Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice

Discussion Board Forums Grief Management Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice

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    Hello Friends,
    I am just dropping in to say hello. I tried to post on the faces of cc site, but got an error. I am waiting for Rick to tell me what went wrong. I hope you are all doing OK – I have caught up on all the postings, and wonder how Sue’s holiday went? Pauline, where in New York would you be? I am about 3 1/2 hours north of NYC – if that is where you would be going. It would be lovely if we could meet. Darla, it was SO cold here yesterday – only a dusting of snow, though. Tomorrow it is supposed to go back up to 40 degrees – go figure!
    So far, cutting back on the anti-depressants has gone OK – I am on half the dose I was on before, and functioning OK (well – sort of OK!). I know what you mean aboyut the job, Pauline – I would love to tell Butch about the new project I am on at work – he was my cheering section, and without him, it seems a bit hollow.
    Well – it’s time to get into my jammies and work on the prayer shawl I am making for my daughter – knitting is GREAT therapy, I find.

    Love – Joyce


    Hi Pauline,

    I will watch for your picture. It is good to know that our self guilt & blame are “normal” and very common , but as you said, it doesn’t change how we feel or resolve the issues for us. We will just have to work through it along with everything else.

    Everyone take care & try to enjoy the rest of the weekend & keep busy!!!!!



    Dear all,
    I saw the photo of you and Jim, Darla. It is really lovely. I must post one soon of myself and Anthony. I have so many around the house so I just need to select one.
    I hope you are all ok. This pre Christmas period is hard isn’t it with everyone around us apparently so busily engaged in preparations. I feel very marginalised from it all.
    I still find the weekends the most difficult time when others seem to be enjoying themselves and it just emphasises the lonliness.
    By the way, Darla, I heard the other day that self blame – something that troubles us greatly – is apparently a very common aspect of grief. Although knowing this doesn’t resolve it , at least we can feel that it’s normal!
    Well, I’m off for my Saturday early night! Take care everyone!


    Hi Everyone,

    It sure does seem like we are all having a hard time of it right now. I like Pauline am dealing with those last few days & what was left undone & unsaid. We are both trying to work our way through this, but as hard as we try, the memories keep coming back. I am glad that the counseling seems to be helping you some Pauline.

    I too had decided I can not deal with sending out Christmas cards. I never thought about the ones that may come to both of us from those who do not know Jim has past away, but at least we are now more prepared for it. Christmas is not going to be easy for any of us this year, is it.

    Sue, have a nice time with your Mom in Spain. Pauline, the new work does sound interesting & hopefully will keep you busy so you don’t dwell on everything as much. I know tho’ that it never really goes away completely. The fact that you may be coming to the states is exciting. Joyce lives in New York state, so there may be a chance of the two of you meeting. That would be nice. It really would be great if we could all meet some day.

    I know what you mean about there being no pleasure in anything because there is no longer anyone to share it with. My son said I need to do something for me that makes me happy. I told him that what we were doing is what I enjoyed & what made me happy, but like you said there is no pleasure in doing it alone. I do have the memories, but being here alone is so sad & lonely.

    I haven’t really gotten rid of many of Jim’s things yet. They are all around me along with a lot of pictures. Right now it gives me some comfort to have it all here yet. I have gone through a few things, but most of it is still in the drawers & closets just like before. I know that when I do start to deal with it, it will be so hard to do.

    Joyce, I too hope that you will be OK without the anti depressants. I didn’t take them either, so I am not sure how it will affect you. As for counseling, I have not done that either. I do have a few friends & relatives to talk to that are also good at listening & understanding and I really think I get the most out of coming here & sharing with all of you.

    Joyce you seem to be doing a good job of keeping yourself busy & having your Grandaughters is a real blessing. I also have had a few more experiences with lights & other electrical things. I think it is just their way of letting us know that they are still with us in spirit & are watching over us.

    Well, everyone take care and try to keep busy this up coming weekend. It is really hard for me to want to even go anywhere since we started to get all this cold & snow, but I have to try to get out a little, because just being here does get very depressing.

