Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice

Discussion Board Forums Grief Management Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice

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    To Darla, Joyce, Pauline and Sue: Fortunately I cannot know the emotions that you feel since Teddy is still with me. I have watched your posts and just felt the urge to put this poem in one more time, that I just love. What more can I say as I have not walked in your shoes. I have thought of you girls often and hope this will mean a little something to you.

    If I should be the first to go,
    And leave you alone, My Dear,
    Let not your heart be lonely,
    Nor in your eye a tear.

    Grieve not for me, my darling,
    I’ll not be far away,
    With petals of love and tenderness,
    I’ll pave for you the way.

    To join me in our sanctuary,
    And ne’er again we’ll part,
    Grieve not for me, my darling,
    I live within your heart.

    Take joy again in living,
    As you did in years gone by,
    God knows of what He’s doing,
    And not be questioned why,

    Grieve not for me, my darling,
    My life with you on earth,
    Each moment filled with happiness,
    And love so few be worth.

    I’ll be waiting for you Sweetheart,
    Where skys are ever blue,
    With eager heart and open arms,
    Patiently for you.

    Grieve not for me, my darling,
    May faith and my love keep
    Your soul filled with contentment,
    Eternally I sleep.


    Hello Everyone,
    Well – it is over, isn’t it? This was a truly terrible week, and I am so glad it is over. I did work today, and am now off for the weekend. Yes, Sue, working helps me a great deal. I have been working at the Homes for 31 years in March, so, as you can imagine, I have many great friends there, so they have made it as easy for me as they could. I work in the corporate office of a chain of nursing homes, and I am the Director of Information technology, and I went oput on leave in March of last year, just after we purchased new software for our computer systems. We are now installing that software, and still running two other older systems, so , it is very difficult right now, with many hours going into this project. It is a good thing – keeps my mind busy during the day, and I am tired when I come home, so I am grateful that I had this job to return to – I am darn lucky they held it for me.

    As for New Year’s, I stopped and bought Chinese, and Flash and I ate that. I watched the cooking channel (don’t even ask me why!) and fell asleep just before they announced who won the cooking contests I was watching – before 12:00. My brand new furnace had conked out (got it put in two weeks ago, and the pump was bad), so it was 48 degrees in the master bedroom. I slept in the guest room, and the living room was around 60 so it wasn’t completely gone, BUT, it was darn cold! They replaced the pump today, and it is nice and warm tonight – we (Flashy and I) will return to our bedroom tonight.

    I loved your poem, Pauline, and I do mourn for the light that has gone out in all of our lives. I hope we can move on from this sadness and recover a bit – this last week or two set us back quite a bit, I fear. Sue, Darla, Pauline and everyone reading this who has lost a loved one , I am thinking of you as we go into the New Year, and praying that the way ahead will get easier.

    Love, Joyce


    Dear Darla, Pauline & Joyce,
    I would like to wish you all the best in this New Year. It cant possibly be as bad as 2008 was for all of us. I hope that we will all get stronger as the year grows older.
    Thanks for your good wishes Darla, I agree that knowing you all are going through the same as me is a lifeline.
    This difficult period is over for us all now, Christmas and Boxing day were a bit hard but I managed by keeping busy like you did, Joyce.
    We kept the memorial candle from when my dad died, and the last three christmasses we have lit his candle and said a toast to him, this year there were two candles to light which was a very sad moment.
    All the girls and their families came over on Boxing day and I had got them all some special presents which they could keep to remember their Dad by, again we had some tears but all in all the day was not too bad, however on Boxing day night my little dog was really ill and we thought we were going to loose her, she was so sick she couldnt even keep water dawn, so I took her to the vets who said it was either gastroenteritis or Heart failure, so we just had to wait and see if she recovered, Luckily she is almost back to normal now, it is the thirteenth birthday today, and my daughter doesnt know how her heart is still managing to work it is so irregular – I am just very grateful she is still here I dont think I could cope without her at the moment.
    Pauline, like you I was really ill after Christmas, for three days I felt absolutely terrible with the flu, luckily my Mum was staying and I dont know how she managed it but she looked after me and Poppy until we started to feel better.
    The 30th December would have been our 23rd Anniversary, and I wasnt looking forward to it, but my daughter had arranged for one of my oldest friends (who is also Sams Godmother) to come over and spend the night, we watched Mamma mia, had a few tears but also laughed a lot so it was good therapy.
    I fully intened to go down to our local Pub last night, but half way through getting ready I just started crying, and thought to myself that I couldnt do it, so I stayed in with my dog and watched movies and tried to forget what day it was. When the fireworks went off at midnight I toasted Ray and said happy birthday to the dog and had a good sleep. I dont know if it is just me or if it is the same with you all, but my overwhelming feeling at the moment is of extreme exhaustion, and lack of motivation. I know I will have to do something in the new year to give my life some structure.
    My business will not now bring in enough money for me to live on (I import speciality chemicals from Belgium and the drop in the value of the pound, especially just before Christmas means most of my customers have stopped buying), I think I will give myself a few months then try to get another job.
    Joyce, did it help you to get back to work, I know you found it was very hard at first, but you seem to be coping better with it now?
    My main problem is that if I continue to work and live at home alone I will get like a recluse, and I think I need to spread my wings a bit wider.
    I dont know if you all feel as I do , but now Christmas and New Year is over, I am thinking “What now?”.
    Love to all,
    Sue x


