nothing gained.

    Darla, Patty, Janet, and everyone else reading this, try to keep positive, my love to you all.


    Dear people,
    I hope you are all hanging in there.Sue,I hope the graduation went well and you got some nice photos-the holiday sounded terrific as did Joyces break in the mountains.Congratulations,Pauline on organizing the memorial,it must have given you a few worries beforehand.I hope everone is enjoying summer and Darla you are getting some breaks away from the shop.
    I have had to put the work aside lately as my mother had a knee op and then developed some heart problems so I have been up and down from Sydney constantly.I cant say Im that keen to work at the hospital with all
    the swine flu cases-we are in the peak of flu season here-midwinter.
    Im still having a regular chinese massage which is helping and trying to swim twice per week at a heated pool,not as good as the ocean pools but they are pretty cold this time of year.What type of cats are they,Cyndi?
    Take care folks love from Janet


    Dear all,
    I am pleased you had a really lovely holiday, Joyce. I hope the graduation was beautiful, Sue. I hope you are alright, Darla, Janet, Patty and everyone. I am thinking of you all.
    I held the memorial for Anthony yesterday at home. It was lovely and I did my eulogy and tried to keep it positive. I only cried briefly once, which I thought wasn’t too bad. Today I feel very low and memories of a year ago are very vivid. I was reading my hospital diary and a year ago today, Anthony was in the hospice but his blood tests were good and the staff thought it was just a case of sorting out appropriate pain medication. Anthony felt a bit better, our daughter came in and we all decided to go over to Italy for a few days later in the month once they sorted out his pain meds. No one knew he was dying and yet he only had 10 days left of life. I now think how amazing that we were still so positive at this very late stage. That was a good thing.
    Anyway, as you can see I am going through this one day at a time. I am thinking of you all as always.
    Take care
    With love


    Hello Everyone,

    I am back from the Adirondacks – had a wonderful time with my family, but coming home today was very difficult – home to an empty house (Flash was next door with my neighbor). That did bring out the tears, but – it is the way it is now, and I can’t change it, so – I will keep moving forward. We talked about Butch a lot this week, and the kids bring him up often – he was with us in spirit, I know, as you say Sue. I’m glad you had a good time visiting with Sam, and I hope the graduation is a happy time, also.

    Back to work Monday – tomorrow is mow the lawn day, etc. Got to catch up now that I am home. Lots of rain here this summer, and much cooler weather than usual. I hope you are all doing OK, and I think of you often.
    Pauline, I am especially thinking of you as you move through these next few weeks.

    Love – joyce


    Thanks Darla, I too am sure that Ray will be with us – he wouldnt miss it for the world, we just have to remember that just because we can’t see him it doesn’t mean he isn’t with us.
    Lots of love, Sue x


    Dear Sue,

    I’m glad you and Sam enjoyed your holiday in Vegas and also the time spent together. I am sure it was comforting to both of you. We do need these diversions and also the time to talk about the past and our memories. The hard part is coming home alone, then the reality sets in again. It is still all so hard, isn’t it. At times things seem to be going OK & you think you are coping and then some small thing will bring it all back along with the sadness & tears.

    I will be thinking of you & Sam on Wednesday and I know that Ray will be there in spirit as was Jim last November when Pat got his Masters Degree. We really felt his presence and know that he was proud of his accomplishments.

    Take care Sue. As you said, we will all get through this some how, together.



    Patty, forgot to tell you, you must go and eat in the cheesecake factory in Caesars – but make sure you share the plates!


    Hello Friends,
    Thank you all for your good wishes for my holiday, we got home yesterday morning from Vegas so am a bit jet lagged, had a great time with Sam but not looking forward to the credit card bill coming in!
    Las Vegas was not at all what we expected, the big hotels were really fantastic, I suppose there were some seedy places downtown but we kept away from them and had a great time. The two cirque de soleil shows we saw were amazing but at $90 a seat were pretty expensive. We also went to the Grand Canyon which was so impressive, but we kept well away from the edge of the Canyon – I couldn’t believe how close some people got to the edge for their pictures taking, one girl sat right on the edge and dangled her feet over!
    It was also lovely to spend so much time with Sam – we did all the girly things, but the holiday was tinged with sadness as we both realised the only reason we were taking the holiday there was because Ray was no longer with us.
    It was hard yesterday night after Sam and her boyfriend dropped me off home – it was very quiet and the house seemed very empty, I must admit being tired didnt help and I had a few tears before I took myself off to bed.
    I know everyone is feeling sad too just now. You get more used to being on your own as time goes by, and it gets a little easier, but I have found that the tears are only just under the surface, and tend to pop out at the least thing, and quite frequently just lately – perhaps it is all part of the healing process? Darla, perhaps the bad memories are coming to you now for the same reason?
    Pauline, I hope you are eating better and looking after yourself – try to build yourself up a little – Have you finalised your plans for the memorial for Anthony? Try to remember the things he did which made you smile on the 30th.
    Patty, the best advise I can give you for Vegas is to take a good comfy pair of shoes! We walked for miles! The hotels are so big that the first time we tried to get out from our room onto the strip it took us 45 minutes and we had to ask for directions in the end! As for what to do there – we just wandered around the hotels, we stayed in Planet Hollywood which is quite central and has a shopping mall underneath it with some quite reasonable restaurants. (Also if you go to the information desk there they will give you some vouchers for shows and restaurants etc). The hotels not to be missed are the Bellagio for the fountains (you must do their Champagne brunch on Saturday or Sunday), the Paris , Caesars Palace, MGM for the lions, the Venetian and we went to see the dolphins and white tigers at the Mirage which were great. You must see at least one Cirque show, we did Mystere and Ka and both were amazing. There are quite a few half price ticket booths where you can get show tickets for that day. I couldnt really advise what to do at night as we were in bed by 10 most nights! But if you like a cocktail do get one from Fat Tuesdays – but dont be deceived – they are quite strong!
    I am sure you will have a great time – I wish I was 40 again!
    Joyce – we saw your wedding chapel! I was looking out for it as my hairdresser also got married there. We saw quite a few weddings while we were there and they were really beautiful. The temperature while we were there was about 108 – coming from wet England we had never experienced heat like that before.
    The time with Sam was special, Janet, it gave us time to talk about Ray, Sam is missing her dad badly at the moment, as are Rays two other girls, and it does help to talk.
    Sams graduation is at York University on Weds this week so I am trying to lose the extra pounds I put on during the holiday so I can get back into my “posh frock”. It will be a hard day for Sam but I am sure that Ray will be there for her in spirit.
    Anyway, I must get back to reality now and get down to some work, although I have planned a holiday in September with my Mum – I dont know about you but it really helps me to have things to work towards and to look forward to – it helps you get through the days one at a time if you can plan for something.
    My thoughts are with you all just now – we can do it together!
    Love Sue x