    Love To All,


    Dear all,
    I hope you have a pleasant time in Spain, Sue. I think it will probably really be good for you to have a break and, hopefully, a rest. I understand your depression regarding the Christmas cards. I am not even going to buy any this year as I just can’t face it. I must admit I hadn’t thought about receiving some from people who don’t know what has happened but now that you have mentioned it, I will at least be prepared.
    I have been troubled by a lot of self blame again. I really have a terrible problem with this and now it is focused on why I didn’t get Anthony prompt treatment following on from his radio therapy in February. There was a month’s delay while the oncologist reviewed a scan before referring Anthony for a Phase 1 trial, and it haunts me still that this delay caused Anthony to deteriorate rapidly. I can’t get away from blaming myself for it and it is terrible to live with. I think I will focus on this in my counselling session next week. This has been going reasonably well and I have managed to talk through those last few terrible days of Anthony’s life. My counsellor did help me to find some beautiful elements in those most dreadful of days and I am grateful to her for that. She said some lovely things about Anthony and the dignity with which he faced such awful pain and trauma and I appreciated her insight while crying at the memory of his courage.
    This has been a very tough week for me and today I was offered my first cosultancy work in a school near my own. It is a project which I will work on over the next term and it involves a link with a school in New York doing some joint work on literacy development. I will probably have to visit the partner school in the US and so I may get to meet some of you on this site after all! It is a really interesting project for me and could lead to further work but as I left the school all I could think of was how delighted Anthony would have been because this type of consultancy work is exactly what I had planned to do after I retired. Anthony would have helped me with it as he was a former university chair of department in applied linguistics. It is so sad to think of doing these things on my own and there is no pleasure in it at all now. I am just doing it because I think I really must do something.
    Anyway, I hope you are both ok in all that snow, Joyce and Darla. I hope that you are alright without the anti depressants, Joyce. I have never tried any medication but it has been suggested to me. Let us know how you go on.
    Take care everyone!


    Dear Darla, Joyce and Pauline,
    We all seem to have been going through a rough patch just lately. I had a really bad day yesterday. I wanted to get all my Christmas cards sent off before I went on holiday, as quite a few people we send cards to dont know Ray has died. So yesterday I spent all day writing cards and by the end of it I was really depressed after explaining about Rays death so many times.
    I just wanted to stop the cards coming addressed to Ray and Sue.
    Anyway it is done now.
    I am looking forward to getting away for a week, I think I need the rest Ijust feel so exhaused all the time.
    I hope you all have a good week, and will catch up with you when I get back.
    Love Sue x


    Dear all,
    I have been really low in the last few days and have felt like I’m sinking. After 4 months of all this I began to think I simply couldn’t cope with such grief, sadness and, basically, with missing Anthony so badly. There have been a lot of tears and some very desperate moments.
    On Saturday I held the social for friends and family to mark Anthony’s 65th birthday. It went pretty well and I found it comforting in some ways but afterwards, as the last guests left, I just felt so unbearably sad and alone that I didn’t know how to get through the night. I couldn’t sleep and just felt so tramatised all over again. This time it was a strange sense of dissatisfaction with myself over the way the evening had gone. I’m always trying to do the best for Anthony and beat myself up very badly if I don’t think something has gone well enough. The blame this time was that some people weren’t focussing enough on Anthony and that I should have made them. I know this all sounds rather bizarre but now, looking at it more objectively, I know that this is a reflection of the state of mind I’m in. I think I still blame myself for not being a better advocate for Anthony in his last few weeks and for not saving him from some of the pain and trauma he experienced.
    Anyway, I had to put all this to one side and get ready this morning for a meeting I had asked for at the hospital about issues relating to Anthony’s treatment and final discharge into hospice care. I feel that this went well . My step daughter came with me and we had a long and frank discussion about all the key issues. We found out that Anthony’s tumours had spread more than they had told us and that, due to a delay in reporting his last ct scan results, the consultants hadn’t realised how bad he actually was. They agreed that he shouldn’t have been discharged at that point and that there should have been a plan for his next steps.
    They also agreed to take various steps to try to improve care fo cc patients, including giving information to all cc patients about this web site. I will post more about this meeting in another section of the web site so that current patients and their carers can access it. I am going to follow this up by trying to ensure that these measures are indeed taken. I know Anthony would now be very proud of his wife and daughter and it makes me feel a little better.
    I am now going to try to not find somethig else to beat myself up about for at least a day or 2! I hope you are all ok. Take care!