    Hi Everyone,

    Thanks for sharing the verse. I also am crying again. It is almost 6PM here and I too don’t see much point in staying up until midnight. No one to celebrate with & no reason to celebrate a new year when the person you want to share it with is no longer here to share it with you.

    I am thinking of all of you, Pauline, Joyce & Sue who are sharing my grief, along with everyone else who has been touch by this horrible cancer.

    I don’t know of anything that could possible happen that would be worse than what we are now enduring, so I am hoping for all of us the support & comfort we will need to give us the strength to go on and be strong in the new year.

    Love & Hugs To All Of You,


    Dear all,
    Well it’s 8.30pm on new year’s eve and I’m still feeling ill. There doesn’t seem much point in staying awake until midnight. I don’t like the idea of living in a year that Anthony hasn’t known so I think I’ll try and ignore it all. It is very sad on this forum at the moment with a number of loved ones having died or dying. Here is a verse of a poem by John Donne that I wrote to Anthony on his last birthday:

    …” All other things to their destruction draw,
    Only our love hath no decay;
    This no tomorrow hath, nor yesterday,
    Running it never runs from us away,
    But truly keeps his first, last, everlasting day”…

    I am crying again for the light that has gone out in my life and for my friends, Darla, Joyce, Sue and for all of you living through this torment.
    Thinking of you all tonight


    Dear friends,
    I am still suffering from a very bad bout of flu that I have had since Christmas Day. It has been very miserable all on my own but I don’t want to pass my germs to my family. However, I have a very strong sense of Anthony being here with me which is helping to keep me going.
    I had originally intended to go to Italy for new year to visit Asisi where Anthony and I spent the millenium new year’s day. However, I have had to cancel that trip. My step daughter has invited me over and I had thought I would go for a few hours and then come back home to let the new year in. However, as I am still spiking a high temperature every day this is not looking likely.
    Last year on new year’s eve, Anthony had a ct scan and when we got home he began to get a high temperature which meant that he spent the rest of the day in bed. I sat up on the bed with him, as I often did when he was ill and by midnight he was sleeping. I remember looking out of the window and seeing a few fire works and then going to sleep myself. It was the only new year out of 27 that we didn’t wish each other happy new year at midnight. It never even occurred to me that this was to be our last new year. The next day Anthony felt better and we went to our daughter’s house for a family get together.
    So at midnight this year I have decided to be in our bedroom looking out of the window. It is very beatiful weather here at the moment – very cold and sunny – and so I am hoping to see some stars. Then I will probably cry and wish my Anthony a happy new year.
    Today is 5 months since Anthony died and he is always in my thoughts. I think I am getting used to life being full of sadness but I think this time of year has been the most challenging since those very early weeks.
    I am thinking of you all and will be thinking of you at new year.
    With love


    Hello all,
    Just a note to say we are half-way there! We got Christmas over with – now we need to be past New Year’s – I am thinking this will not be easy. It is not as though we were big partiers – we usually went out to eat with my parents, and then went home and watched the ball drop -IF we didn’t fall asleep! But – we always brought in the New Year together, and this New Year’s will be very difficult, for all of you also, I am sure. Iwill be thinking of you. We have decided to go out to eat – my daughter and her husband, and the Grandchildren, then MAYBE go to the movies. I am not sure yet, but – sitting home alone is probably not a good idea, I should think. I hope you all make a plan, too.