    Thanks Pauline, that is a beautiful poem.

    Don’t be sorry for being distressed, We are all going through similar phases and feelings. What you expressed about your and Anthony’s experiences were so similar to ours. Jim’s last weekend at home was about the same, except that he went back to the hospital on Sunday evening and died 9 days later. The day I had planned to take him home along with hospice care. We also had no idea the end was so near.

    It really does seem to help to know that we are not alone and are all experiencing the same things. It doesn’t change it & it doesn’t make it any easier, but it is some how comforting to be able to share our feelings with each other.

    I too try to remember all of the good things & all of the wonderful memories of the time we shared, but it is still so hard. Hopefully in time it will get easier and we will be able to remember more of the good & less of the bad that we experienced those finall days.

    I am thinking of all of you and hoping for peace & comfort for all of us in the days to come.

    Love & Hugs,


    Hello everyone,
    Once again a lot of us seem to be going through similar phases at the same time. I have found this weekend very hard. A year ago Anthony came home from hospital for the day but was so ill and tired he wasn’t able to go back. He said to me “If I go back now I will never come home again”. So, we stayed at home and I called the hospital. They said he was going to be discharged on Monday anyway so I could come in and get his medication etc. I did this and by the time I got back home Anthony was very distressed, worrying about where I was. We both cried together when I saw how upset he was. We still had no idea that he was in his final stage. No one had realised this and so we pulled ourselves together and tried to keep going. We slept downstairs on the sofas from this point onwards because Anthony couldn’t get up the stairs. I can hardly believe what we went through in these last weeks and it all suddenly seems so real (and yet unfathomable) again.
    I am sorry to be so distressed and wish I could offer more positive words of support to all of you who are living with terrible memories. I know that all we can do is also remember the beautiful things, which I do. Here is a poem by ee Cummings for Anthony and all of our loved ones –

    I carry your heart with me (I carry it in
    my heart) i am never without it (anywhere
    I go you go , my dear, and whatever is done
    by only me is your doing, my darling).
    I fear
    no fate (for you are my fate, my sweet) i want
    no world ( for beautiful you are my world, my true)
    and it’s you are whatever a moon has always meant
    and whatever a sun has always sung is you
    here is the deepest secret nobody knows
    (here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
    and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows
    higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide)
    and this is the wonder that’s keeping the stars apart.
    I carry your heart (I carry it in my heart).
    Thinking of all of us
    With love



    I am in Plymouth which is about half way between Sheboygan & Fon du Lac. Not too far north of Cedar Grove.

    Holy Hill is a beautiful area. I am sure your Mom will enjoy it. Door County is also a nice place to visit.

    We used to do antique shows in St. Paul, Minneapolis and Rochester. Also a flea market in the Elko/New Market area. We’ve also been to the Mall of America and Mystic Lake.




    I’ve meant to ask you where in Wisconsin do you live? I’ve been hoping to take mom to Holy Hill within these next weeks. So beautiful there. I’ve a good friend whose parents live in Cedar Grove and my husband graduated from high school in Neenah, went on to graduate from UofWMadison after a year at Stephen’s Point. We are planning a return visit for our anniversary at his beloved Door County.

    It’s strange having the ability to plan for different things…as with all of you, a year ago today, I considered a quick trip to the grocery store as an exotic retreat. I think of you all especially now, as we face our one year anniversary.



    Dear people
    I am not quite there for the distressing this time last year memories.This time last year we were on a terrific family holiday in Queensland.When we came back I encouraged Joel to have a mens health check with the local GP as I had just had a womens health check.That checkup revealed the devastating diagnosis.
    It was my birthday a few days later and my mum took me out to lunch and we both cried through it.
    Some of the places sound lovely where people are holidaying.The Adirondacks has an interesting history.Mountains and Highlands are great I think because I live at the beach.I like the sound of the markets that Darla visits too.
    I hope ,Sue that you have had a lovely,companiable holiday with your daughter and Pauline I hope you are able to keep your spirits up.
    My best wishes and positive vibes to all-it is winter here and I have been a bit silly buying scarves of all different types,suddenly got a bit of a thing for them.Retail therapy!
    love from Janet

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