Brother diagnosed 2 months ago

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Brother diagnosed 2 months ago

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    Gavin, thank you so much for all the wonderful support and resources. I am passing on to my sister in law and mom. It is so great to have a place to go where people care and understand and have so much knowledge and experience with this disease. Reading others posts and experiences is so helpful too. Our family is trying to find a way to provide for my brother and continue his recovery from the stroke at home so he is more comfortable and maybe that will help with the depression. One day at a time. Appreciate this site and all you do.


    Hi Oceangirl,

    Welcome to the site. I am very sorry indeed to hear what your brother is going through right now. As Lainy says, as if he and you all don’t already have enough to deal with with the diagnosis of CC, but to have the other issues as well to deal with. My thoughts are with you all right now. I am glad though that you have joined us all here as you are so in the right place for support and help and I know that you will get a ton of each from everyone here. If we can help at all then we so will.

    Depression can be quite common and my dad was given prozac as well during his hospital stay, he was in hospital for around 7 weeks. Yes they can take time to work and lets hope that your brother meds work for him, and if they do not seem to be working then please try and keep on top of that. A positive attitude will certainly help you all but I know that sometimes that can be hard to maintain. As to the nutrition, there are many drinks and powders that can be added to foods to help build up weight and you will find a ton of info on these here on the nutrition board that we have on the site. It can be found here –

    Ensure and procal drinks work well and my mum takes these each day. She has copd and really needs to build her weight up. There are many drinks out there and some people prefer some over others. If meals are hard to digest then eating smaller amounts more often may also be of help to your brother as well. I assume that your brother will also be on meds for his blood clots too? Warferin?

    My fingers are crossed that the Folfox works for your brother. Yes it can be very hard to stay positive sometimes and you and your family have far more than anyone should have to deal with at any time. Please keep coming back here as much and as often as you want to as I know that talking can help, it certainly did for me. And know as well that you are not alone in this anymore. We are here for you, we know what you are going through and we care.

    My best wishes to you and your family,



    Oceangirl, you are not alone anymore we are your new family addition! You post what ever you need to post and when ever you want to post it. You will get a lot of help from here!


    Hi Lainey, thank you so much for your helpful and caring response. He has been started on an antidepressant but of course they take some time to take effect. I am not surprised he is depressed either with so much stacked against him.i will mention the carnation instant breakfast to my sister in law and see if he will try it. He has not eaten much since the stroke and starting the new chemo. He lives in and is being treated in Southern Maine and did go to Dana Farber in Boston, but not much more was offered or suggested for him. I’m starting to wish we had pushed for more opinions and looked at other places, but my brother can also be stubborn and it was tough to even get him to go to Boston at the time. We are hoping the folfox works too and that its all not for nothing as he has been so miserable. He is dealing with all this and having to be in rehab to get therapy for the stroke, because that treatment can’t wait either. We are all trying to stay as positive as we can. somedays its really hard. its hardest on my mom and sister in law, they are working so hard to take care of and advocate for him. thank you so much for your kind and encouraging words and prayers. It helps to not feel so alone in all this especially this cancer we had all never heard of before. Peace-


    Dear oceangirl, I am heartbroken for your brother and family as well. As if CC is not enough he gets a triple whammy. I would think the ONC can give him something for depression. Who wouldn’t be depressed? Have you tried some nutritional drinks? My husband loved the Carnation Instant Breakfast, Vanilla and I would blend in a Banana. It has all the needed nutrition and can take the place of a full meal. May I ask where he is bring treated and have you sought a 2nd opinion, we are huge believers in that. Try to keep up good attitudes, I know its tough but attitudes are everything. Also be VERY strong. I am hoping the Folfox does the job, we have seen it before on here. Much luck to you and I will be saying prayers that the Folfox works! Please keep us updated on his progress.


    Hi, I am new here, my brother is 43 and was diagnosed 2 months ago and is having a very difficult time. Surgery was ruled out with chemo as the only option for now. Gemzar ( I think it’s called?) did not work and the cancer has spread and tumor grew larger in short period of time. He has also been plagued with multiple blood clots and had a stroke a week and a half ago. He has no motor loss but has limited communication due to aphasia. Oncologist is calling this cancer very aggressive and has started him on folfox. My brother has had a miserable time with this one, with severe fatigue and lack of appetite. He is also clinically depressed. Anyone out there have any similar issues? Things are looking dire but we are all trying to stay as positive as we can. Our family is devastated and I am heartbroken for my brother and his family. It is hard to see him suffer so and to feel so helpless.

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