    Hello Group,
    Well – it is Sunday again. I will get ready to go to church in a while – did I tell you that I started going back to our “small groups” meeting again? It is on Wednesday nights – a few couples from our church meet at one couple’s home – we have refreshments and talk about the sermon from the previous week, pray together, and in general have a nice time. It was hard to go alone at first – Butch and I always went together, but – I do find it a comfort. Those people are all my friends – they were all with us this whole way, and I love them.
    I am also missing my blog. I started a blog to keep everyone informed about Butch. I stopped it when he passed away. I miss writing and am thinking about starting a new one – I believe I can have an icon to the old one on the new site, but I did find the writing cathargic and a way to express myself. The blog was “” and it tells our story about his illness, hospital stays, etc. I go there and look sometimes, and reread our journey to this sad point.
    I have boxed up all the clothes, etc. and given them away. I keep a box of keepsakes on his dresser – I kept his glasses, wallet, personal things, watch, ring, and I look in there from time to time. It was very hard to box up those things, but I feel better – it just tore me up everytime I looked at those clothes. I kept a couple of his favorite shirts, etc. I am surrounded by pictures of him golfing as I sit here – I still have a lot of things here for me to remember him, but – I did empty out the house a bit. I can hear him saying – “I don’t care what you do with this stuff when I am gone – leave it alone now!”. He was kind of a pack rat and I was always wanting to weed out – he objected.
    I have never gone for grief counseling – I still might go, but I haven’t up to this point. I think what has helped me the most is returning to work. I have to admit, my mind is not always on what I am doing there, but – all in all – it does help me to keep busy, outside of this house. I also had a great time with the kids this weekend – a bit weepy at points, but they seem to understand – they just pat my back and say “it’s going to be all right, Grandma”. God love them, I just tell them I am trying to work through the grief, and they usually cry with me!
    I like to think that someday we might all meet – it would certainly be wonderful. In the meantime, this works for me! I feel I have a place where we are all going through the same things at almost the same time, and it is wonderful to be able to express ourselfs. This IS grief management. Did I tell you that the streetlight on either side of my house has gone out, and not been replaced – about a month ago – this is another ones of thoses “lights” stories we talked about – very strange, indeed. my neighbor even called the town to tell them that the lights were blown out!
    I am trying to cut down on the medication they gave me – the anti-depressant – and it is difficult. I took them all through the summer and now I probably need to wean off. They have helped me – I don’t think I could have done this without them. The Doctor assures me that they are not addictive, but – one never knows, and I think it is best to try to cope without them.
    Well – on to church. Everyone try to keep busy today, and avoid the blues if you can.

    Love – Joyce


    Good Morning Everyone,

    I guess it will always seem strange to have one less at the table at family gatherings. I also have gone out to eat on occasion with friends or my Mom & Dad and having that extra empty chair at the table and in the car does really make you aware that that you are no longer a couple, but alone. The worst is always having to go home alone.

    Joyce, It does sound like you are enjoying your time with the girls. I too am dreading the snow. Never thought I would have to deal with that alone either! I don’t like to have to drive in it or shovel it. I am hoping that maybe this winter won’t be quite as bad as last year.

    Sue, Have a nice time tonight & enjoy your time in Spain with your Mom.

    Well I will now paste on a smile & go down & open the shop for the day. Everyone have a nice weekend.



    I usually start my day out by coming on here and reading the new postings. It always makes me feel better, not so alone. Patty, I love that poem – thank you so much. Sue – hope your night out goes well. It is very difficult for me – beng the “5th wheel’ at most events, but I assume that “this too shall pass”. My duaghter mentioned that it seemed funny – her setting the Thanksgiving table for 9 instead of 8 – it is new to all of us. My Granddaughters asked me to take them to the cemetary yesterday, and I did – we all had a cry, talked to Grandpa for a minute, and they seemed to feel better after we left. I told them I was thinking about putting a little bench there, for us to sit on and think, but I haven’t quite decided yet if that is a good idea. Anyway, I took them Christmas shpping for their Mom and Dad (this is our little tradition the day after Thanksgiving), and then we came home and watched the movie. They will go home later today – I have enjoyed the company, I can tell you.