    I hope you all got thru Christmas as best we could – it WAS difficult, but having the love of my family helped, as I hope was the case for all of you. I am so happy to have my Granddaughters – they are wonderful girls, and so thoughful of my feelings. We are all trying to establish new traditions – we had a toast at Christmas dinner – non-alcoholic champagne – to Butch, and I hope to do that every year from now on.

    The weather has been unbelievably balmy the last few days – up around 60, in fact. The snow all melted, and it seems very surreal – I will take it though!

    Love, Joyce


    Dear Pauline, Joyce & Sue,

    I too have been crying off & on most of the day. It truely is so painful. I am thinking of Jim all the time and do not sleep well either. I do have moments when I feel as if he is here with me & that does give me some comfort. It is going to be hard getting through the next few days, but I too am going to do my best. I am thinking of all of you. Take care & try to make it through as best you can.

    Love & Hugs To All Of You,



    Dear everyone,
    This is such a trial. I have been crying most of the day. I can’t bear missing Anthony so much, it is so painful. It is nearly five months now and I still think about him all the time during the day and most of the night ( I can’t sleep well at the moment either). Anyway, last night Anthony was there in my dream for the first time in weeks and it made me feel so much better for the first moments of the day, until the torment started again.
    I am thinking of you, Darla, Sue, Joyce and everyone else who has lost a loved one to this disease. I know we will all try our best to get through this Christmas period. I am going to make a very big effort for my family tomorrow and will try not to cry until I get back home.
    With love


    Hello Everyone,

    Pauline, I know what you mean about the dreams. I have only dreamed (or – remember dreaming) about Butch once – I so want to dream about him, as sad as it is to wake up from that dream. I do find this Christmastime so sad, my solution is – I keep busy – I will cook a ham dinner on Christmas Day for 8 people – the time will move along that way.

    Someone gave me a framed peom yesterday – it is called “Merry Christmas from heaven”. It is a beautiful poem about our loved ones looking down and seeing Christ’s birthday celebrated here on earth, and they are celebrating with Christ this year. Lovely, but – did I cry – I tear up just telling you about it.

    Lots of snow on the ground here in New York – i am sure Darla has more, but – plenty non the less. I will work half day, then go to my daughter;s house – the “Grands” will unwrap my gifts this afternoon – we will go to church tonight.

    Next week I will order Butch’s memorial stone – have not done that yet. I do stop occasionally and visit his spot at the cemetary – I find it very difficult. – it is easier to talk to his picture!

    I, too am so glad we have each other – it has been very beneficial for me (all of us I hope) to have this place to go where we can all understand one another. I wish you all the very best Christmas we can muster, under the circumstances, and remind us all of the wonderful Christmas’s we shared with our husbands in years past. I try to remember that Butch wanted me to go on, and celebrate life, and I try to do this in honor of him. I am sure that your husbands all felt the same about you, so do try to remember that. And if all we can do is stumble thru the day – it will all be over nextr week!

    Love to you all,



    Dear Friends,
    I am just getting the house ready for Christmas, and I will have to pack away my laptop from the dining room table so I can set the table for tomorrow.
    I just wanted to tell you I will be thinking about you all over the next few days. I would like to wish you “Merry Christmas” but I know it will not be a merry one, so instead I wish you “Peace at Christmastime” and hope your friends and family bring you comfort.
    My love to all.
    Sue x


    Hi Everyone,

    Sue, you do seem to have a great attitude. I think we need to follow your lead a little. Pauline, I agree we may need to make more of an effort in the new year. My Mom is more like your’s Pauline, Of course, she has never had to go through what we are going through. She lived at home until she married & has been with my Dad ever since. They are 82. Sue, I agree that your Mom does understand as she too has had to deal with losing a spouse. You are lucky to have her. I am hoping she is right & that Pauline & I will one day be able to see beyond those last days to the fond memories. Sue I also like your concept of seeing the same things in a different way & time. It is comforting.

