Devoncat no more

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    Amen, Lainy, AMEN!


    Hans you are so right, we have had a very unwelcome 2 weeks. I think what we have to do is live with the hope that those to come will have more choices in the way of treatments and at best a way to diagnosis CC earlier. I have said it before and I again repeat, this is the most amazing web site! People from all over the world, some who are doing very well, some who are not and of course the Care Givers. Everyone in their own way sharing their journey and their love. The World could take a lesson from this Board!


    Thanks for all the support. I’ll keep you updated on you how things go.

    I have to admit I feel almost presumptuous bumping this thread to the top again and again though. She has been gone for a moth and a half, and it’s shocking seeing how many more have passed away in that short time. Many of them people I remember her talking fondly about. It’s building up to be quite a crowd upstairs.

    While she lived I left this site to her, but after her death I’ve been coming back to it every so often. I knew it was a double sided experience for her here – she found so much support, but also so much pain from seeing new found friends succumb to the illness that brought them together. But seeing the scale of it first hand is chilling…



    What a bittersweet journey that must have been.

    I’m sitting at my desk with Kris’ wonderful picture and obituary in front of me. I’ve shared her determination, sassiness and fight against this disease with so many of my coworkers that we feel as if we’ve lost a close friend.

    I’ll be on the beach on Saturday to remember this remarkable young woman and the wonderful husband who loved her so.



    You and your families are in my thoughts and prayers.


    Hans: Will be thinking of you and Kris on Saturday.



    Hans: Let me join in with the others, so happy that you and Kris got back to the US safely with no incidents. I too will be thinking of you on Saturday.



    I am speechless ….with tears in my eyes….i pray we find a cure someday!



    Thank you so for much for sharing Kris’s journey home with you. I am glad that you arrived safely and I will be thinking of you on Saturday.




    Thanks for letting us know that both you and Kris have arrived safely with no problems along the way. I am so relieved for you that there were no issues to deal with on the flight to take her home. What a strange, sad journey this must be for you. I too will be with you in spirit on Saturday with all of you in my thoughts and prayers, especially you, dear Hans.

    Love & Hugs,


    Hans, thank you for the update. I think Kris had 3 wonderful homes, her parents, you and the one she is in now. I will certainly be there Saturday in spirit and my Prayers go out to you. Whom ever each of us believes in, I pray for him to heal us all in Mind and Spirit.


    Dear Hans….thanks so much for allowing us to share the journey of our sweet Kris. Home is where her heart is. And, now that is where Kris is also.


    Hans, thank you for the update. I am glad that you didnt have any problems bringing her home. She was so blessed to have you as her husband and have you in her life. We all miss her wonderful posts and presence on this board. May God Bless you during this time. I will be thinking of her and saying a prayer for Kris on Saturday.



    Kris made it home to South Carolina safely and without any drama yesterday. We got in late, but Andrea picked us up at the airport.

    It was a strange feeling in many ways – I took the same train and flight to Frankfurt that Kris and I took in December, and then flew the same routes to Washington and Columbia we flew when we went there for her last family Christmas a year ago. For years I’ve imagined carrying her home in my hand luggage, and that’s just what I did.

    The potential problems about flying with ashes that I’d worried so much about turned out to be a complete nonissue – no one even asked to see any documentation and security made no trouble at all.

    All seems to be set for the second memorial on Saturday. But right now I’m just happy that she’s home at last…


    Hans……thank you for allowing us to partake in the most breathtaking way of saying good by to our dear Kris. Ave Maria, to me, is the most beautiful song. Whichever rendition I love all. Many years ago I had mentioned to Kris that I would like to adopt her to become my second daughter. Her answer: sure. My favorite color is purple. So very Kris.
    Hugs to you,



    Again … thank you for continuing to share Kris with us. When I first came to this board Kris was already here – and like so many I found great comfort, hope and knowledge in her posts. At a personal level I found her so very interesting as she was living a life I had only dreamed of; namely living abroad. And, I was always curious about how a girl from South Carolina learned she had cc in Scottland and lived in Sweden. From her posts, I could always see how Kris relished her life with you through, but like so many people “home” holds a special place in our hearts – and so it appears to be true for Kris as well.

    May you have safe and peaceful travels as you take your Kris home.


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