    I am dreading the 1st snowstorm – I am not sure i can handle the snowblower, but – I will need to! We have been lucky so far – only light flurries kind of stuff – it will be here though – this IS central New York, after all! I live to look at snow – just don’t like to drive in it!

    I am ALMOST finished with the Christmas table topper I embroidered all those weeks while Butch was in the hospital, and home here on hospice. I have about an hour or two of stitching to go, and I couldn’t pick it up – too many memories. I picked it up the other night and worked on it – it is Ok now – the good memories of our marriage will outnumber the bad, and every time I get that table topper out at Christmas time for the rest of MY life, I will think of Butch.

    Try to have a good weekend everyone – Love – Joyce


    Dear Joyce, Darla and Patty, Just to say I think you have all done so well over thanksgiving. We are all lucky in having good friends and family to support us, how hard it must be for someone who doesnt have this support.
    Pauline, thanks for letting me know I am not alone in feeling angry – I was beginning to feel a real grump!
    I had my first meal out at some friends last night, it was really strange being there on my own. The table was only set for three and I was very aware I was there on my own, even though my friends husband sat next to me which I thought was a very nice touch, there was still an empty place across the table. I was dreading the evening, but in fact it was very nice, they did talk about Ray a lot and we cried and laughed over some of the things he said and did over the years. However, driving home alone was hard. It was very foggy and it took me 50 minutes to drive home at 30 mph. They asked me to stay but I would have felt uncomfortable doing so.
    I agree that we are all tired, me and the girls feel absolutely exhausted. I am taking my Mum away to Spain on the 6th for a week, a freind has lent us his timeshare so we will just have a quiet time and a good rest. It will do my mum good too, she is 85 and has been so good with me these last few weeks. It would be nice to have some sun, but it will also be a good time just to talk things through.

    Darla, Patty I do hope you can meet up, wouldnt it be wonderful to meet our cyber friends in person!

    I have a dinner dance tonight with our lodge, my mum insisted I went with her. I dont know what to expect but I will put on my glad rags and try to be merry!

    Hope everyone has a good weekend.
    All my love, Sue



    I think you have a great attitude & you do seem to be doing OK. It is nice that you can spend time with your Grandaugthers & the rest of your family. I think you are right, we need to be able to talk & to remember. I know all of the up coming events are going to be hard for all of us. Holidays, anniversaries, birthdays etc., but we will just have to stick together & be there to support each other.


    I am in Plymouth, WI which is about 1 hour north of Milwaukee and approximately half way between Sheboygan & Fond du Lac. I have an antique shop. I would love to have you stop in some time. Thanks for sharing the poem. I did go to the site to read the whole thing. It really is profound. You can’t have one without the other. Joy & sorrow do go hand in hand.

    Everyone take care.



    Hello Everyone,
    Yes – yesterday WAS hard. We did talk about Butch at my daughter’s house – I brought him up. I am SURE people don’t because they think they are “sparing” us, but – it doesn’t help – it IS the “elephant in the room” . Thanksgiving was Butch’s favorite holiday and eating was his “hobby” before he got sick, so the day was bittersweet, but – I tried to be thankful in honor of him. My Granddaughters came home with my to stay until tomorrow, so I am glad for that. We are going shopping for presents for them to give their parents and each other – it is our tradition we have together. Last nmight we watched old Christmas movies on DVD – tonight we will watch :It’s a wonderful life” – Grandpoa Butchie’s favorite Christmas movie – in honor of him. Last year he got mad at a banker and told him – “I’m leaving your bank – I wanted a George Bailey and you are a Mr. Potter” I am sure that the young man didn’t even know what he was talking about, but – our Granddaughters do!!
    The girls talk about Grandpa a lot , and the lessons they learned form him – so does my daughter, so we are keepng his memory alive for ourselves – even when it makes us cry. If I mention him at work, people look a little uncomfortable, I notice. His friends (poker and golf) do call me occasionally – to check up on me – and I think that is nice.
    I am determined to honor his memory by getting through the holidays without being a “wet blanket”. He had such a sense of humor, and loved life so much – the least I can try to do is continue on gratefully, and with grace – it IS hard, though – many times I just want to ignore the whole holiday thing! November 11 (Veteran;s Day) was our anniversary, and December 12 would have been his 67th birthday, so – this is awfully tough.
    I hope that you all will find solace in good memories of the past, as I do. In addition, I try to always remember that I didn’t want him to suffer any more than he did, and where he is now – there is no suffering. I like to think of him out on a beautiful golf course up there in heavne, getting a hole in one!

