Do you have Pink Ribbon Fatigue?

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion Do you have Pink Ribbon Fatigue?

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    I love to wear pink, but feel that like the word ‘gay’, pink has been hijacked.

    Why can’t we just donate to ‘cancer’ research, and not just to specific and high profile cancers?
    I don’t want to eat pink biscuits, wear pink undies, dye my hair pink just to benifit breast cancer, I want the world to be cancer free.

    What can we do to change all of this?


    Someone has already stated we need a famous person/spokesman to have a loved one or themselves have cc and only then will the disease be recognized and research started. It seems strange that the only time we get help for causes is when a rich or famous person draws attention to the problem. Only then do people take action to help


    The arrogance of the Susan B Komen people is ridiculous. They seem to believe that their foundation and their cancer is so much more worthy than any other foundation or cancer. One has to wonder how much money raised goes to breast cancer research and how much goes to simply perpetuate the foundation – aka “operating expenses”.

    I’d say that breast cancer, with an 89% remission rate, is virtually cured. Thanks be to God! It’s probably as good as it’s going to get. I’m very happy that people who get breast cancer usually live to tell about it. I’m also very sad that people with other sorts of cancers don’t live to tell about it, and get very little attention.


    I agree with Marion. I sometimes think, well maybe CC is rare so we can’t hope to be the loudest shouter, but what about pancreatic cancer, and other gastro-intestinal cancers. They are so often serious, and yet still we see pink every where. Just today I saw a charm for my bracelet which is pink with the logo – I bet most of the money from each charm sold doesn’t go to research.

    Unfortunately, CC becomes more well known as it’s incidence rises. When my grandmother died of CC in the 80s they didn’t even name it – even my mum just knew it as ‘one of the rare liver cancers’. Now we can say it and people know.



    Breast cancer still takes many lives and it does need to be given the attention it deserves. My problem with their campaign is due to the marketing strategy. I assume that a portion of the profits go to breast cancer research however, much of it is a capital gain to companies. Ugh….Cancer research and treatment should not be a profitable endeavor, but unfortunately it is so.


    I cannot agree more with some of the above. Granted every cuase needs a voice – it just frustrates me to no end that our voice is so weak and every time I see a pick ribbon it just bothers me to think that breast cancer is the absolute worst.



    Oh boy, I’m relieved that my inner feelings about pink vs cc are shared by others.



    I totally agree with what everyone has said. I am so sick of PINK!


    The New York Times article makes some very good points especially regarding the relationship between corporate sponsors and the Susan B. Komen Foundation. Here in northern Ohio, we are very very PINK. I was just grumbling to myself about this yesterday. Everywhere I went, there was the pink ribbon – the coffee shop, the grocery store, the hardware store (I thought I’d be safe there but nope – pink tool kits). I wonder too where all of the money goes and how much of it goes to pay for advertising.



    So good to hear the frustation. I have a lot of guilt about these feelings. These are not feelings easily shared, being cancer victims you want hope for all,. We all know it could happen to us and we would appreciate the love and support. Just hard to understand a cancer with a pretty good survival rate now gets so much support and a cancer with such a barely non existant survival rate gets next to none.
    Thanks for the cc site to help us express our “guilt thoughts” Cathy


    When I check out at the Super Markets and they ask me to make a donation for Breast Cancer I reply, “No thank you. When research starts on CC, which my husband has, I will again donate”.


    I remember when I lived in Scotland, you could buy a pink mop and some percent would go to breast cancer charity. In Sweden, the pink is everywhere now too. I think of all the money raised in all these countries in October and just become sick.

    My favorite aunt is a breast cancer survivor, so I do appreciate the strides made there. BUT, I find the whole thing disgusting now. It is actually something that has made me so hot, I have needed to talk about it with my psychologist. I would not doubt that between all the pink campaigns throughout the US and Western Europe and all those breast cancer charities that over a billion dollars is raised annually. Where does that money go? Who knows. That is why I am so proud of the CC Foundation and its first ASCO grant.



    I have to agree. There is something called “overkill” in fact, I find their campaigns offensive. I had spoken with the president of the Susan B. Komen Foundation at one of the numerous medical conferences I attend on behalf of The Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation. I was disappointed by her brief response to my question as to how we could move forward and gain momentum in the fight with our cancer. Basically, she could not share any advice with me. On the other hand though, I have to mention that the Susan B. Komen Foundation has sponsored numerous events benefitting other cancer. But, this does not make up for the saturation of pink, pink, everywhere. It is out of control and highly offensive to all other cancer patients.
    Best to all,


    Lisa, somewhere here I posted about my frustration regarding this very topic. It was a year or so ago. Whenever the telemarketers call my home wanting me to donate, I simply state that my belief is there are many other cancers out there that do not get the funding they need.


    Another October, another slap in the face to cancer patients who have the audacity to not get breast cancer.

    Here’s a great blog article with comments about the marketing gimmick known as “Breast Cancer Awareness” campaigns.

    The author and those who commented make terrific points about breast cancer awareness campaigns and funding versus those of other types of cancer.


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