    The weather here is exceptional bad this year. We also had quite a bit of snow last year, so I was hoping this year wouldn’t be so bad. The years before that were much milder. Hopefully the new year will bring better weather too. I do have people close by & they are willing to help me out when needed. One of our sons also lives not too far from me.

    Joyce, I hope you are doing OK. I think we are all doing as good as can be expected under the circumstances. I will be thinking of all of you. Take care everyone. Talk to you again soon.



    Hi all,
    Just sat here watching the trees blow in the wind and trying to look at the stars. Ray was a great one for watching the stars, I remember once we took our touring caravan to the vendee and stayed in a campsite in the middle of a farm growing sunflowers, there was no light pollution and at night we could see so many stars, we laid on rug in the middle of the night and just looked out at the trillions of stars we could see. And when we went to see Rays sister in Spain last year he noticed that she could see the same star group from her kitchen window as we could from ours in the Uk and he told her that she should look at the stars and remember him, and he would know when she did. So Darla and Joyce, just remeber you will see the same stars as Pauline and I , Just in a different allignment, and at a different time, so in the same ways our husbands will see the same things, just from a different place, and they will be thinking of us too.
    Joyce, we havent heard from you for a while, are you OK?
    Talk to you all again soon,
    Love Sue


    Dear all,
    It sounds very bleak where you are with all that snow. Is it always like this at this time of year or is it worse than usual? Do you have neighbours nearby? I hope you are not too isolated. It all sounds so different from where I live on a typical London row of edwardian houses! The weather has been milder here in the last few days but is very grey and depressing, reflecting the way I feel.
    I think you’re being very positive with your decorating ideas. It also makes sense to me to do the things that you and Ray planned. Doing some of the things that Anthony and I planned is one of the few ideas that makes sense to me. Maybe I’ll be able to make more effort in the new year. What do you think,Darla? I also think it’s good that your mother really understands how you feel because she has been through the same experience quite recently. All my mum keeps saying is to keep busy!
    Yes Sue, I am going to relax about the memories and see if they come back in time and as you say, Darla, maybe it will be the same with the dreams and they will gradually happen. I hope so!
    How are you Joyce? Is it still snowy there as well? I am thinking of you all and I reckon we’re being pretty brave, aren’t we? At least we are managing to keep going, despite how we feel inside!
    Take care all of you!


    Dear Darla, Pauline and Joyce,
    I am sure what we are all going through is normal, and is part of the grieving process, nevertheless, knowing that doesnt make things any easier. My mum is a great help at the moment, we lost my Dad three years ago, he had bone and bowel cancer and suffered greatly over the last three years of his life. My mum said that all she could picture in her mind was him at the end of his life, which was heartbreaking, and it took a year before she started to remember him as he was in his prime. Also she told me that most widows have an overwhelming urge to do something to change their lives or houses etc. she had the bathroom ripped out and redone as a wetroom, which would have been so useful for my Dad, but he couldnt bear the upheaval. Similarly I am planning to redecorate two bedrooms, Ray chose the colours before he died, and even painted one wall in an accent colour before he ran out of steam – my Mum said it was quite theraputic for her as it gave her something creative to focus on – in my case I dont have much choice except to decorate as our bedroom now has one deep pink wall, three yellow walls and a blue carpet!
    It is hard having to do these things on our own, but when I have done something I havent done before it gives me a sense of acheivement – I mended the candle bridge decorations when they wouldnt light up, but got stuck with trying to replace a spotlight which got stuck (my friends husband bless him came and helped out with that one!) – still having electrical problems you notice!!!
    What I am really saying, pauline, is not to be too distrubed when you cant remember a particular instance, my Mum says the memories come flooding back when we are in a state of mind to be happy remembering these, not when they may cause us more pain.
    I am thinking of you all in antisipation of Christmas, perhaps it wont be as bad as we fear, I am sure there will be pllenty of tears but as long as we can have some smiles as well, I am sure we can all cope,
    God bless, and all my love,

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