    Love – Joyce


    It is strange how people think it’s better not to talk about the person but to me it seems like forgetting our loved ones or pretending like they just stepped out of the room and ignoring the reality.

    Some close friends invited us for a BBQ with other close friends a few weeks after my Mom died and my sister didn’t want to go but I told her our friends probably were doing it for us, that they wanted to make sure we got out of the house and to see how we were doing and we should go but it was strange to me that nobody really asked about my Mom, it seemed like the elephant in the room. I think some people just don’t instinctively know how to act or what to say and others do. I stopped in on Saturday to see another friend and she knew to ask and was not uncomfortable, she even said her mother had been pestering her to find out how I was doing.

    Tonight for Thanksgiving my aunt invited us over for dessert and I know she misses my Mom, too, and she has called over the past few months to see how we are doing and to invite me to stop in for tea. Tonight she brought up my Mom and how hard the holiday must be and then later when we were joking about something and I made her laugh she said I was just like my Mom and that made me feel good. I gave my mother’s eulogy and one of things I said was that she could always be counted on to make you laugh at a family party by saying something goofy and I know my aunt knew exactly what I was talking about. My cousin was there, too, and she is a nurse and helped us care for my mother and was devastated by her loss as well. I felt comforted being in the presence of others who miss my Mom and feel her absence in the room.

    Tonight I am reminded of the words of Kahlil Gibran:

    “When you are sorrowful look again in your heart,
    and you will see that in truth
    you are weeping for that which has been your delight.”

    You can see the whole poem here:

    On another note, Darla, where in Wisconsin are you? And what sort of shop do you have? I am in Chicago but have friends in Wisconsin and have been meaning to pay them a visit, if your shop is on the way maybe I will stop in and say hi one of these days.



    Hi Everyone,

    Well, I got through Thanksgiving, but it really was hard. Everyone else in the family are couples & here I am alone. I too am angry right now. I know that everyone was really trying, but most of them don’t even talk about Jim as I think they feel it will upset me more. They don’t realize that I do need to talk about him. My one sister did offer a toast to remember him by, but that is not the same as having him here by my side. I am really trying to remember the good times, but it is so hard. My son & daugther-in-law picked me up so I would not have to go alone & they also spent some time with me when we got back. That helps, but the bottom line is at the end of the day I sit here alone writing to Jim in my journal.

    I agree that the anger does come & go but I can’t say that it is getting any better, at least not yet. I too find myself irritable & easily annoyed, sometimes by the smallest things. I do try to hold it in, but I know that sometimes it does show. Then I feel guilty about it later on.

    I think being tired is probably also part of the problem. I don’t know about the rest of you, but I really do not sleep much or very soundly. I do seem to be exhausted all the time & all I want to do is sleep & then when I go to bed I toss & turn all night & my mind is usually just racing. I try reading, watching TV or listening to the radio, but I just can seem to concentrate on anything for any length of time.

    Well, tomorrow is another day. I will open the shop & deal with things as they come, but trying to be in the Christmas spirit is just not working for me right now. I am more like the Christmas Scrooge! And believe me that certainly is not good for business, but I just don’t really care one way or the other. Nothing seems to have any meaning for me anymore. Nothing really matters. We used to share everything & now I am on my own. This is not what I planned for, but I keep remembering what John Lennon once said. “Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans”. That sure is true. My plans did not include the life I am now forced to lead!

    Sorry I seem to be so negative right now. I will have to try to turn this around some how. Everyone take care.


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